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++ March of the Legions: XX Legion ++


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Month 1: The XX Legion

Welcome, Brothers and Sisters of the Age of Darkness, to our very first painting and modeling challenge! What is the Challenge, you ask?

We've all had those odd, strange, or insane ideas as we have progressed deeper into the Heresy storyline. That idea you had for an army, or a character; but due to being knee deep in our own armies, we simply didn't have the time or finances to follow through with that idea. Alongside that, we still have many newer 'recruits' to the Ship of the Heresy who are still trying to nail down an idea, formulate a story to base their armies, or create a unique heraldry for their Legion.

So, as a community, we're gonna kill two birds with one stone. We're going to exercise the demons of our creativity, while aiding our community who may still be struggling with their decision.

Starting on the 1st of every month, we shall focus our united efforts on one Legion. Our task shall be to paint and convert one single model representing a company/battalion/coven/cell of our unique creation, using the wildest of our ideas, and creating a 'soundbite' of fluff for that model ranging from the Unification Wars, to the Siege of Terra. An excellent example of a 'fluff soundbite' would be the small fluff entries as seen next to the individual Legionary artwork in the Forgeworld Horus Heresy books.

Before the last day of every month, you must present your finished model with five pictures, minimum; front, back, each side, and a shot of your choice; along with the bit of fluff expanding on the character you created, and touching on his Company's history.

Don't limit your imagination. Create the wildest, coolest, most creative model you can. Unique honours, battles no one's ever heard before, even unique paint schemes!

At the end of each month, I will archive these pictures and histories, one Legion at a time, and save them to a Pinned topic, so that future generations of people who want to give their life savings to Forgeworld can be inspired to do so. tongue.png

Of course, a banner is needed...


For every model / history you create for this glorious Challenge within the time limit, you will earn a colored-in Pip of the Legion completed.

Now, with the rules out of the way, let us begin.... with an Oath of Moment to our first Legion, the XX. Recite this, should you dare, and take upon your shoulders the March of the Legions.


I, 1000heathens, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear.


Oathed to this challenge:





Captain Nameless



Brother Chaplain Kage

Marshal Sampson of Terra



Sgt. Cotys















Darth Potato

chaplain mortis

Barabbas Sogalon

Brother Vidius








Brother Captain Lucian





Bjorn Stormfang


Xin Ceithan

noctus cornix














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I, Slipstreams, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear.

Oh boy! This will be fun biggrin.png Having just finished painting a part of my Imperial Fists this will be a nice change of pace! Also, I do feel bad for any uncomfortable with painting yellow the month the VIIth take the Lead!


I will be using a Contemptor Dreadnought with 2 DCCWs as my model, by Alpharius and Omegon I shall Succeed!

Edit: I vote for this to be our theme song :p

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Oh, going to have to come up with something different then I have before.


I, Daemon2027, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear.

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I, Grotsmasha, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear. 

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This is a very cool idea.  I'm on board.  Quick question: your description states "unique fluff" for your model.  Is it a requirement that it be unique, or can I say, still use the battle of Paramar for the XX Legion?  I should also state that, as a loyal servant of the Emperor, I am distinctly uncomfortable pledging any sort of allegiance or HONOUR to a traitor legion.  Loyalty, after all, is its own reward.  


Edit:  I'm officially in.  


I, Millicant, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my temporary efforts to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear.

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I second the motion to use the Imperial March as the theme song for this event, and


I, the Nameless Captain, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear.


I am quite happy how well my name fits with this legion, in fact I think that will be a good place to start with the fluff.

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This is a very cool idea.  I'm on board.  Quick question: your description states "unique fluff" for your model.  Is it a requirement that it be unique, or can I say, still use the battle of Paramar for the XX Legion?  I should also state that, as a loyal servant of the Emperor, I am distinctly uncomfortable pledging any sort of allegiance or HONOUR to a traitor legion.  Loyalty, after all, is its own reward.  

Who said we couldn't have out minis be Loyalist (ie Omegon Followers) Alpha Legion ;)

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This is a very cool idea.  I'm on board.  Quick question: your description states "unique fluff" for your model.  Is it a requirement that it be unique, or can I say, still use the battle of Paramar for the XX Legion?  I should also state that, as a loyal servant of the Emperor, I am distinctly uncomfortable pledging any sort of allegiance or HONOUR to a traitor legion.  Loyalty, after all, is its own reward.  


Loyalty is questionable during the Heresy, yes, but we have seen loyalists amongst traitors, and traitors amongst loyalists. If you choose, write about one of these determined individuals?


And of course, if you wish to use a known battle, please feel free! Maybe, expand on a certain site of the war that was passed over and given little information?


EDIT: Of course, another answer would be to create a model from the Legion's early years in the Sol system. No traitors or heresy back then, lol.

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I,Vazzy, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear.

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I, Kizzdougs, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear. 




I've been wanting to do something like this for ages (attempt to epitomise each of the Legions in a single (per Legion) miniature)! Now I get to do it and participate in a community event at the say time :) I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.



Now, the XX... hmmmm...

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I, Brother Chaplain Kage, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honor to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear. 



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I, Marshal Sampson of Terra, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear. 

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just wondering, why is each oath to the XX Legion, and not the specific legion of the vower?


We're doing a different Legion each month. This month is XX Legion month smile.png

whoops, that is stated above. guess I just mis-read it. Thanks for the fast reply.


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This sounds like a real breath of fresh air, for someone who flits between World Eaters, Word Bearers, Iron Warriors and Alpha legion this could not have been better timing. Who knows I may even be inspired to do some work on a legion I am less interested in. Count me in. Also can I do a character that is already mentioned like Exodus? As I have just gathered all the parts to create him.

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I, MindOfMetal accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear. 


I love my tenth legion army, but have had a lot of fun recently painting a unification era Imperial Fist kill team.  This looks like all sorts of fun to me.

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I, lukee, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or Ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I Swear.


Exodus is getting started tonight. Hope to share WIP as soon as possible.

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Not sure if or when I'd get the time, but what the hey.


I, Sgt Cotys, accept my role in this. I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory. I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe. I pledge my honour to the XX Legion. On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear.


Not sure what I'll do. May have to draw from my XXth Legion air-cav/Fireforce ideas for this.

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I, Atia, accept my role in this.

I promise to lead the XX Legion into the zone of war, and conduct them to glory.

I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe.

I pledge my honour to the XX Legion.

On this matter, and by this weapon, I swear.

I'll do the Chief Librarian of the Alpha Legion (or at least that guy who was at Nicaea, you can't be sure biggrin.png)

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