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I just got my dreadknight and was super excited to put it together BUT, I rather dislike the overall feel of the dreadknight and I realized it wasn't so much the terminator bjorn but the over-sized exoskeleton approach. To me, a suit that big deserves internally driven mechanisms, you don't see TDA suits with hydraulic pistons, so why put it on a larger suit? But that's just me. Anyway so I decided to go with a more...dakka themed dreadknight for some over the top ridiculousness, because the concept is already pretty ridiculous so why not go the extra mile. I like to think this dreadknight took a page from the Ork's book and decided more dakka is in fact better.


It's still a WIP so there will be more to come but the basic color scheme is more or less done. Let me know what you guys think!

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I really wanted to shoulder mount the psycannon and psilencer while arm mounting the flamer but was disappointed to see I could only build 2 of the 3 weapons. Not to be defeated I decided to just turn his arm into a flamer. Also, the idea of a retractable sword ala Pacific Rim is awesome to me. He also gets to keep a powerfist which *technically* means I get the 2 weapon bonus, haha.

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Primed and ready for painting (I use a metallic silver primer/paint can, pita for darker color but generally pretty nice for basic color schemes)

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Mostly done! Details, highlights, and shadows to do!


Any ideas how you might balance this beast out if I were to try and use all three guns? Shoot 2/3 a turn? Lose a melee attack? Both? Other?

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