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++Interview with a Chaos Lord++


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A wee bit late to the party, but here goes-

What about Chaos inspires you the most? Is it the tragic tale of treachery ten thousand years in the making? Is it a particular model or character that you like, either aesthetically or on the tabletop? Or is it something else entirely?


And what other outside influences inspire you when you're painting, modeling, writing up lore, etc.


Also, what's the background of your warband?

1. The lore is a major selling point, but the freedom what inspire me the most.  With chaos, there is no limit, no rules, no aesthetic that have to be follow.  At heart, I am a converter and this army have given me that. 


2. I take a lot of inspiration from mythology.  This is because they are really great stories, and morals. All my armies are model after a god: lizardsmen (kukulkan), Vampire counts (Thanatos), Ogre kingdoms(zhung kui),  Tyranids(scylla), Salamanders(jormungand).  With chaos, my Sanctified warband is base off of hades, charon, and the river of styx.  Which now we talk background.


3. Everyone need to understand, I never buy new in box instead I purchase used army lots.  With chaos I have purchased four huge lot over the last two years.  In the end, I probably spend $800 total on my three chaos armies. One was a khorne Daemon army with like 100 bloodletters, 10 crusher, 20 hounds, 3 princes, two blood thrister, a grinder.  The other was a CSM with 100 plus marines/havocs/raptors, 5 rhinos, 50ish zerkers(some forgeworld), 6 princes, 15 bikes, a defiler, 30ish termi, some heros, 4 dreads, and more bloodletters.  I spent the last two years removing layers of paint, they were all badly painted. I can't complain the spent $400 combined for the two lots.  Then i bought a megaforce(4th ed) for $25 and a Imperial guard army for $200(mostly NIB, with 3 chirema, 3 valk, 2 manti, and 100 guardsmen) Now, i am ready to start painting, but the question has been what forces?  Well, I then bought the valk bundle(IA 13 with the Vrak trilogy) this christmas, and loved.  So, I saw what i have, and I decide The sanctified.  They are WB(my Fav chaos legion), love Khorne (I have a lot of khorne), nice color scheme (I need to figure out how to do black well), and their fluff is also none (We have a name, a color scheme, and a paragraph of lore). 


Now come into the fluff, this is mine personally.  GW/FW love to use a few key words, so time to get the Thesaurus out.  First what does Sanctified mean?  It means: a state of separation unto God; all believers enter into this state when they are born of God.  Next, I mix in some mythology, and decided to add some greek mythos (Hades, cerebus, the river styx, and the ferryman charon).  Now its story time. 


This is my Warband background: They see khorne(hades) as the father of life, for without blood circuiting through the veins there is no life.  So the Sanctified (charon), see it as their job to transport the living through life(styx) to the realm of khorne to finally rest.  This usually ends in a bloody death for the unbelievers.  Cerebus come in because my spawns, and Giant spawns are hounds. 


I hope this make sense, fluff writing has always been a issue with me. 




Least favorite chaos unit: rule wise zerkers, and bloodletters (I want to take them, but we need drop pods).  Model wise: CSM, zerkers, and heldrake.  They all have potential, but their either older kits, or need a redesign(hel turkey). 


Hmm, I should give you a sneak peek at my Heldrakes some time...


Converted Heldrakes are fine( and awesome), but I dislike the standard, it needs a tail. 



Now saying all that, I am placing my chaos at the siege of Vraks.  Also with the release of Vrak 2nd, I will probably be getting 200 zombies and starting a nurgle detachment as well.  This will be next few year away, and probably be the purge. 


I guess I really love the siege of vrak story.

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Another question, who is the Uprising behind the name, the real Uprising? What do you do for a living, from where are you?

I am just another cell in the specie of humanity.  Specifically, I am a 21 yr old male, that is currently in college for safety management(basically OSHA), in the United States.  I am currently looking for a new job(my last job, I hurt myself badly due to unsafe work conditions), but I run my own ebay business (prepare/clean up models and resell them) that pay for my hobby completely.  When I am not wargaming, I am reading, playing video games (pc master race), running, or on this forum.  My main take away from this forum is helping, and motivating people, which make ETL a great time for me.  So chaos are we ready for a 15th black crusade? 


Also Pact starts up April 1st, Forte let not lose the banners this time. 

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Ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce you to Insane Psychopath, Moderator of Chaos, hardcore Iron Warrior and one of the most active Chaos players on the scene.

How have you become a Chaos Lord?

When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?

- I started collecting Chaos Space Marines after picking up my first White Dwarf, issue 202. There was a article shown John Blanche art work, note down idea for converting Chaos Space Marines models & note on the diffrent models & way's you could convert your Chaos Space Marine models. This was followed by a display from memeber of the studio displaying there own Chaos Space Marines, like Andy Chamber with his Iron Warriors (seen in WD 199 & 204).

I started with Black Legion.

Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband?

- The IV Legion, Iron Warriors. I like the whole siege & trench warfare theme, a lot of this is to do with my intrest in historical warfare, mainly midevil & world war 1. I also like the whole look that the IV Legion have when you see any art work fron Index Astarties to Storm of Iron front cover.

I do like all the other Legion & Warbands, just the IV Legion has been my army of chose since 2001. I'd say my other top force would be the Black Legion with them being my second 40k army when I started the hobby & Fallen Angels after Cypher model was release & also seen a really cool army that GW Stirling back around 2000 era.

What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?

- Converting. It been the main part of the hobby for me in the 18+ years I've collected the Games Workshop hobby. When I look that a brand new army, my first though is how I want to convert the models.

I also enjoy painting, gaming & the background. I like going to diffrent events, from Throne of Skulls that Warhammer World. For me gaming help add the theme & history to my units in any army I collect with the epic, great hard fought games.

Background, I always enjoy reading background for Warhammer 40,000. From Black Library novel to codex writen background.

Painting - I can not really use unpainted models in games, just somthing about unpainted models that put me off useing a model or collecting a army after a set amount time.

What is your play style?

- Aggressive. I hate hidding & negativite gaming style - I general find it a bit boring. I've always enjoy the hard fought games. One of my tops games has been against Space Wolves during Throne of Skulls Nov 2012, on turn 4 we both ended up with only a handful of models left. I had Lord Narach, a single Iron Warrior & a Obliterators on a single wound. They had 4 Long Fangs & a few Grey Hunter. Anyone watching the game commented how it was hard to call the game & how you where on the edge with the gaming going on to turn 7 on Big Guns never tired mission.

There been a lot more great games like this & I find these great & epic games help shape my army & I will always rememeber those hard fought games. It also why I like to add trophies to my Iron Warriors to rememeber great oppent I've fought.

What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?

- My Iron Warriors have help me a lot. They've help me get onto a NQ to HND model making college course during 2005 to 2008. Throne of Skulls October 2012 when my army pick up the Army award, this has been a long term goal & was really close, lot of brillaint armies on display.
Having my Iron Warriors shown as part of White Dwarf - Army of the Month article in White Dwarf August issue in 2013. White Dwarf team where really great & helpful, I'm really greatful for the White Dwarf team help & support.

As said there, there was ToS Nov 2012 game against the Space Wolves which has been one of my hard fought games. Like wise all those great games & oppent I've fought. There my game during the old UKGT heat 1 in 2005 against a fellow Chaos Marine player, they had a really cool army & was a really tactical game.

Do you collect and play any other armies?

- I've collected a lot of diffrent armies during the year. But current it - my Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company. Space Wolves. Ravenwing. Chaos Guards. I'm currently looking into getting my Black Templares back & I would like to start a brand new army but current unsure what I want to collect. Would not mind re-starting my Black Legion force in the future as well.

Which is your favorite Chaos character?

- Cypher & Khârn. Just always like them. As soon as I saw Forge World Khârn model, I needed to add him as soon as possible to my own IW.

- BL story wise: Warsmith Honsou, Forrix, Soltarn Vull Bronn, First Claw memeber Talos, Sevatar, Khârn, Lheor Ukris (Talons of Horus novel). I'm also looking forward to seen more of Dassadra in future Iron Warriors serise by Graham McNeill.

Also pretty much everyone in the Bloodquest comics.

Which is your favorite Black Library publication?

- Storm of Iron, general the whole Iron Warriors serise by Graham McNeill. Same with the Ultramarine side. Talons of Horus. Unrememeber Empire. Angels Exterminatus. Battle for the Fang. Ragnar serise of novels Bloodquest comic, would recommend this to any Chaos Marine player looking for idea & theme.

Garro audio. Thunder Wolves audio.

Any advice for your fellow players, any parting words of wisdom?

- Crush your enemies. See them driven before you..... we all know Conan the Barbarian quote biggrin.png

Pick the models & units you like. Rememeber end of the day it all about how you enjoy the Games Workshop hobby. Like wise rememeber everyone else has a diffrent aspect of the hobby they enjoy from gaming, to painting, to background or everything.

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Do you miss Brother Nihm?


Yes I miss Brother Nihm, he still post here from time to time.  There lot memeber I've gotten on with & shame there not posted in while - Megalodon, Ironwind, Iron Warrior w/ Servo Arm, just name a few Veteran of the Long war.


What's your "recipie" for getting the metallic colours of your legion right?


Metal - I usely start with this first

Leadbelcher Black Wash, Pruple wash, Black Wash, Leadbelcher (Dry Brush with tank brush), Rune Fangsteel (Dry brush w/Tank brush), black wash (not heavy/ it light wash & just try make sure none of it pool's) this just help & shade any part the dry brush has gotten into & highlight with Rune Fangsteel.

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Feels weird asking this but I've always been curious, now that you've had your army featured in White Dwarf do you have a goal pushing you to keep going?


Also do you have a favorite Chaos God?


1 - Goal to keep adding cool models to my army.  As long as there conversion idea & general cool models, I will keep adding.  Last week I'd just finish painting a Bloodthister.  Just yesterday I've converted up the first Battle Brother for my Khorne Berzerker unit.  There also Chaos Guards that been on/off & then there oth+01000101+..... stuff I'll be adding all because it down to cool models & having a theme/history behind the unit I have.

While IW there ton more, Chosen, unbound Terminators, tanks, Dreadnought formation with 5 Dreadnought - would like to theme them around sort of Havoc squad version for Dreadnought.


Army already over 260 models that are fully converted & painted.  There always something to add.


2 - Khorne.  My Black Legion where Khorne heavy when I started the army 1996 with the clip together Khorne Berzerker model & then when the current models where release.

My Iron Warriors have a lot Khorne element with in the army from theme & MoK on models.  As said there recently adding a Bloodthister & a new Khorne Berzerker unit.  I'm really looking forward to the Daemon-Kin codex this Saturday.

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Ladies and gentlemen today I have a treat for you. The one and only, the legendary and the very active Jeske agreed to participate in the interview. For as long as I have been a member of B&C jeske was there, always participating, always commenting and thanks to him I have reviewed a dozen army lists in the past years, and they came out better and more fine tuned. So without a further a do I present you the jeske, a seasoned Chaos Lord, a heretic, a traitor and one of our most esteemed frater.


How have you become a Chaos Lord?
The first models I saw painted were chaos warriors my wife did way way back in the 80s. Being a metal head with all the slayer/iron maiden/man o'war background the choice was obvious. Plus chaos fluff was awesome, there were a ton of stories. But what really bolted me to chaos was a long talk with Chambers about maelstrom marine faction, specially the Thunder Barons.
When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?
I got my first chaos army in 1987 and first chaos space marines army in 1989
Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband, and why?
Well there are many, I like the legion fluff of course, but the best for me is the history of the Thunder Barons. Maybe because I like stories with a beginning and an end.
What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?
The ability to play with different people. The fact that someone from Hong Kong can go to Dublin and play a game with people that.
What is your play style?
I am a horrible chicken. I like simple easy to play armies. I have huge respect for people that can play stuff like BAs. I do like options though, I do not like armies that play the same way against a gunline or melee list.
What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?
Oddly enough its not tournament wins, but smuggling w40k stuff to kick start the community back home. For me that is the biggest achievement as far as the hobby goes.
Do you collect and play any other armies?
I do play Tyranids too. I have a 1500 army for most factions, plus a ton of unopened stuff which would probably let me build bigger armies. I do not have a DE army . As far as non GW stuff goes I have Legion, Trollbloods, ton of Inifnity stuff. I also  have Necromunda and I should have a Dwarf army somewhere all in metal.
Which is your favorite Chaos character?
Well aside for the primarchs that would probably Ahriman. Very deep character.
Which is your favorite Black Library publication?
Demon World. Legion. Lord of the Night. A lot of the old stuff . Love the Shira Calpurnia books and the first Ragnar book, for showing how an aspirants life looks like.
Any advice for your fellow players, any parting words of wisdom?
There is no such thing as narrative or competitive games. There are only fun or unfun games. If you played a game and it was fun for you, then it is good. If it wasn't then, then it was bad.
Ah and don't glue the weapons and shoulder pads,  before painting.
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What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?


Oddly enough its not tournament wins, but smuggling w40k stuff to kick start the community back home. For me that is the biggest achievement as far as the hobby goes.


That's quite an achievement and really unexpected too :tu:
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What plans/hopes do you have for the hobby and your army/armies in the future?



Well as anyone who plays this for a longer time I should do a counter question of "which army". I am still testing stuff, to see what will end up good before it hits the stores. Trying to get ahead of the meta and all[or at least that is what am trying to cover my hoarding. Right now [for me] it is not very fun to play chaos[demons are ok, but csm specialy the way I want to played them are realy bad].

As far as the hobby goes, I do enjoy traveling a lot right now so it is interesting to see how the game is played around europe.


Do you put "honour markings" or other distinguishing modifications on any of your minis if they do memorable things during games?


There was a time when I was adding an eldar helmet to any model that manged to get something else then stun/shake on an eldar falcon. But that was a long time ago. I actualy like "clean/organic" models, I find a lot of GW models too "crowded".


The most memorable thing..hmm... well I play too long to find one that was the best. I had games where 9 out of 10 terminators failed their +2svs and calidus doing 23 +4[in 2ed]. Being beaten by 14y old who played with a pice of paper from their dad that told them what their eldar army is suppose to do. Or seeing my wife finish her first ever tournament game faster then it took me to smoke [also with eldar]. But the games I realy like are the test games when you play with something you think won't work[but aren't sure] or when you what if. When I was testing the khorn dex for example I felt horrible. It realy isn't a good stand alone codex and [imo] to play it good you have to leave out a lot of the stuff some people may want to use. So durning a break I"wrote" my own codex Tzeenchkin. And boy was it fun to play[compering it both to the khorn dex and how good 1ksons are]. Suddenly 1ksons were something I wanted to use, I wasn't trying to fit as many horrors as possible in to 795pts[or I wasn't only trying to fit as many horrors]. And while not the best in the world[all games lost while playing it] it was very fun to play.



You liked Demon World?


I have to say I like the Violators and aspects of the Word Bearers, but that story was ugh.


Well like is probably a bad word. It is not Tolstoy. But it had a lot of good stuff in it. Explained possession , showed how mortal follwers can't grasp chaos, the part when the khorn demons turn on their ally is imo priceless. It also shows how bad end being a high ranking chaos follwer is. + it the confirmed kill on Thunder Barons what for me is important personaly.

The how different a legion dude vs a csm is was also nice.


What's the beef with ADB about and how & when did it start?



I don't think we agree on basic rules of the universe work/should work. Now that doesn't mean I don't understand why some changes were done. For example a 3 parter about deep paranoic NL[and I mean the way they are suppose to be paranoic] would probable be a horror to read. And one can't argue that cannon<enjoyment in reading also.

What of course doesn't mean I am happy about the whole chaos happy family thing[oddly enough it does not happen in ADBs books, there is no mixing with corsairs on a tactical level]. +I don't think we actualy have a beef. We just don't like each other.

Now on the other hand me and Gav go along way, true beef there.



What is your favorite chaos space marine unit




Of all time? probably the 2ed 4 man veteran csm squad with plasmas. Ton of shoting , infiltrate. 99pts[aka 0 VP for being killed].

RIght now it is probably the sorc because of the utility[even if other meq armies get more out of them].

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I have the next interview down the pipe. Fellow Heretics, meet Kol Saresk, our resident book worm, Black Library connoisseur and one of the most active frater on the B&C board. I reveal the interview today since I will be quite busy in the following days and I won't have the access to the computer. So here you go, have fun talking with Kol.


How have you become a Chaos Lord?

I found a copy of Lord of the Night at a local Wal-Mart, followed the links to the Black Library forums, and eventually, I found my way to where I am now at BnC.

When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?

Never. I once tried to start, but I realized that I prefer creating and exploring the background.

Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband, and why? 

Hmmm, first answer would be the Night Lords. It is certainly my most obvious favorite, but like many of the frater here, it isn't uncommon for me to have side interests or to even create DIY warbands.

What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?

The background, hands down. It is just simply so huge. Every person here could create exactly as much background that GW has during its entire existence by their own, and there would still be more holes to fill in.

What is your play style?

Never really played, but traditionally my mindset leans towards hitting fast and hitting hard. So to me, the Khorne Daemonkin seems very appropriate.

What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?

Hmmm, painting my first mini, completing my first ETL vow, getting a Scribe of Chaos award from the Daemonpact competition..... But I guess the biggest would be making friends among the frater.

Do you collect and play any other armies?


Which is your favorite Chaos character?

Hmmm, Uzas I believe. I find it ironic that the character who is arguably the most bloodthirsty is also the most tragic.

Which is your favorite Black Library publication?


.............. I couldn't answer that. I simply have too many books that I enjoy.

Any advice for your fellow players, any parting words of wisdom?


No, I simply am not wise enough to impart words of wisdom and I refuse to pretend to be. But I will say that you should always try to have fun and that if you want people to respect your point of view, then you should be willing to respect theirs.

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Hmm Kol I have some questions:


1: what is your least favorite black library book?


2: when was the last time you played a 40k game?


3: Talos or Zso Sahaal?


4: when you are on your raids through the imperium what imperial force do particulary loath and take joy when killing them?


5: what your favorite and least favorite thing about night lords?

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Hmm Kol I have some questions:


1: what is your least favorite black library book?


2: when was the last time you played a 40k game?


3: Talos or Zso Sahaal?


4: when you are on your raids through the imperium what imperial force do particulary loath and take joy when killing them?


5: what your favorite and least favorite thing about night lords?

1.)Hmm, that would be a tie between Vulkan Lives, Phalanx and I can't remember the title, but it was a WHF novel by Anthoney Reynolds based on that RTS game they had enough four or five years ago or so. I actually enjoyed that one until characters started dying more than once in the same number of pages.


2.)That would be around 2012, right around the time I joined BnC. I found some friends(or rather, realized that some of my friends) were playing BnC and one of them was kind enough to let me borrow their army for a small tutorial game. Since then, one of them joined the USMC and was stationed in Germany while the others simply went their own ways. So while I now own enough miniatures to make an army, I don't know anyone nearby to play with.


3.)Both. Each character has their ups and downs and things to like and dislike.


4.)Hmmmm, don't really have a particular force, although a dream of mine is to create a jump pack war between Raven Guard Assault Marines and Night Lord Raptors.


5.)That is actually a tough question. My favorite thing would probably be the inherent sociopathic tendencies. My least favorite would be the "Batman Syndrome", simply because Batman has no relation to the Night Lords whatsoever other than the iconography. Which even then is only loosely similar.

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Hey buddy Jeske,

Thunder Barons seem to be a thing you really care about, yet as far as I know they're only seens as madmen and not much more. Seems like I've missed a lot about them, so can you please tell us more about their story and the stuff you and Chamber shared about them ?

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Well they are mad man. A chapter that put itself on a self imposed penitent crusade for one of its members going rogue. They go on to catch the dude. And slowly get twisted, their holy fury , hate etc all drive them to be more erratic and chaotic. And in the end durning the siege of the traitor dude, the last officer ordering the barons suddenly can't tell the difference between his dudes and the chaos dudes. He looks at his bridge with all the skulls, flayed skin banners etc And mr Slanesh suddenly wishpers that for killing milions of cultists durning the siege he is buffing him up to DP status. Dude goes in to a frenzy going on how he will not do chaos work etc only for mr Slanesh telling him that maiming/torturing etc is exactly the thing. office shots himself, with the full knowladge that all the stuff they did exactly the opposit of what the emperor may have wanted from them. At the same time the barons butcher everything on the planet, some manged to get back to space. those that stay on the planet kill each other and those ship bound start attacking everything. By the time they start attacking WB ships they are all so crazy that it starts to resonate in the warp. And then they get wiped out.

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Here he is, our depraved, vicious and talented Forte', moderator of the Chaos Boards and fellow Chaos Lord. We know him for his hard work in the Emperor's Children community, for his outstanding banners and signatures as well as for his participation in the Space Wolves section. I have promised you moderator flesh, here you go, I offer you Forte'. Beware though, he might enjoy the torture...


How have you become a Chaos Lord?
My first experience of Chaos was in a Fantasy Armies book for WHFB. Loved the look of them. Reminded me of the bad guys in films like Willow and Conan.
Then a friend introduced me to the "Realms of Chaos - Slave to Darkness" book. I was hooked. Primarily on the Fantasy side of things but Chaos is Chaos and spreads pretty quick.
When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?
I've had some interest in Chaos in all editions and other games too (Blood Bowl, WFRP, Fantasy, 40k, and Inquisitor). Primarily CSM with some Daemons added on.
Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband?
Originally World Eaters as I was a Khorne fan. Then the Index Astartes articles happened and I loved the whole terror and isolation thing the Night Lords had going on caught my attention. Then the Emperor's Children did too and that interest grew.
What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?
Painting and modelling primarily but I do enjoy a game when I get the chance.
What is your play style? 
Die lots and lose usually :(
What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?
Being able to get to the point where I have the confidence to attempt converting and bits of sculpting.
Do you collect and play any other armies? 
I did more in the 90s though. Orks, Eldar, Tyranids, Space Wolves, and Space Marines. Only ever really finished a small Nurgle army though.
Which is your favorite Chaos character?
Honestly, I don't really have one. I enjoy reading stories about them but I like to be creative so also like to see what others create. I've always disliked the whole "special characters" thing. Just seeing the same ones come up in lists when the game is supposed to be on a huge setting just never really made sense to me.
Which is your favorite Black Library publication?
Going to have to say the A D-B Talos stories. Even the shorts.
Any advice for your fellow players, any parting words of wisdom?
Go for what you enjoy. It's ment to be a fun hobby so if you want to use units in the game that others say are bellow par then hey, go for it. Find a way to make them work. Have a laugh with it all.
Same with painting and modelling. Chaos has the largest scope because it is Chaos. You want mutations and strange biomechanical creations, you can. Want to paint every model different, you can.
Just don't ask me for tactics. But I can tell you what colours to use for a good skin tone ;) 
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An excellent read. Helped me make a modelling decision I've been umming and erring over a bit recently, too. :)


A question:

What's a (Chaos) model/conversion/diorama/unit/army you dream of doing one day when you have the money/skill/time?

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