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++Interview with a Chaos Lord++


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An excellent read. Helped me make a modelling decision I've been umming and erring over a bit recently, too. :)


A question:

What's a (Chaos) model/conversion/diorama/unit/army you dream of doing one day when you have the money/skill/time?

That's a tough one as the past year is where I've noticed the most improvement in my ability but at the same time it's also ment painting more non-GW stuff. I am quite a realist too so while the ideas scream at me my head at the same time shouts to be sensible and take small steps.


My next Flayer though should be my Lord so trying to make it look like the wings are part of him and not just stuck on is going to be a challenge, though Flint's multi-winged Lord has given me an idea.


I'd love to build a good diorama though and my favourite in the past few years has to be "Last Light" by Jarhead.


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Two questions:

1. When are you setting up your Skype account?

2. Explain how you came up with your slaanesh warband color scheme.

1. No idea. Thing is I'm already on Facebook (multiple accounts for different things), Google+, Twitter (though not for ages really), and I have my blog which has been neglected.


The other issue with it is if I was doing voice or vid chat with anyone I know my wife would have lots of fun at my expence.


2. That's a tough one to fully explain but it kind of stems from my dislike of Slaanesh using standardised colour schemes due to them being so extravagant. It was an idea I had early when I first joined B&C of almost having every mini as individual as possible. More so for Noise Marines and Characters. The idea didn't really go down to well and I ended up shelving the idea for a few years.


Move forward and those temptors known as Forge World released their Kakophoni minis and I had to have them (was happy when I found out they were sculpted by tortoise who's Slaanesh army I had been following). These I painted for the Call of Chaos and the feedback was excellent from members here. Ideas being bounced around. I finally enjoyed painting again. I ended up with all five having their own individual colours on the weapons and cloth (something which the FW painted ones annoyed me with as they went for a standardised scheme).


Then came turquoise. I wanted a primary colour to use on the less extreme squads and didn't want to go for the stereotypical pink. Turquoise featured a fair bit in old Slaanesh stuff so went for that. Purple became the secondary colour. And everything else happens on a whim really depending on what feels right at the time.

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If you had to build an army for a Chaos God other than Slaanesh, what would you chose to create and why?

That would have to be Nurgle.


As for why, well. He's a jolly fella who likes to create new afflictions and generously share them. I don't see him as an "evil" Chaos god either (none are really) as he also keeps those alive who carry and spread his creations. Also it's fun to paint dirty and rusty armour, sickly skin, and other things associated with rot.

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Honored Forte what brought you to slaanesh? What is your favorite thing about the one who thirsts?

What brought me to Slaanesh was really a mixture of many things. But mostly it was the freedom to really play with colours to a point that no other Chaos army really can (well, maybe Tzeentch but he already knows the future which must get a bit boring really). There's also the realising that really any race could fall to Slaanesh without knowing until it's too late to turn back. Ambition, obsession, depravity, perfection. So many things that real people can strive for but how far do you go. How far is too far. And what happens when too far keeps moving further.


The classic "marines with boobs" never did it for me at all. But thinking more along the lines of the Cenobites from Hellraiser with the classic line "I have such sights to show you" sat better with my thinking.


And as I've rambled enough I hope I've made my point.

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I am a huge fan of your modeling and painting. What are your favorite models that you have completed recently? How bout all time favorites?


How long of a time, or how many models, did it take till you felt you were putting decent minis on the table, how long till you figured out you were pretty darn good at the hobby?


Finally, if you had just a minute or two to offer advice to a new hobbyest, what would you say?

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I am a huge fan of your modeling and painting. What are your favorite models that you have completed recently? How bout all time favorites? If budget and time were not an issue what model would you like to work on?


How long of a time, or how many models, did it take till you felt you were putting decent minis on the table, how long till you figured out you were pretty darn good at the hobby?


Finally, if you had just a minute or two to offer advice to a new hobbyest, what would you say?


Wow, just a few bits then ;)


Firstly thank you. As for favourites I've completed recently, there's Leonardo (yes, I have a set of minis of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles which were sculpted by Maxime who has just started as a trainee sculptor for GW) which has been my first go at using crystal resin to create water effect. I did enjoy working on my Slaanesh Iron Warrior Champion for the Daemon Forge. An Elf Blood Bowl Cheerleader infront of an Orcidas sign. And I'm currently attempting my first ever bust from a painter called Banshee (otherwise known as Alfonso Giraldes who did most of the Sons of Horus stuff for Forge World).


As for how long, that's impossible to figure out as I started making model kits at seven. Spending years making Airfix military kits with enamel paints. Gaming wasn't even a factor. Then came Space Hulk (the original) and Blood Bowl (still fun too) and painting changed quite a bit. I'd have to say it was more when I was fifteen that I had a decent table standard and this jumped on quite a bit when I worked for GW in the Plaza, Oxford Street, from '96-'98 thanks to the standard set by others and painting more often. I'd always been fairly arty but painting models was just a hobby and I wasn't really trying to push myself at all. That has more been the past year and a half where I've discovered more than GW has ever let on thanks to sites like Massive Voodoo and meeting new people online. I still have miles to go to get to the standard I'd love but I'm enjoying it which is the important thing.


Advise..hmm.. Ask questions. Don't believe there is a right and wrong way to paint something. Be open to critique but not to non-constructive criticism (people who put your painting down are not worth your time unless they tell you where you could improve in an encouraging way). Experiment with paint brands and find what you like. Look after your brushes and get ones that have and hold great points (I use Kolinsky Sable, usually size 1 or 2, even for painting eyes). Try different palettes. Make sure you have good light. Don't paint when you're tired. Always look around you for inspiration on colours and basing (and even free basing basing material). But most of all, enjoy and share.


And yes, I really can waffle on lots.

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Forte another question: what was the first model you worked on?

First ever was an Airfix T-Rex. Was after I broke my arm so my mum really did most of it.


First GW model was the old Kev Adams Goblin Kings Battle Chariot. Though my standard was nothing like the box art at all.



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Are you ever planning to travel to the U.S. to showcase your finished Slaanesh army and play some games with it at events?

Sorry but no. The only US trip I'd likely take would be to Ohio to see family. So no flying Slaanesh minis. That and I'd spend the whole journey panicking about breakages.

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Greetings and welcome to this weeks' interview. Today I present you Lagrath, an active frater in our community, a real Plague Lord and it seems a fellow lawyer :) Have fun interviewing him. 


How have you become a Chaos Lord?


My path to becoming a Chaos Warlord has been, as is fitting, a long and convoluted fall from grace as a Loyalist Space Marine player! While it may seem to many Chaos players here that I am a relatively recent addition to the scene from the last 2-3 years, I was actually one of the first original 500 registered members of the B&C, joining all the way back in (I think) 2003. I first got involved with 40k in middle school (maybe age 11) and got heavily involved during high school. At the time, I really loved space marines, but then as now, I wanted to do my own thing...my own chapter, my own fluff and lore, my own color scheme, my own units. The older space marine codexes allowed for this with custom chapter traits. I was really inspired by the primitive websites for some DIY loyalist chapters. Long-time B&C members may therefore remember that for several years, I had sig and avatar art (and even a clunky website!) dedicated to my black, blue, and white loyalist chapter, the Storm Reavers (no relation to someone I saw recently on here attempting to use the same name). I came up with a very in-depth, very researched background for my chapter and what makes it unique, even writing some short stories. I am still proud of this effort and the many cool conversions I made, but unfortunately GW kept changing the meta to really make a lot of my models useless (sergeants with powerfists, rhinos, terminators, etc.).


For those who may be interested, here are a few examples of the loyalist stuff for years past that let me cut my teeth on conversion, sculpting, and DYI to get ready for my Hexfleet Virules chaos armies:






When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?


Because of disappointment with the changes to Space Marines over the years and my inability to keep up and keep painting/converting new stuff (especially with changes to the ink and paint lines over the years, don't get me started on that), I began looking more at Chaos. I was a big "For the Emperor!" guy since about 12-13 years at that point, but as I realized that changes to the game would not allow me to explore the fluff for my loyalist DIY because I had to shelve a lot of models, I began looking at Chaos, which had always been a forbidden temptation. Converting was always the only thing I'd been good at on the art side of the hobby, and I wanted to become a better sculpture. I'd always sworn I would get a Nurgle army some day, too. There, starting a Nurgle CSM army seemed like the perfect path for me.


This also had to do with developments in my personal life. Including high school, college, working, and graduate school, I spent something like 13 years working very hard to get into a good U.S. law school. After all that, when I was admitted to my school of choice, I decided to "reward myself" by starting a Chaos army. I also though (correctly, as it turns out) that a nice way to deal with the legendary stress and slog of law school would be to have a creative outlet and to see my Chaos army slowly grow on my shelf over many months (it's to see physical evidence of progress when it doesn't seem like you're making headway). The 6th Chaos codex came out I believe right when I started law school, so it was perfect. However, the powers of the Warp are fickle masters - after investing a lot of time and money into CSM Nurgle models and bits and sculpting, the codex soon seemed less competitive, and Chaos Daemons seemed cool. So I diverted and started up a large Daemon collection. Then last year IA:13 came out, and I had always wanted a Traitor Guard army. Plus, after finally landed an amazing law job after more than 2 extremely difficult years in school, I wanted to "treat myself" yet again. So now I have 3 huge armies to finish sculpting! And thus no time to paint. Oops. I've clearly used my Chaos 40k expansion as an overly-expensive reaction to stress, but that is partly because I pushed myself to the limit the past 3 years (for example, in between semesters, this past summer I self-published my first book, a non-fiction work available in both print and paperback on Amazon).

Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband, and why?


This is hard to answer, because frankly my own Hexfleet Virules is my favorite warband. I have a lot of short stories, lore, and video battle report ideas ready that I want to roll out in the coming months and years. I guess my original hook into Chaos was the Death Guard, and Nurgle characters in general.

What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?


Everything. I am a deep fan of the lore, of converting, of narrative playing, of tournament play, of the social aspect. Probably my favorite aspect is the lore. In my real life I am very into politics and history and the nature of man. The 40k IP is an unparalleled, deep universe that applies very realistic ideas of human development and applies them to the most fictitious and crazy scenario possible.


What is your play style?


My play style is most anything, though I've never had very many fast armies, which is a shame considering that 7th edition revolves heavily around mobility. I like both assaulting and shooting, though I am more partial to shooting. More broadly, my play style is that I am an extremely strategic player and list builder. Very often over the years, I surprise players who have far more time and practice than I do because I think very hard about my lists, deployment, the mission objectives, and the game rules. I feel like I really hit my stride by the start of 7th, when I played at the first big 7th tournament in Austin's War Games Con and tied for 3rd with what I think was/is a pretty innovative and strategic approach to a Chaos summoning list and playstyle. I think I am very competitive, but over the last few years I have also worked to become a more fun and patient opponent. However, I can still get annoyed when I play other people who are just as competitive as me, but who very clearly don't make the same effort as me to stay calm and keep the game moving.

What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?


I've been doing this for like 17 years, so that's hard to say. I am really proud and happy with the praise and brand recognition that my Hexfleet stuff has gotten in the past year, especially my Nurglefiend conversions. I am hoping to save a lot of money at my new job so I can get my models pro-painted next year, which will be a high point for me because in all this time I have never had the joy of playing with a fully painted army! One past memory that stands out is that before the most recent Dark Angels codex, I spent about 6 months of sixth edition playing a Space Wolves - Dark Angels list that I think was really cool. I had 27 wins, 1 tie, and 2 losses across all the local tournament and practice games I played, so I got 1-3 several tournaments in a row, winning some medals and an engraved Spring Quarter Champion trophy. I used 40 grey hunters from the previous SW codex to hold the middle of the board and advance up while under the cover fire of 3 Longfang squads. At the same time, Belial would first-turn non-scatter deep strike in with a bunch of TH/SS terminators in the opponent's backfield, with another five Terminators set to teleport homer in on Belial from reserves later. 6th was a bit more one-dimensional than 7th, but at the time this was a very fun list to play and I was happy to win such a crazy percentage of my games.

Do you collect and play any other armies?


As I mentioned at the start, I still have a large loyalist SM collection. I am guessing it is 8,000-10,000 points. I also have a huge collection of 4th and 5th edition Tyranid models that I never got to build (Tyranids are a big part of the story for my DIY chapter). I also have a painted Necron decurion that I got cheap, but I am trying to sell it to make shelf room for my Chaos stuff.

Which is your favorite Chaos character?


This is hard to say. I have not been able to read most of the 40k books that have come out within the last 8 years or so, due to being busy with my education and career. I read up on the wikis a lot, but haven't read most of the novels. Lately I've taken an interest in Ahriman. Now that I've collected my library of Chaos lore (see pic in my army thread), I've also gone back to read a lot of the older material and I am finding myself much more interested in Abbadon, who I used to always think was boring. I would like to find more books dealing with Typhus, since he has some relation to the background I am creating for the Hexfleet.

Which is your favorite Black Library publication?


Again, haven't gotten to read a lot lately. I was a big fan of the Malus Darkblade and Gotrek and Felix novels. I also remember really enjoying the Ciaphas Cain novels back in the day - if I wrote for Black Library, I would probably write similar stories and characters. I really want to buy/trade for a Limited Edition, hardback copy of Talon of Horus to add to my little Chaos museum...if I do one day, then I am sure I will enjoy reading this book since I have heard good things.

Any advice for your fellow players, any parting words of wisdom?


I can't pretend to have much wisdom, other than being good at list-building. For both converting your own creations and for writing your own fluff, I would say that you should think really hard about the bigger picture and how everything needs to fit together, because it is difficult to create something that is new, cool, and stretches the boundaries, but still doesn't cross over into being silly or becoming a self-parody of what you're attempting to do. I keep this in mind all the time when writing my Hexfleet short stories or working on making Nurgle models that are crazy without looking artificial or "too busy."

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...Sorry about the Storm Reavers thing, although to be fair, my Reavers were an inquisitor's pet prject, and as such, it is reasonable he might choose a name that already existed... Plus, loose canon, 10k years, etc...

What sort of R&H lists do you use?

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Hello everyone! I have really enjoyed this thread, so I am happy to have my time in the hotseat.

A very interesting read.
Could you show us the Nurglish model you're most proud of, Lagrath? smile.png

Well, that's hard to say. Some of my coolest models have been partly done, on ice, for a year or longer! But I think that my Nurglefiends have gotten a lot of attention, both on the B&C and on several prominent blogs. I did the first two based on the Maulerfiend torso, and then went crazy on the third one and made it based on the Maggoth Lord walking torso:



That said, I think my Nurgle Fire Raptor will end up being the most ambitious thing in my collection, short of making a Titan some day. I haven't started sculpting any of it yet, but just based on what I did with modifying the base kit and adding bits, it already looks crazy. I've gotten a lot of compliments on how it looks at the local store. It is DEFINITELY not a loyalist fire raptor!

When are we going to start that R&H Tactical guide? It would help the community, and new comers.

I'm so hammered with school that it will be a bit. I would say near the end of April or near the start of May. I'm going to yet another tournament this Saturday to see how R&H work as allies to a daemon summoning army. I'm always learning new stuff.

...Sorry about the Storm Reavers thing, although to be fair, my Reavers were an inquisitor's pet prject, and as such, it is reasonable he might choose a name that already existed... Plus, loose canon, 10k years, etc...

What sort of R&H lists do you use?

Well, that works out just fine - my Storm Reavers have an isolated snow death world near the Eastern Fringe, often surrounded by Warp Storms. Few people know about them, and they intentionally avoid the Inquisition because they are a relatively young chapter, and have uncovered a fortress from the Dark Age of Technology that they use as their chapter monastery.

I've talked a lot about my R&H stuff in my army log thread, but admittedly I have been to a lot of practice games and tournaments that I never got around to posting (my phone died yesterday, so I can't recover the photos either :-( ). Generally speaking, I either run a Master of the Horde with Unending Host as my primary or I run a Ordnance Tyrant with a The Purge as my primary. In either case I add detachments to get more wyverns, plague zombies, and rapier laser destroyers. I usually always bring CSM allies as well. This weekend at the 1850 tournament to practice for War Games Con I am testing a list that is R&H for shooting and tarpits, CSM for a Fire Raptor and summoning help, and Daemons for summoning batteries. It will the first time in a very long that that I don't have 3 Maulerfiends or 3 Soul Grinders, so we'll see how it works.

Whats your favorite chaos model to use as a base for conversions

Well, so far, the Maulerfiend and Maggoth Lord kits. The problem with the Maggoth Lord kit is actually that the kit is split into many more small parts than it needs to be, and that lots of stuff that could be 1 bit can only be formed by lining up several slim bits into each other, which stinks.

I actually think Nurgle CSM doesn't have that much good to go on. I never posted pictures of them, but I finished my 25 Plague Marines about a year ago. They are built using parts from multiple different companies and look 100 times better than GW plague marines. The reason I never posted pics is because I want to go even the additional extra mile and sculpt every single model to integrate all the parts and make them look super Nurgle.

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Any advice for your fellow players, any parting words of wisdom?

- Pick the models & units you like. Rememeber end of the day it all about how you enjoy the Games Workshop hobby. Like wise rememeber everyone else has a diffrent aspect of the hobby they enjoy from gaming, to painting, to background or everything.

This is IP in a nutshell. It's underplayed in his interview but it is what I think is possibly IP's greatest quality for 40K. He LOVES the hobby (maybe as much as I do msn-wink.gif )

He loves painting, playing, the background, etc. This is the kind of guy you can play weekly and never get tired of it.

One of my fondest memories of 40K is way back in the campaign days and good ol' Pete Haines was still around. You MUST have people who love this hobby to see it truly move forward. When that old campaign was on we were in the thick of it, and it showed how fun the entire thing can be (not just rolling dice, and winning or losing.)

IP also shows in his answer another quality I admire: He's a live and let live kind of guy. I've never seen IP say, "You must use unit X'. He understands meta, and personal experiences, and most of all the desire to have fun with that unit you just painted. He 'gets it'.... there's much more to this game than math hammer. You see it in his armies. He has no trouble posting his 47 billion points and everyone one of those models has -identity- to him.

Great interview. Personally I would have asked him what he thinks of proxying models in games.tongue.png

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Another Wednesday and another interview. Today I present you Scribe, a fellow Chaos Lord who has taken upon himself the holy duty to fight the bloody crusade of Khorne's Daemonkin. Challenge him with your questions, let's see how this warrior of Khorne fares.

How have you become a Chaos Lord?
I think its a gradual thing. I didnt consider myself a 'Chaos' player for a very long time, and played a number of other Xeno's factions over the years. However when you mention to your wife "You know there is only one faction for me..." and she responds "Chaos?" there may be something to it. :]
When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?
Late 1999. I had graduated, and was making money so could afford to play. I began with 2 armies, Blood Angels and Chaos. The Berzerker kit was released around then I believe, and I loved the idea behind them. It wasnt until many many years later I got a copy of the 2nd Edition Chaos codex to see that glory, but the 3.5 Codex sealed the deal regardless.
Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband, and why?
Legion would be the World Eaters without a doubt. Warband is the Wrath from Codex Daemonkin. (check it out if you haven't by now, its great!)
What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?
The scope of the setting, the philosophy behind many of the factions, units, or individuals in the game. People always take the most superficial view of things, and its tragic to me. "Khorne is just a dumb Hulk rip off "KILL SMASH RAWR"" its so much deeper than that.
I enjoy the game, I enjoy the books, the models, and even painting when I get down to it, but its the setting that always pulls me back.
What is your play style?
I want all the models on the table to die. I want both my units and my opponents units engaged, moving, running, and getting swept off the table as soon as possible. I suppose you could call it aggressive.
What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?
I have some tournament wins (Daemon's lists), and several 'Best Sportsman/Favorite Opponent' awards (Khorne Daemons, and Night Lords got me those) for the achievement side, however my favorite memories would certainly have to be just from kitchen table games with a friend of mine or my play group and there are just too many to consider.
Our games are always close, our approach to the game is similar, and our list building is conducive towards playing out a solid, engaging game from Turn 1 onwards.
  • 4th Edition - Khârn and 7 Berzerkers wiping out 30 boys on the charge.
  • BL Supplement - 5 Black Legion Plasma Chosen killing a Great Unclean One in Overwatch to steal a game.
  • 4th Edition - Khorne Daemon Prince in a Kill Point game marching down my opponents deployment zone killing Rhino then MSU squad of Marines over and over, he was unstoppable that game. biggrin.png
  • 3.5 - Playing in the 13th Black Crusade.
  • KDK - Rampaging through an Apoc Game with my Daemon Prince with Goredrinker, Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage, and JuggerLord with Axe of Khorne, from Turn's 2 to 8 they all killed a unit every turn, or had died after killing several units in the case of the Juggerlord. The Bloodthirster was caught in an explosion when he killed a Knight, and the Daemon Prince fell to a Reaver Titan stomp. biggrin.png
Do you collect and play any other armies?
Currently no, its Khorne Daemonkin all day every day. I have collected however several.
Eldar, Dark Eldar (twice), Harliquins, Blood Angels (twice), Orks, and I think thats it.
Which is your favorite Chaos character?
Khârn, or Skarbrand.
Which is your favorite Black Library publication?
I think its going to be Wrath of Iron. Its quintessential 40K, from the disregard for human life, the presentation of the Daemons, final battle, the distrust among the Imperium, its 40K in a nutshell.
Second would be Legion of the Damned for similar reasons, and its got Khorne, it just wasn't as unflinchingly grim at the end so Wrath of Iron gets the nod.
Any advice for your fellow players, any parting words of wisdom?
Never sell your armies! I've bought and sold several CSM/World Eater/Daemon of Khorne armies over the years, and some of those models I really wish I had still, I'd be well on the way to 15K points of painted models if I had never sold them.

Play not what is top tier, but what you enjoy to see, and play with. There is no 'wrong fun' but I've always had more joy in playing what I wanted, than in just brute force winning by virtue of having the better units on the table (which is why I left DE behind twice now).

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Any advice for your fellow players, any parting words of wisdom?

- Pick the models & units you like. Rememeber end of the day it all about how you enjoy the Games Workshop hobby. Like wise rememeber everyone else has a diffrent aspect of the hobby they enjoy from gaming, to painting, to background or everything.

This is IP in a nutshell. It's underplayed in his interview but it is what I think is possibly IP's greatest quality for 40K. He LOVES the hobby (maybe as much as I do msn-wink.gif )

Thanks Prot. You do sure go though a lot more armies than I do biggrin.png Other wise we'll have to see about that.

He loves painting, playing, the background, etc. This is the kind of guy you can play weekly and never get tired of it.

Pretty much Warhammer 40,000 is my main game. Follow by Battlefleet Gothic, Space Hulk & Necromunda. I'm not all to keen on other wargames to be honsty, it just down to the way they play or more/most time because I just don't like the models, few do look down on conversion. I have my view/reason. Just for me I like the whole look of the 40k world, I like a lot of the models & I like the way 40k grown over the years.

While it a shame I don't get as many games as I use to - 15 per week around 2004-2006. I'll still aim get a game per week. Since moving I'd like to try get more games since it better for me travel wise - local GW & gaming club, few other GW store that are between 10 min to a hour travel & diffrent oppents I've met from local tournament or Throne of Skulls event. Last year I got a game vs my friend Dave who I've know from local event Rapid Fire & then Warhammer World Throne of Skulls, we got a game in GW Glasgow.


One of my fondest memories of 40K is way back in the campaign days and good ol' Pete Haines was still around. You MUST have people who love this hobby to see it truly move forward. When that old campaign was on we were in the thick of it, and it showed how fun the entire thing can be (not just rolling dice, and winning or losing.)

While not part of that mail list, I knew about it from what you & philbrad talk about. I rememeber being part of here, Warseer & Philbrad group who where part of the Chaos side for Medusa V.

Gaming - Just had a game vs my friend orks. It was really brutal & in all honsty I though it was going his way. By the end we had no idea what had happen in the game, looking though & re-count the points with it end 7v4 for my Iron Warriors in the end due to my Heldrake holding on by a single hull point on hover mod & not able to fire his Flamer due to me rolling a 1 for Daemonic Possessed.

It was a really great game, I think in the end they had a unit Ork boyz, 3x Ork Boyz & a trukk as well as Mek. I had - Lord Narach, my Sorcerer & two Terminators along with a Rhino & Heldrake (single hull point). Though I was gutted when Champion of my Breacher seige squad roll 64 on the boon - d3+1.......... only to end up rolling Daemon prince all those time's, have them re-roll getting +1 In (got a Power Axe), S6 Ap2 vs Psychier (he had none) & Shred for the Power Axe.

There was a lot cool epic moment in the game like that.

I said before my hardest fought games was ToS Nov 2012 vs Space Wolves where we ended with 3 models each & just how on the edge the game was right up to turn 7. People watching the game just saying how it was a fun game to watch but you where also on the edge as one dice roll could change it all & overall just top game.

There a lot of games that stick out for being really cool, 2005 vs Chaos was really tactical. It why I like to add trophies to remind me of those great games.

I don't see the point in people cheating to win games, what are they actule gain? Or rage quiting, it not healthy for anyone & more like see the person with very few oppents.

I've had a Space Wolves Dreadnought failed to hit for a whole game with Twin Linked Lascannon, I just laught & I ended up getting news from the front award during Throne of Skulls for that. It added to his saga. Or when my friend Ork flyer cause 8 wounds vs my Terminators & I only pass one 2+ armour save, it did make me sick but we laught.

Or Rapid Fire last year, my last round saw me pretty much mis-deep strike for the first time (on gaming club city of death table I hate & it curse table) in a kill point mission vs my friend Necrons, as well as my Knight fail to charge, roll double 1's when I was 3 inch away.

Nothing you can do about dice rolling end of the day.


IP also shows in his answer another quality I admire: He's a live and let live kind of guy. I've never seen IP say, "You must use unit X'. He understands meta, and personal experiences, and most of all the desire to have fun with that unit you just painted. He 'gets it'.... there's much more to this game than math hammer. You see it in his armies. He has no trouble posting his 47 billion points and everyone one of those models has -identity- to him.

Be honsty, as stated in the past. I've just gotten board of the whole top armies & just get annoyed when people tell me how to do my hobby eg: Take this army because it is the current army. It not for me, I just don't want to waste time & energy. I had this last year where someone told me to get Eldar or Tau, nothing against those armies but there maybe to two I'd never really go near. I'm perosnal not keen on the play style of tau, there not really a army for me & same with Eldar, cool models but there way to frigle for me to use gaming wise.

Like wise, when I started to game I use to listen to everyone for any advice. But during those years, not all advice was good advice. So I rather just do things my own way, from my own epxerince in games & how I want to enjoy the hobby my way. When it come to armies now, I rely upon just getting games & learning from them & only talk to friends who are on the same page, who know me. So for exsample my friend Lee, I fought that Rapid Fire last year suggested about adding a Sorcerer to my Terminator unit & lord, just help give them that edge & just the impack it given that unit now.

Or led up to Rapid Fire, all my friends told me to keep my Terminators, they've been my main unit & all give sold reason when I was adding a Knight in just to try it out since it was a weekend of gaming more than anything else.............. it was gutting to see the Knight taken out on turn 2 in 5 out of 6 games, it was still cool & I like the model.

I like Chaos, I've been collecting Chaos since 1996 because of the conversion main part of the hobby & main reason for me to collect armies - Space Wolves & Raven wing. While gaming wise, I like useing aggressive armies. ADB wrote in Talons of Horus on the Iron Warrior - Valicar "the graven",

Talons of Horus, page 142

It was a bolter designed to start & finish fights with one shot, one kill

Like my friend Paul said from a tournament back 2008

QUOTE (Monk Fish @ Sep 23 2008, 01:26 PM)

Insane Psychopath is quite an aggressive player btw (the way he plays not his attatude). He did not mention this but when I had 2 transports full of c-marines and a unit of c-terminators arrive 4-12" from my D-cannons almost ontop of both the centre and left objectives.... I was not a happy chappy. I have played his Marine bike army a couple of times too, and he shows the same tendancy. Which is good because there is nothing more boaring than a player that hides at the back and never comits to a do or die stratagy!.


I go to events just to get games as it ether a single day or whole weekend. Event like Throne of Skulls, it in Warhammer World, my favrout gaming venue, it home away from home for me.

Great interview. Personally I would have asked him what he thinks of proxying models in games.tongue.png

You know it against the forum rules to bait & troll people Prot msn-wink.gif

I'm ok if someone forget a model so useing a Guard stand in as a Marine or maybe useing a Rhino as a Razorback or waiting on a order to arrive.

With in reason I'm fine with it.

It just all out proxy. By this I mean, say a Grey Knight army with Nid ally. The army is Goblins, LotR Rohan, Dark Elfs, etc..... Gandalf (sp?) the Grey as a =][= & a mobile phone as a Imperial Knight, all of it half built with little to no care. Or just flat out useing base to rep the units with no models built that all. Useing that army week in, week out for months, I just find it a little insulting to game against & I do refuse games against that type proxy.

This is just my personal view. I just find it make a part of my hobby soul die inside. I understand a lot of people don't have the time. But still that type proxy, don't expect any games against me.

But just for me there no enjoyment to game against somthing like that. Just to rememeber things as well, I've been making marker - First Blood or Familiar for my Sorcerer just to remind me that he has this. Like wise useing Psychic cards, how much it help remind me during games, it easy to get caught up in the game & forget somthing.

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Hello frater and welcome to this week's Interview with a Chaos Lord. Today the Chaos Lord I present you is Chaeron. An old guard here on B&C, a great painter and a regular in the Chaos community. He is Death Guard to the core, he can take it, let loose with your question, have no mercy. 


How have you become a Chaos Lord?


I definitely see this as a process of ascension. The more I played, the more I became involved with the hobby. This led to tactics and then painting and modelling, and I've been lucky enough to learn from some of the best and pass on my wisdom when I can. From humble beginnings, it has been a long process - but it's an honour to be considered one!

When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?


I started collecting in 1995, as a gift from family (mostly odds and ends), and over the years as more friends started to play it became a hobby I would always look to make time for. It was probably about 1997 I fell completely into the hobby: I remember getting the plastic Plague Marines and the painting starter set when they were released as it was about this time that it became really popular amongst my friendship group, and then nearly twenty years on I'm one of the few to keep it up! That initial Death Guard and Iron Warriors force is still going strong, with little deviances along the way. It's only in more recent years that I've actively added Daemons that weren't purely God-specific (Nurgle), and my Lost and the Damned were added during the Eye of Terror campaign.


Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband, and why?


It has to be the Death Guard - that pragmatism, ethos and general mentality to endure and make-do is something that within the game in terms of rules and fluff that is accurately captured. As a Legion, they have always been the one that stood out: both pre- and post-heresy, in terms of scheme and play style, so I've been happy to continue ploughing away with them for so long. I've had a large Iron Warriors army for a similar length of time, but I tend to find I always return to the Death Guard - no matter what.


What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?


It's a great community, at its core, which brings so many people together. I can go to most places and find someone who enjoys it, or wants a game, and they're always receptive. From a personal perspective, it's the creative nature of the hobby: building, modelling and painting is something I enjoy and always want to improve on, before then using things that I've actually made and am proud of to compete on the table top in a fun game format? That's why I keep playing.

What is your play style?


My play style would probably be characterised as 'aggressive' - I want to use the tabletop and scenery to my advantage, and it's one of the reasons why I love crowded urban ruins for tables, it's that close quarters mechanic that I think works really well, and is exciting. Mostly, rolling lots of dice and hoping some of them come up with the numbers I want them to. I'd much rather seize the initiative, being proactive rather than reactive, but I'm equally pragmatic. If I have to play in a certain way, or speedbump/tarpit units, it's what becomes necessary to fulfil the conditions of victory. Truthfully, I'm happy to actually play and have a good time! 


What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?


I've had a few minor successes at smaller tournaments in past, but haven't entered one for quite a while. I would probably attribute my greatest achievements as being success within the ETL last year: or indeed any B&C competition, as they've spurred me on to paint vast swathes of my collection, and massively improve my skills as part of the process. In terms of memories, definitely attending conventions such as Salute, because of the awe and wonder they inspire, and those three or four person battles over objectives in the center of the board - classic!

Do you collect and play any other armies?


Far, far too many. I have quite a bit of basically every other traitor legion (thousands of points, in most cases). My Iron Warriors would definitely be the largest, probably into the double digits. World Eaters would then follow with a few thousand points - with Thousand Sons and Emperors Children somewhere behind, with the rest in vastly smaller chunks. I've got a rather huge Raven Guard army on the go (I dread to think how large... companies worth), then about five thousand points of Tau, another six thousand odd of Dark Eldar, a couple of thousand points of Orks, about three thousand points of Grey Knights, and then those other bits and bobs from various starters over the years: Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, etc. But, Death Guard are my bread and butter: I would always choose to use them, and of those armies, they're pretty much the only one that's painted in any great quantity!


A 30k army is also brewing... you can probably guess of what.


Outside of GW, I've played a lot of X-Wing (and am pretty decent at it!), and have starters for nearly every other major game system out there, I just don't always get time to play them!


Which is your favorite Chaos character?


Typhus - mostly because I'm a big fan of the model and his origins. I could also go for Ahriman too, because I think French's novels and characterization of him is fantastic!


Which is your favorite Black Library publication?


Too difficult: I've been collecting publications since the inception of the Black Library. If you pushed me to choose, probably Ghostmaker. But any from the Gaunt's Ghosts series could suffice! I love Abnett's writing and craft.


Any advice for your fellow players, any parting words of wisdom?


Always roll sixes (bar on Leadership tests)? In all seriousness - just enjoy whatever aspects of the hobby you can, it's something that makes me happy, and I am constantly learning and improving - never be afraid to ask for advice or constructive criticism. Above all: have fun!

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@Chaeron. Have you had your shots and how many infections did you spread at Salute (I ask because I may need to get tested)?


Seriously though, good read and I look forward to seeing what you create during the ETL.

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