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Space Wolf Story

Brother Darkover

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Hello all!  I am a very much longtime lurker here at the B&C and very much an amateur storyteller.  However, I have been trying to actually sit down and come up with a coherent story revolving around a particular future Wolf Lord.  So here is the beginning to that and any comments, questions, and concerns are always welcome!




              The clan’s wizened shaman was making arcane symbols in the air asking for the blessings of the Allfather, Russ and the Sky-Warriors.  The boy in front of him stands still, solemnly waiting for the moment where he will officially start his journey to become a full member of the clan. The boy is handed his first bow and his first knife.  They seem massive compared with his tiny frame, but he was expected to master both of these weapons to earn his place among the clan.  His parents stood to the side watching the shaman as he performs the final stages of the ritual.  With a flourish it was done, the boy would now either join the clan or die trying.

                The boy was older now, the bow and knife no longer quite so absurd in his hands.  His prey was only a few meters away, unaware of his presence in the shadows of the glade.  The massive elk pawed the ground furtively, as if sensing something was amiss.  The boy jumped from the shadows and plunged his knife into the elk’s neck, carving a bloody furrow.  The great beast shuddered and died, its thread cut.  The boy grinned; the clan will eat well tonight.

                The wizened shaman was making arcane symbols in the air, again asking for the blessings of the gods.  The boy kneeling in front of him has grown considerably, his young form filled out to becoming a young adult.  The rest of the clan was standing to the side, waiting in silence for the old man to complete the ceremony.  With a flourish he cut the palm of the boy and spoke.  “Rise young warrior,” he whispered, “your blood is on the snow, your thread cut. Now join the rest of your clan.  Through tests and trials you have proven worthy of your ancestors. You have learned to become one with the shadows of your home.  Through your acts you no longer walk with the living. You walk among the spirits of Hel now.  Rise and become Ghostwalker.”

                The raiders came on black sails.  Their island had been claimed by seas of Fenris earlier in the fickle summer months.  When they reached the village the warriors found it deserted except for a youth.  Anundir Ghostwalker contemptuously drew his bow and shot the lead warrior before walking calmly into the nearby woods.  The battle had begun.

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