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++Interview with a Chaos Lord++ Andra'Melek p.9

Augustus b'Raass

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Posted · Hidden by Excessus, April 11, 2016 - offtopic
Hidden by Excessus, April 11, 2016 - offtopic


Who needs halloween. :lol:

Yeah do you think we men shower shave and attempt to wear suits just because it's our anniversary or a special occasion! No we eat junk food watch anime listen to metal and usually are on the verge of a psychotic breakdown before we do any of those things

How did you know? You watching me?

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Atia, will you finally see the light and join the chaos strategium this year?

Yep! I plan to do Zarakynel, aswell as 10 Possessed, a Chaos Contemptor (Mhara Gal) and a Helbrute this year ^.^

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Atia, will you finally see the light and join the chaos strategium this year?

Yep! I plan to do Zarakynel, aswell as 10 Possessed, a Chaos Contemptor (Mhara Gal) and a Helbrute this year ^.^

That is great news! And it will silence those that doubted your spot in these hallowed halls. ;) (not that there was one)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all, and welcome to another Interview with a Chaos Lord! This week we have the pleasure of interviewing Adra'melek, the Burned Man and (alt-verse) Primarch of the XIV Legion "Infernal Guard." He also has a quite fascinating Bloodgorged Daemonkin army, too! Make sure to check out his WIPs here (for the Infernal Guard and a little bit of KDK at the end) and here (for more Daemonkin!)


How did you become a Chaos Lord?

I was lost with the Realms of Chaos. Something about Khorne has always called to me. I'm always a fighter and I always hate magic, be it D&D or Computer games or whatever.

When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?

I had a brief flutter during 2nd with a Abaddon led force but didn't really settle on the game. Then when I started my alternative heresy force they ended up falling to Khorne just in time for the Daemonkin release. That force just fits for me.

Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband, and why?

Bloodgorged, Daemonkin of Khorne. The tiny bit about them has them fighting the followers of the other chaos powers. Perhaps it's the origins in Realms of Chaos (for those that don't know it involved warbands of chaos fighting each other in the northern wastes to gain favour from their God). It helps that I mostly play my brother who is a follower of Tzeentch (who I played RoC with).

What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?

Painting/modelling. Not as good at either as I'd like but you only improve with practice. I hardly ever play but I do try to collect armies rather than just models (something that games sometimes seem to struggle to understand it seems).

What is your play style?

Aggressive, unthinking, blood for the blood God. I always try to do my best but I don't take it too seriously.

What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?

Probably working on the Infernal Guard, culminating in Adra'Melek. I'll never forget that first cut I made into Vulkan that meant I had to push forward. As with everything I do I hate it until it's pretty much done, when everything seems to come together.

Do you collect and play any other armies?

Have Had Beastmen and warriors of Chaos for WFB. Tau and Horus Heresy armies for 40k.

Which is your favorite Chaos character?

Probably Abaddon, but I haven't really read that much stuff for 40k.


Which is your favorite Black Library publication?

As above. Possibly Betrayer.

Any advice for your fellow frater, any parting words of wisdom?

Just enjoy yourself. Try and find likeminded people as I find the hobby benefits are massively magnified in this case.

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Can you tell us the process how you came to decide to make a Alternate Universe chaotic Salamanders army? I love the idea, but know that it'd never cross my mind. I loved the idea though when I first read about it, when you vowed to complete the Primarch Andra'Melek in the event I hosted last year.

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It all started off with a "what if" thread in the AOD forum. Write a short blurb for what might happen if a Primarch landed on a different home world. I went with Mortarion on Nocturne. Rather than being raised by a nice human smith, he survived in the wilds. The theme was based on a Wikipedia search for fire gods






It was decided to try and flesh it out to create a new world as part of the Corax Coup (in the special projects section). So I took parts from the two sources and had a 'God' to whom children we sacrificed in fire (given up to the Legion, with a trial by fire), aspects of rehabilitation (his early Warriors were criminals who were sentenced to death). The Legion itself was originally called Infernal Legion, changed to guard to tie into the death guard (and we had a few called 'Legion' too). I was going to have them loosely based on the Batazu from d&d but decided against it.


Then as standard with these alt heresy, someone had to fall to each of the chaos gods, and it was suggested to be mine...which was easily accepted. And that lead the direction.


At the same time I was switching between which legion army to do and then just went for my own instead. When KDK came out I was going to have them as Infernal Guard but went with the Blood Gorged instead.

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