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His blood curses us, yet it is his to which we must aspire


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The Astartes stood before the gargantuan tapestry. It depicted a great winged man, striking down a monstrous, heinous creature. Besides the echoes of his armoured boots on the steel floors, the cavernous hall was silent. He was helmetless. His skin pale, his organic eye red. The eerie green light of second, bionic eye, occasionally flickered out of life at random intervals. It had malfunctioned in this way for so long the ancient Astartes had ceased to note it.


He looked up at the Angel. His face was noble, pure. His eyes were closed, shielding his sight from the blasphemy of that he smote. He stood tall, proud.


The Daemon lay on its back, defeated. Even in the terror of imminent death did it look upon the man in awe, understanding the might and glory with which it was vanquished.


The Astartes turned to face the hall. Two hundred of his brothers, his chapter's entire strength, looked to him. To a man they were clad in the rich silver and deep red of their chapter. This assembly had been brought about in dire circumstances. For the first time in their history the Death Company had grown to be greater than half of the remainder of the Chapter. This was the beginning of the end, and they all knew it. The proud men who stood before him were nought but shepherds of the flock of death now, guiding it to pastures of blood until it was their turn to join that grim, maddened host.


'It has been many millennia, my brothers. The years have taken their toll on us all.' He stopped to look at each, noting the varieties in power armour marks each wore, a prime example of the improvisation his chapter had had to work by since being declared renegade centuries earlier. His was no different. What little remained of his original plate grated with every movement, forever affronted at being diluted with younger marks of varying quality and source.


'These are the darkest of days.'


'Yet there is hope.'


'The time has come brothers, for us to return to the light, and to the Emperor's fold. The Primoginators call for aid, and we answer.'


'Some of you wonder why we risk censure. Others why we risk unleashing the curse within us upon those we would call ally. The foul Daemon, Ka'Bandha descends upon the Blood World, brothers. That same blasphemous monstrosity that our Lord, the Angel, struck down upon Holy Terra itself as in the image you see before you, now dares to return and threaten the home of our Lord.'


'For those who would not risk censure - I ask you, what redemption exists without sacrifice? For those who fear we cannot control our curse -  I ask you this: is it not the Angel's pure, eternal hatred of the daemon and the traitor that drives our brothers, and all of us, to madness? Will not the slaying of our greatest foes by our hands abate the burning rage we all hold within us as the thirst for revenge is finally quenched?'


'This battle will see the shame of our Chapter cast down as we cast down the Daemon. No longer shall the Knights of Blood be seen as those who have embraced the curse of the Angel's blood. Instead, we will be seen as those who have embraced the greatness of that blood.'


For too long have we hidden away fighting our secret crusade, cowering in the darkness. Now we will raise fist, blade and bolter against our foes with pride. We will wash away the sins of our past with the blood of the Daemon!' We will unleash such hell upon the diabolic filth that they will lament at ever having slithered from the Ether!


The two hundred Knights of Blood were on their feet, bellowing agreement and swearing oaths to fight and slay to the very last drops of their blood.


And so, The Knights of Blood, after years of isolation would return to the realm of mankind, agony, fire and death their companions.





The above painting (which can be found in the National Gallery in London), somewhat inspired me to write the story. Should be fairly obvious as to how!


Anyway, some good feedback would be welcome as it does not feel complete or to the standard I really want. Any views would be welcome.

I think that I could do more to describe the main character in this, we don't know anything about him. Maybe more description of the hall, and the Space Marines within it? I'm not really a fan of the last few sentences either.

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I like Knights of Blood Stuff,Change one sentence to" they bang their fists to chest and vow by the blood.


I'm glad you like I'm writing about them! Thanks for commenting. Can you tell me which sentence you think should be replaced exactly with what?


For anyone else reading, I've made a few minor adjustments, including a bit more description of the chapter master.

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