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Order of the Blushing Maiden

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*I hereby declare this challenge complete* Jumping headlong into the Liber challenge I present The Order of the Blushing Maiden


Order name: Order of the Blushing Maiden

Home planet: Joutinheim

Name of its Founder: Hospitaler Coulette

Notable Sisters:  Saint Isabel, Sister Mary

Notable Allies: Joutinheim 798th Armored Regiment.



                                                        The Order of The Blushing Maiden





As the Order of the Healing Light was pushed back to it's last stronghold, Sister Colette was tending to her Canoness' wounds. But no matter how hard she tried Canoness Meriweather's wounds were as stubborn as she was. Her leader lay dying in her arms. “My Lady I am sorry, I have done all I can. It is in His hands now.” Colette told her. “Reinforcements are imminent my dear.” Meriweather said calmly. “My time is near. Even now I can hear our Glorious Emperor call me to his side. But you my dear, You must live on. You must live to tell our tale.” She said as the sounds of battle grew even closer to the stronghold. She could hear her sisters being slaughtered in the halls. While they were Sororitas and capable of defending themselves, they were not the Orders Militant, who were better trained in the combat arts. “I will My Lady.” Colette said as she fought off her internal fear and steeled her resolve. She took her Godwyn Diaz pattern Bolter and took a position of overwatch on the door to the Canoness's office. “May His light guide you my child.” The Canoness said with her dying breath The sounds of battle were now just outside the door. The foul Xenos were battering down the thick steel door. Suddenly the door was blown off it's hinges by some xenos demolition charge. Squad after squad of Tau soldiers filed into the room. Each falling before getting off a shot. Sister Colette was running low on ammo and feared she would not be able to keep her promise to her former Canoness. As her bolter ran dry and the foul xenos surrounded her bright flashes of light suddenly puncture the xenos chests. Scions of His Emperor's Militarum Tempestus stormed into the room. They slayed the tau and quickly escorted Sister Colette out to the main plaza to a waiting Tarox Prime, Gatling cannon blazing. As the elite troops loaded up in astonishing speed the Tarox them proceeded to punch through the retaining wall and out to a waiting Sky Talon Valkyrie. The clamps grasped tight as the engines roared and Sister Colette felt the inertia of flight. Once aboard the shuttle, on its way to the awaiting fleet, Colette was brought to the medicaid, and her wounds tended to.




Sister Colette's wounds were minor and in no time she kept herself busy in the medicaid doing menial tasks. As Commissar Wilhelm entered the aid station "Honored Sister,” he hesitated. “I bring news from your Abbess.” he finished as he handed her the Data slate with a message from the Abbess.

Significant battles joined:  Repelled the Arch-enemy's invasion of Joutinheim, currently fighting the Foul Xenos Orks on 
Oricron VI.  Read up on their battles here   



Command squad

1st Squad

2nd Squad


Comments, critiques, Advice, is always welcome.

Edited by CommissarZac
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Quality scheme dude. Whoever can't appreciate battle nuns with flamethrowers in blue armour and pink robes with aqua green hair screaming "BURN THE HERETIC", well, I feel for them aha!

Now it all makes sense. This is an anime.

I would pay GOOD money to see a repentia based anime. Uriah Jacobs filling in the standard old perv role

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Best counter to chauvinism: turn it around.


Sister of Battle (lifting the guardsman off his feet, and holding him before her like a shield): "Thank you for protecting me. I really appreciate you taking these wounds in my place. Oh, here comes a Traitor Marine of the World Eaters Legion! You might want to close your eyes."

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That's a funny picture.  I'd figure he's probably just used to fighting with other men and didn't realize or think about it, but maybe I'm looking too much into it.


True. There's actually a series of these pictures forming a small story, also including more guardsmen (including female guardsmen), and I believe a commissar and a space marine.


Been a while since I read it.

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That's a funny picture.  I'd figure he's probably just used to fighting with other men and didn't realize or think about it, but maybe I'm looking too much into it.


I guaran-fething-tee you that when the bolter shells start flying, the last thing the guardsman is thinking about is ceramite-encased mamaries!!!  Now, the night before, safe in his bedroll at the bottom of a trench...different story.

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I can't be the only one who finds the idea of a guardsman in flak armour protecting a Sister in power armour an amusing commentary on the folly of chauvinism, can I?


It's funny because on the tabletop she would be tanking all the ap4 and lower wounds for the guard squad:laugh.:


"Let me show you how a REAL servant of the Emperor does things!"


*Tanks a whole enemy squads of boltgun fire*


"As you were privates."


*Edit* I wanted to add that I like the colour scheme.  It's got an awesome anime feel to it and is very unique.

Edited by MrFlutterPie
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From what I saw on the artist's gallery, the guardsman didn't turn his head towards the person he was keeping out of the line-of-fire, until the next scene- he didn't realize the Sister was there, until he felt something different.

Which should tell you that he is not using cover correctly. If he were facing towards the wall he would be fully aware of what was on both sides and not be in danger of being outflanked or having his arm removed by an upset Battle Sister.



In simple terms, never turn your back towards the enemy.

Edited by Jacinda
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From what I saw on the artist's gallery, the guardsman didn't turn his head towards the person he was keeping out of the line-of-fire, until the next scene- he didn't realize the Sister was there, until he felt something different.

That comic is amazing! lol


Pretty heretical, will have to admit... Alcohool and all...

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stupid as it may seem, I get the point of sisters in power armour going unhelmeted. The increased morale boost of seeing the sisters fight by your side, and see that they, too, are human (and not just a walking suit of armour) could possibly be a huge boost. Piety is hard to convey through a helmet's eye-lenses. 


And of course, going without a helmet is no problem for the sisters. The Emperor Protects. ;)

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