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Helldrake was a fun model to paint - my suggestion is to prime it in your trim colour then carefully paint in the other colours. That will help you from it becoming "oh god, all this trim!" which can easily happen as its about 50% trim. :)

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Yeah, I'm in a similar boat - retributor gold isn't anywhere close to my gold, but it makes a good base to drybrush golden griffon over it.  As for the wash, if you are careful it shouldn't be too big of a deal, just so long as you are prepared for and your trim colour lets you do a multitude of small touch ups after.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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The sprays are never quite the same as the pots so it's worth keeping in mind. As for touching up... I do that a lot normally so it is to be expected :laugh.::sweat: Had a busy week and probably another next week but I'll see when I can get back on the hobby horse as the Chosen are close to being done :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been some time coming, but finished at last:


I think they came together well, the extra gubbins like the chainswords and holsters help give them a difference - caveat is that I'm holding off on the transfers as I've decided I'm long overdue getting some microsol and set. I find it nicer to work in bulk for transfers anyway and they are fine for the table top :smile.:

I need to finish my outstanding projects I think, reset my hobby plans. This will also mean clear decks make for easy adjustments to whatever the new codex may bring (same for my other armies waiting their turn). Though it won't change the queue contents of course it could change the order :laugh.:

To counter the delay, I wrote up a small lore piece to go with them:

The Gue'la of Estalium were putting up a good fight; each victory had been costly but they were being pushed back and at last the vital nexus point had been secured - from now on the Gue'la were no longer the ones with the advantageous position. Now the T'au could be the ones holding the metaphorical cards; a safe and defensible choke point from which to launch punishing raids rather than receive them. Their so-called gods had failed them.

Such that when reports of a Gue'ron'sha squad's presence were received it was not met with much concern. Potent as these warriors were they were too small in number to threaten the rapidly built fortifications and the Gue'la militia too poorly equipped to pose a risk. At first the Pathfinders went missing. Then Fire Warrior patrols. Battlesuits were promptly sent to hunt them down and preserve morale.

"We are the Faith Takers, Slaanesh will take you all" was the message heard from the Shas'vre's final communication - heard clearly even over his screams. The Shas'O immediately moved to bolster defences and morale, reminding all that unlike the foolish Gue'la they had no faith to be taken.

It was to be words spoken poorly. When the Gue'ron'sha attacked they did so with contempt. Striding forth as if without a care in the world carefully aimed pulse shots seemed to somehow be off when the shot fired; those few that hit bounced off ceramite harmlessly or as some claimed passed right through. They approached until their eery silence could be made out; closer still and their golden mask's stoic faces could be easily seen.

When the defenders felt the despair of their weaponry and tactics doing nothing they realised too late. The golden masks twisted into rictus grins as their bearers howled with unnatural laughter as once more Slaanesh drank deep of taken faith, and her chosen sons carrying out their merry slaughter with impossible speed and cruelty.

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Thanks Tallarn, the masks are simple: Retributor Armour (pot version) followed by a decent Seraphim Sepia wash (focused on the face to get the details) :smile.: Liquid talent indeed :wink: I wanted a different gold to the standard trim colour (Auric), it's the only other gold I have but just as well as they turned out nicely especially with how little effort was involved :thumbsup:

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