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Rise of the Iron Wolves - Latest update: Story One

Frater Cornelius

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Wolf-cursed and Wolf-bornby their honor they've sworn
To keep evil forever at bay!
And the fiercest foes routwhen they hear triumph's shout.
Iron Wolvesby your side we join in the fray!

Hearken now, sons of snow, to an age long ago

The tale, boldly told of the ones, 

who were kin to both wolf and the races of man

with a power to rival the sun!

And the Runes have foretold, of black reign in the cold,
That when brothers wage war come unfurled!
Darkest Gods, Bane of Kings, ancient shadows unbound,
with a hunger to swallow the world!

But a day shall arise, when the Dark Power dies,
will be silenced forever and then the world will be free from the Empyrean Maw!

Wolf-cursed and Wolf-bornby their honor they've sworn
To keep evil forever at bay!
And the fiercest foes routwhen they hear triumph's shout.
Iron Wolvesby your side, we join in the fray!







1. Story One: Rise of the Iron Wolves



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As you might recall, I have had plenty of ideas of how to make my army, but I never saw it through, because I was never quite pleased with it. I could never pin point the problem.
After a while I needed a break to due increasing frustration.
Now, however, I am back on track. The last bits and pieces arrived on the 31st of December 2014 and now, with the new year starting, I can finally resume building my force. I have found a combination of units that I like.
Soon, the first models will be dropping in here. I am very excited to be able to field that army in a week or so, when the models are recognizable enough to be fielding in an unfinished state.

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My latest creation is currently being cut apart and Frankenstein-ed together on my table. Working with big metal minis is tough, when you do not own the required industrial equipment and do not wish to invest in said equipment because you only have one single metal model :D

I mean, have your ever attempted to cut 1" of metal without the appropriate tools? Oo


Minor updates will follow in the next week or so. Those are mainly going to be Troops choices though, all 16 models of them. Maybe even a small HQ section, depending on my laziness.


The big boss will need to wait a while though. Getting a (literal) handful of metal to behave requires you to be sufficiently metal yourself. I am working on it :D

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Story One: Rise of the Iron Wolves

"Come, drink. Become the warriors you were always meant to be. Unleash the true strength hidden within you."

Brynjölf hesitated.

They were assembled in a large hall on a space ship. The 'Flames of Purity', an Inquisitorial vessel that roamed
the neighboring sectors for signs of daemonic activity. At least, that was what they were told.

He looked around. In front of him stood a tall man clad in Power Armour and adorned with various golden
trinkets. On his chest was an insignia. The seal of the Inquisition.

Behind the hooded Inquisitor stood the warriors of his brotherhood, that already accepted his 'gift'. These men were swayed by the
promises of power and glory.
Amongst them were also Henchmen, servants to the Inquisitor.

Behind him was the other half of the brotherhood, those more loyal to him than to their Inquisitorial master. All of them clad in black armour.
They were all men of different backgrounds. Some were honest workers, others thieves and murderers. He
himself was a convict, sentenced to death for rebelling against the leaders of his old home planet. Whoever
they may have been, they have all been turned into something else. Made loyal only to the man by whose
grace they lived.
No one asked them if they wished such a fate. Taken from their homes and shipped to an unknown place,
to remake them. Most did not survive the procedure. Those who did were then subject to extreme
indoctrination and re-education. No questions have been answered, no pleas have been heard. They tried
to break us, make us mindless killing machines. However, the spirit of a true warrior is not as easily broken.

The warriors all stood without motion, looking at the scene. They all knew why there were here.

"Come," said the Inquisitor again, "claim your destiny!"

Brynjölf took the chalice. It was filled with a liquid red as blood and thick as tar. For a moment, time stood
still. He could see the yellow grin of the Inquisitor in front of him, he could hear the engines of the ship, he
could almost feel the tension in the room.

He looked into the chalice... then he emptied it on the floor.

"We refuse." he growled.

"You fools! You have no idea wha-"
The Inquisitor was interrupted by distant laugh. It was a crackle that would freeze the blood in the veins
of any ordinary man. It drew closer until is seemed to come from every corner inside the great hall.

"You dare to refuse this prescious gift?"
A voice said. It was like nothing Brynjölf has ever heard before.
It was like it was coming from inside his own mind, and yet it seemed to echo inside the room.
A shadow started materializing around the hall. Then it stood in front of him. At least twice as tall as a
fully grown Astartes. Where ever it walked, reality seemed to shift. It seemed to care very little for the laws
of this world.

"A dog that will not do as it is told, will have to suffer." It spoke. "Now, obey my command, mongrels!"
The Astartes surrounding Brynjölf and his men slowly began to draw closer.

Much to the confusion of the hooded Inquisitor, Brynjölf smiled.

"NOW!" yelled one of Brynjölf's companions. Without hesitation, the Astartes drew their weapons and
opened fire. Shorty after that, a massive explosion nearly blew them off their feet. The ships on which
of Brynjölf and his companions arrived opened fire on the main part of the fleet. The support craft went
down before they had time to react. The flagship itself took direct fire and the engines failed. There was
no escape anymore.

This took the fallen Astartes by surprise and before they realized what has happened, many of them fell
to an unrelenting barrage of Bolter-fire. This advantage did not last long, however, and they echoed the
attack with equal aggression. Shots were fired, blades clashed, brothers in arms fought each other.

Brynjölf ignored the fighting around him. His gaze was fixated on the creature in front of him. He drew
his two-handed Greatsword and ran straight at it.

They all knew why they were here.

Blood flowed red as brothers clashed. Lifeless bodies fell left and right. In the center of them all, Brynölf
and the giant figure fought a fierce battle to the death.
His opponent was far superior in both strength and speed, however. The Astartes was backed into a corner,
wounded and without a way out.
Brynjölf did not recall in full detail what had happened next. It was as if a bestial rage had overtaken him.
A nearby explosion grabbed the attention of the creature for but a heartbeat. It was enough. He acted
instinctively more than he acted consciously and lunged at the monster with a fierce howl of a cornered
animal. His blade drove deep in its chest and pierced the creature's heart.
With a deafening screech the giant figure twisted and cringed. Purple flames began to erupt from the
cleaving wound. Then, with a final agonizing scream, the creature exploded into a great firestorm that
engulfed the entire hall.

After the flames had lifted, Brynjölf raised his head and got on his feet, though he had to lean on his
sword to be able to stand. He looked around. Only a handful of his loyal companions were still standing, none of his fallen ones did.
The flames have burned away the black colour on their Power Armour, showing the grey metal
He felt movement next to him and turned his head. The Inquisitor was lying there, heavily injured
and barely clinging to life. He caught his eyes.

"You.. mongrels were a failure! You.. filthy lapdogs!" he spoke, blood flowing from his mouth.
Brynjölf looked at him. "We may be many things, 'Inquisitor', but we are no lapdogs of yours!"
With these words he ended the life of his former master.

A few Astartes approached Brynjölf.
"Battlegroup Sverd has boarded and is scouring the ship. Soon we will be able to blow this cursed
hunk of metal into the abyss." one of them spoke.

"Good," replied Brynjölf. "Tell them to use the ship's coms to send out an emergency call to the nearest
sector. Tell them that we have been overwhelmed and that retreat was impossible. Tell them that the
Inquisitor has fallen... And with him fell his Hounds."

"Understood." said the Astartes and turned to bark orders through his vox.

Brynjölf looked over the battlefield. It was a blood bath. For a moment he felt pity for all the fallen,
both on his side, and the opposing.
Anger rose in him. Turning to the remaining warriors he shouted:

"Brothers, we have been drafted by a power hungry madman. Dragged from our homes and forced to
be his personal executioners! We committed deeds no man of honour would ever commit! No longer!
Today we break free from our chains!"

He paused. The Astartes present cheered and he heard many voices shouting approval through their
vox network. A fire started burning in his heart.

"Today, we all witnessed the death of the Hounds of Xerath."

"And the rise of the Iron Wolves!"

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Thanks ;)


I'll be putting some of those up once in a while, when I have no conversions or painting to show.

Small stories regarding the ex-Hounds of Xerath, today known as the Iron Wolves. That way you can connect the dots bit by bit to eventually (and hopefully) realizing what they are, and more importantly, *who* they are.


I think this way is a bit more fun than giving dry IA and straight up telling you the facts ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am shamelessly bumping this thread to let you guys know that the next story is on its way. I will have it up in the next few days.

It sets after the time of the first story. After the survivors cut themselves off their past (literally) and renamed themselves the Iron Wolves. After many years of battles without support their numbers are dwindling. They seek refuge on a feudal world to orbit around and recover.. only to find that this haven isn't as save as they had first believed.


After that I will put up the first models ;)


Stay tuned for more epicness!

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  • 3 weeks later...

And interesting Idea and nicely told! I especially like the things, you didn't tell. Lot's of narrative whitespace, which I like a lot. I'm curious how your story eveloves. Aaaand how you'r minis look like! So keep going!


As your locations says you're also in Germany: Are you an English Native Speaker? Or German? I just wonder, because I'm german native speaker too, and I find it quite … challanging to do narration in English. And as I very much enjoyed yours, so I wonder wether you have any advices …

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Got stuck a bit doing the minis. The next story is all but done however. The snag I hit is that I rarely play any Marine variants at all. Getting bored of them to be fair.

Been using my buddy's xenos armies the last few weeks and now I am sort of occupied with planning a rogue trader themed army. Basically hired mercs for a Rogue Trader, acting as his personal army. They use the IG codex (most likely) and as such do not belong in this sub-forum.

I might continue working on these guys soon though. As fancy grabs me msn-wink.gif

As for your other question, I am a native German. However, I absorb languages like a sponge. I grew up with two languages and learned English as my third (while going to school in the UK, doing my A-Levels). I read books on all languages I know, my 40k stuff and my electronic devices are in English. That keeps me fresh on all fronts msn-wink.gif

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