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++Interview with a Chaos Lord++ Andra'Melek p.9

Augustus b'Raass

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Cheers guys, and thanks for having me in this prestigious series! :)


@ Kierdale:


Hmm, the models I am most proud of usually tend to change on a fairly regular basis, plus I always have several ongoing projects at the same time. Talking about Chaos models, first and foremost, here are the things that I am currently very proud of, though:


First up, Gilgamesh, the Warrior King, my converted Chaos Knight:




This was a really big project for me - in every sense of the word - and I am really pleased with the resulting model. The Imperial Knight kit was also a joy to work with, for the most part.


And there's this guy, Lord Captain Lorimar, the supreme leader of my World Eaters, surrounded by his personal bodyguard:




I think the Chaos Lord should really be the most important model in any chaotic army, which is why I spent such a long time coming up with a suitable model. Thanks to Augustus' Arena last year and a mutual challenge between Biohazard and I, I finally managed to get the model painted. His retinue also features some models I am rather proud of, such as the Doomwall (seen on the right), a Chaos Lord in converted Mk 1 Terminator armour.


As for my dream projects, I'll try to stay semi-realistic and name a project that I actually want to start this year: A conversion of Daemon Primarch Angron, probably based on one of the Bloodthirster kits. I also want to end up with at least a Killteam showing some of my 40k World Eaters in their 30k incarnations, something I am already working on at the moment.

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Hah! That is quite a question alright msn-wink.gif

I can only hazard a guess, but maybe it's the fact that, in many ways, Khorne so quintessentially embodies some of the characteristics of GW's treatment of chaos: the skulls, the bulky, serrated armour. The horns. The very striking colour scheme of red and brass. When I got into the hobby, Khorne seemed almost synonymous with chaos -- it was the "red period", after all.

Then there's this duality about Khorne that I've always found fascinating (and that unfortunately has become far less important in modern fluff): that he respects strength and prowess in combat, even if it's displayed by is enemies. Possibly one of my favourite scenes from 2nd edition had Marneus Calgar earning a salute from a World Eaters champion for a feat performed in combat -- I have always liked that "noble daemon" approach.

There's also the fact that so many people see Khorne and his followers as the most boring chaotic faction, and that always motivates me to come up with something cool and original enough to counter that prejudice.

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I have a couple!


1.) How many times do you think you use the winky emoji in a day?


Haha, I kid.


But for serious, if you couldn't pick Khorne, which would be your next favorite cult God and why?

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Haha, you're absolutely right, though -- seems like I am addicted to the winky little guy! (Notice how I've refrained from using him here, even though it would have been perfectly appropriate).


As for our other question, Nurgle would be next in line, I guess -- mostly for the excellent conversion potential. In fact, I have quite a few Nurglite models that were mainly built for fun. Slaanesh can be done extremely well, too, with a bit of work (and moving beyond the somewhat tired T&A tropes). I cannot seem to get a good handle on Tzeentch: Between the crazily mutated daemons and the Thousand Sons' nature as automata, there's not that much there that interests me (although Thousand Sons armies can be excellent when done well -- see Aasfresser's work). I also think it's a shame that Chaos Undivided gets so little love in the current fluff, as it could probably be pretty interesting. Oh, and there always Mhorrigot, a pretty awesome minor chaos god invented by Jeff Vader.


That being said, it's really no competition: Khorne is my absolute favourite. By far.

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Hah! That is quite a question alright msn-wink.gif

I can only hazard a guess, but maybe it's the fact that, in many ways, Khorne so quintessentially embodies some of the characteristics of GW's treatment of chaos: the skulls, the bulky, serrated armour. The horns. The very striking colour scheme of red and brass. When I got into the hobby, Khorne seemed almost synonymous with chaos -- it was the "red period", after all.

Then there's this duality about Khorne that I've always found fascinating (and that unfortunately has become far less important in modern fluff): that he respects strength and prowess in combat, even if it's displayed by is enemies. Possibly one of my favourite scenes from 2nd edition had Marneus Calgar earning a salute from a World Eaters champion for a feat performed in combat -- I have always liked that "noble daemon" approach.

There's also the fact that so many people see Khorne and his followers as the most boring chaotic faction, and that always motivates me to come up with something cool and original enough to counter that prejudice.

Good stuff. I also find it unfortunate that the focus is more "raving madmen" and less "masters of warfare/combat" for Khorne's followers. Not that I don't love the raving madmen aspect, though!

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I think I called in sick one day last ETL, my affliction, I discovered your WIP site and became stuck in my chair, unable to move until I had seen every page.


I'm curious as which models you enjoy painting / converting the most, not necessarily what you consider the best done, but what you had the most fun with

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Cheers, guys!:)


@ Venomlust: Fully agreed.


@ Incinerator950: What can I say? I get around ;)


@ Carrack: Aw, shucks, that's awfully nice of you to say! :)


As for your question, when it comes to converting, I really tend to enjoy all of that all of the time -- except maybe the odd fiddly session where nothing seems to come together, but I could probably be cutting up little plastic men for the rest of my life and die fulfilled. Sad, I know ;)

When it comes to painting, it might surprise you to learn that painting 40 World Eaters really isn't all that much fun. I actually find the 30k colour scheme far more liberating, to my surprise. Apart from that, I really enjoyed painting the Chaos Knight, except for a rough patch near the beginning. Dreadnoughts are always terrific fun for some reason (probably the slightly bigger scale). And, moving beyond chaos, I usually have a blast building and painting INQ28 models, both because it offers so much variety and because I really get to experiment with new techniques.

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@ Uveron: Hmm, that's an excellent question. Let's see:


By and large, I think I'd stick to my choices. The availability of certain bitz nowadays would make my life easier, I suppose, but since I will sometimes go back and touch up models or change conversions, most of my army doesn't really look too dated. One very simple thing I wish I had done differently: I should have stocked up on Blood Red when it was still available, as that would have allowed me to keep my original painting recipe instead of having to find a new one -- something I have not yet completely managed.


Maybe the one big thing I would do differently today, and this calls back to something I said in the original interview, is not to settle for "good enough" models: I think you all know the feeling. You build a new squad. You're full of ideas. The first couple of guys go together really well. Then you bulid the champ and maybe an icon bearer, and they turn out great. But when you get closer to finishing the squad, you find yourself losing steam, and so the last one or two models are mostly put together just to be finished with it, and that results in models that are just "good enough" - if even that. Today I try to make every single model in a unit the best it can possibly be, and that's something that I wish I'd done from the very start. That said, I'm not above going back to sup-par models and taking them apart in order to improve them ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

We choose Chaos mostly for the army's atmosphere and for the excellent conversion and painting opportunities it provides the avid hobbyist. This week's interviewee is a Chaos Lord whose army almost literally exudes the iconic chaotic atmosphere, with a little bit of that wonderful early 90's comic relief in it. His conversions and sculpting work are beyond inspirational, and he always tops it off with a paint job of which the stages run in the dozens, where most of us would call it quits after just three or four.


This week, I may humbly present to you rednekkboss!! Please check out his threads, two of the most iconic of which are The Templars of DOOooooom! and The Bloody 7th and the Bloody Claws of Khorne! It's Bloody!


1.) How have you become a Chaos Lord?

I first reached out to Chaos at a young age, when I had the Measles.  I vowed to dedicate my life to whatever dark powers existed if I'd just stop puking.  Little did I know my prayers were being heard...as I kept reaching out into the warp for each childhood illness. My fate was sealed. The acne as a teenager could have been a bit less intense though. 


Well, that and I had an atypical (though awesome) childhood. My father did taxidermy work as a second job. I grew up on a farm, hunting, fishing and drawing comics. I guess that's where my "love" for guts,gore and viscera came from. I started doing scale models at age 7 (because when you live 10 miles from Lake Ontario you need something to do during the winter) Once I saw the original Chaos Books in college in 1991, as a creative person I was just hooked on the possibilities for conversion.  I also love the backstory of chaos as corrupter of mankind. Man giving in to what lies within. 



2.) When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?

As much as I loved the idea of Chaos, I didn't actually start collecting any chaos miniatures until after college in @1995.  My first Chaos marines, were actually the old RT01 plastics that I converted and were basically just painted different. The idea being a Chaos warband that looked "normal" so they could infiltrate . Alpha Legion? (they were Slaaneshi back then) 


3.) Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband, and why?
Of the canon Legions, my favorite has always been the Alpha Legion. And this coming from a very nurgly guy, though I do like some of the newer Nurgly Warbands, like the Purge and the Cleaved. But the idea of the Alpha Legion, infiltrating the Imperium, covert ops, wearing loyalist armor. The not so obvious corruption of the strive for perfection.  And I always loved the idea of corrupted Guard units.  Someday (and lord knows I have enough miniatures left to build) I 'll likely do an Alpha Legion force, especially now with the aftermarket stuff that's available and my love for sculpting.


4.) What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?
Warhammer 40k has a great backstory. Sure, they fiddle with the fluff, but what I think some people seem to miss sometimes is we are talking about a whole GALAXY at war. The possibilities for your own creative expansion on the "fluff" are basically endless. Pretty much anything can exist in billions of stars.  The other part, is the modelling. Like I noted, I've been building scale models since I was 7 (40 years) and getting to convert my own (and actually play games with them) has been the biggest joy of the hobby.  These days I don't play for the most part, but the hobby is still my favorite escape.


5.) What is your play style?
When I do get to play, my lists tend a bit more toward the fluffy. I used to do tournaments, but once the infamous "spammy net lists" started hitting, that kind of "win at all costs/douchebaggery" does not make the game fun for me, so I went back to casual play. In general, I do fairly infantry heavy lists. With my chaos army, the nurgly marines tend to hold objectives and taunt people to kick them off. I also love a strike unit or two (Terminators, assault squads)... to make a mess in the rear. Especially when I use my loyalist Raptors army, jump squads with a character are a favorite.  Alot of modern gamers tend to not like them, but I've always had great success with them.  With Chaos I also like my defilers, another unpopular choice, but they've always wreaked enough havoc/distracted my opponent enough to let the clock tick down. I've never had a problem using units to distract my opponent for a few turns.  Not to mention the psychological warfare of an eye staring at you....


6.) What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?

My greatest achievement was to get over my fear of sculpting and just DO IT!  Its taken a LOT of practice and time, but I've gotten pretty good at it and know I'll get better the more I do it.  So, everyone... don't be afraid to try something new and keep at it.  My favorite miniature to date is "Ms. Blinky" and her staring eye.




And my favorite gaming memory, was winning a local 500 pt Escalation league back in the days of the Lost & Damned List, with a Defiler and a couple squads of cultists against a character heavy Dark Angels player (who had been driving everyone nuts, because he was abit of an arrogant snot). My crappy little cultists held the objective until the end and wouldn't break. It helped cement my general strategy of bogging down my enemies into my style of gameplay.


7.) Do you collect and play any other armies?

Oh.... too many.  I have had lots of different armies over the years. Space Wolves were my first and favorite for the longest time, probably why I like an assault element in my games so much. Though the miniatures have improved across the board, Space Wolves have gotten a bit to "comic looking" for me... if you can believe that.  I am tempted to do a Space Wolf Spoof force one day though..  Right now I have my Chaos Army (The Templars of DOOooom) , the Traitor Guard (astra Milli..whatever), My Raptors Marines (the only army I have fully painted) and my Rednekkz Hoard (Orks) with a Necron allied force. I even have a few Tyranids kicking around, though I'll likely just do those for fun. I'm  also working on another loyalist army.. the Meso-American themed Apostles of Quetza and a spoofy Guard army themed on the PC game Tropico. Lots on the plate. Someday, I'll have to find  good homes for all these kids.


8.) Which is your favorite Chaos character?
My favorite  Chaos character, for gameplay has long been Typhus. The whole zombie thing these days is just too fun. But, I always liked the idea of him and the look of a big hulking plague-ridden Terminator with a scythe.


9.) Which is your favorite Black Library publication?
I've enjoyed the Horus Heresy Series and Gaunt's Ghosts. My favorite books have been, without doubt, the two books about the cleansing of Prospero.


10.) Any advice for your fellow frater, any parting words of wisdom?

Don't get discouraged when you see someone doing/painting something you aren't capable of yet.  You don't just drop out of the sky and be able to paint beautiful miniatures. Sure, some are more artistically inclined than others, but the key to getting good at...well anything really.. is practice. Expect to make mistakes. Learn from them and move on. Don't beat yourself up. Don't quit. Just keep doing it... over time you'll get better. Practice,practice,practice,practice and more practice. Then practice.


Second... remember its a game and have fun. Try not to take it too serious.  Its nice to win games, but its more important to have fun. And even if you are curbstomping someone, remember that 90% of them are also human. The other 10% might just deserve a good curbstomping, but still... be courteous about it.

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@ rednekkboss: Glad to see Ms. Blinky again! She is a fantastic model and still holds a very high place on my personal "most disgusting painting effects ever" list! smile.png

Thanks, mate! I think when my flyer (Ms Charlotte) is done, I hope she'll be equally gross and disturbing. Though she doesn't have a great big eye. :(

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@ rednekkboss: Glad to see Ms. Blinky again! She is a fantastic model and still holds a very high place on my personal "most disgusting painting effects ever" list! smile.png

Thanks, mate! I think when my flyer (Ms Charlotte) is done, I hope she'll be equally gross and disturbing. Though she doesn't have a great big eye. sad.png

Pictures or it didn't happen. ;)

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Very good to read your interview! :tu:

I put to you my two usual questions...

I. Can you please show us the completed model you're most proud of? (Other than Ms. Blinky ;) )

II. What's your dream project? (Money/time/skill/bitz/Infernal Powers permitting)

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Very good to read your interview! thumbsup.gif

I put to you my two usual questions...

I. Can you please show us the completed model you're most proud of? (Other than Ms. Blinky msn-wink.gif )

II. What's your dream project? (Money/time/skill/bitz/Infernal Powers permitting)

1.) I've got quite a few I'm proud of. Some are older, but I was proud I was able to sculpt or try something new on them. A great many of my Raptors minis, though plain olive drab incorporated some new (at the time) conversion stuff. I learned a lot from that army. That said, I think all of the newer techniques I've added to my arsenal over the last 10 years kind of came together in Blinky, Charlotte and the one and only Rhett Bastid.


2.)...That is an evil question. Oh... there are so many. Assuming I won the Powerball and had all the time to build models, fish and eat tacos.... I'd probably have to say that I'd likely do a MASSIVE expansion of the Templars of DOOooom to be honest. The original fluff idea is that DOOoooom is not only a concept, but thanks to the warp, a thing. A 4 headed monsterosity so terrifying that the Chaos gods imprisoned it in an obsidian cage. It can, however whisper to its followers and has done so for millions of years. Its also pretty much insane and has a strange attraction to baked goods, especially cinnamon rolls. I mean.... who doesn't love a good cinnamon roll.

SO, since Kierdale has helped me win the Powerball (and yes, mate.... I'll share) I'd expand the army on all fronts, as it exists in the backstory I've created. There would be traitor guard armies, contingents from all four Gods (even Tzeentch, though they would not be allowed on the Harbinger of DOOOOoooom.) Dark Mechanicus, Deamons, you name it. Titans. I'd be ordering bits from Forgeworld and all over. There is SO much after market available for the Chaos converter. Of course, I'd also have to buy some sort of drug to extend my lifetime to get it all done.

In the real world, that hard part is time and funds. Regrettably, I don't have the disposable income thanks to the "you have to work 2 crappy jobs instead of one good one" economy that seems to be part of the 21st century here. So it definitely stiffles some of the creative potential. I'd love to add a more mechanized component to my chaos army (I have had a blast corrupting the vehicles so far) as well as the titans. My background speaks of a massive collections of mismatched warbands with Ork allies. The project is almost boundless. Plus...if Battlefleet Gothic is involved...a fleet. Of course, I'd have to open a Warhammer store so I'd have a place to play.... and since money isn't a problem, I wouldn't have to worry about turning a big profit. And... then I'd invite all the B&C clan to come play with cool looking armies. smile.png

In the non-Chaos arena, there are two "dream projects" I've spent a LOT of mental energy on and would love to be able to buy Forgeworld and other resin bits to convert, but because of $$$ I'm learning more sculpting. The first is one I have actually started - the Apostles of Quetza. I've been fascinated by Meso-American cultures since college (almost 20 years ago) and wanted to do an Aztec/Mayan Space Marine chapter. The other project, which I've also started (though I'll admit to half assing some of it) is my Rednekk Ork army. One of the reasons it collects dust is that I have a hard time dealing with the fact that I can't convert every one of a hundred Orks and would have to buy a hundred scale model kits for parts. Think war machines based on farm equipment, bi-plane jets and you name it. To be able to do all that, would likely hit the dream project category.

That's the problem, the 40k universe has too many options. smile.png

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@ rednekkboss: Glad to see Ms. Blinky again! She is a fantastic model and still holds a very high place on my personal "most disgusting painting effects ever" list! smile.png

Thanks, mate! I think when my flyer (Ms Charlotte) is done, I hope she'll be equally gross and disturbing. Though she doesn't have a great big eye. sad.png

Pictures or it didn't happen. msn-wink.gif

In progress, just the base colors.....


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Hello everyone, and welcome to another Interview with a Chaos Lord. This week I'm pleased to say we have helterskelter joining us as we talk about evil, flayed skin, and... well, let's just say there's an abundance of Night Lords here, okay?

How did you become a Chaos Lord?
At the tender old age of 13 I walked into a games workshop, it looked amazing, so I picked chaos there and then because they looked awesome. And who doesn't think the bad guys are awesome. I loved the cover of the 3rd ed codex and got some chaos marines (which I still have)

When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?
See above tongue.png

Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband, and why?
My Favourite, well now I'm glad you asked.
They stand in midnight clad, and have a love of murder and batwings! Night Lords of course!
Now the why is a bit easier I think, again it started when I was younger and less "lore aware", I really loved the colour scheme, I think it was the go to scheme back in my mid teens. Then the story of Konrad Curze got me hooked, well the old version anyway, when the pict feed goes blurry and you didn't know what happened. I always liked to think Curze got M'shen.
Not long after I read this I think the index astartes came out, which just solidified the deal, and of course the novels. Lord of the night was one of the best books I read when I was younger.

What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?
The modelling most definitely. It's great to see people of all ages making their models, all the conversions, giving their guys and gals personalities. It's the one thing that everyone can do and share in whether we game or not.

What is your play style?
I like to say fluid. By and large I'm a watcher in nature, I like to see what others are doing. Doing so, strategy can be tweaked as needed, moves can be countered and so on.
Doesn't work all the time, but just sometimes a bit of a leftfield move can be pulled to throw my opponent off balance.

What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?
I think finally hauling my backside to Warhammer world is my favourite memory. Just seeing the home of something I've been involved with for over half my life was pretty cool happy.png

Do you collect and play any other armies?
Not so much recently, I do my best to stick to one army if I can.
In the past however, Iron Warriors, Tau, emperors Children and space wolves.

Which is your favorite Chaos character?
Khârn the Betrayer. Primarily for the little story in White Dwarf when he was released, and the art on the cover

Which is your favorite Black Library publication?
At the moment the ones that hold it for me are Angel Exterminatus and Vengeful Spirit. Some really cool scenes in both, that I shan't spoil, but if the frater haven't read them yet please do!

Any advice for your fellow frater, any parting words of wisdom?
Keep enjoying what you are doing, and always experiment. Oo and if you're a beginner painter, start with dry brushing. Best thing I ever did was to use that technique and then expand from there.
Thanks for having me guys!


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Good stuff, Helterskelter. A good bit of advice there at the end about dry brushing. Even once your brush control gets better too, I think dry brushing still has its place.



I put to you my two usual questions...

I. Can you please show us the completed model you're most proud of?

II. What's your dream project? (Money/time/skill/bitz/Infernal Powers permitting)

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Thanks kierdale! so to answer your questions




My most recent praetor earns the spot for number 1, was really happy with how he turned out in the end, especially as I tried some little bits and pieces I haven't done before on him.


For number 2, I want to get my hands on a warlord titan. The scale and awesomeness that is one of those beasts would really put everything to the test for me, and would force me to learn new skills.

However, I have just started to see someone new recently, so depending on how that goes, that's probably happening later rather than sooner :p

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Don't pay attention for a while and a bloody good idea like this comes along :tu:


Some interesting insights from the far reaches of the damned, which may have motivated me to get a bit more involved again, though I am currently trying to amass a sizeable enough amount of bodies to throw at this years etl :devil:


Keep em coming :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, and welcome to another Interview with a Chaos Lord. This week we pick the brain of the great ShVagYeR on the Thousand Sons, Ahzek Ahriman, and all things dust...

How did you become a Chaos Lord?
It began in October 2012 when my close friend (he's on this forum as Vinc) came over with a Chaos Battleforce box, determined to talk me into this hobby. We painted a couple of Word Bearers (only because we didn't have any blue paint). But when he was telling me the backstory of 40k and showing me pictures, I liked Thousand Sons the most, mostly because of contrasting blue & yellow/gold and the Egyptian theme. Some time and a few small armies later I returned to that original idea of painting sons of Magnus.

When did you start to play the Chaos Space Marines/Daemons/Lost&Damned?
Play? In all honesty, last Saturday. biggrin.png But I've been collecting Thousand Sons since September 2014 starting with Ahriman. The reason why the first game came so late was because I was very discouraged throughout 2015 (kept the modelling/painting side of the hobby going though).

Which is your favorite traitor legion or Chaos warband, and why?
Obviously Thousand Sons are my favorite legion. First, because I like the combination of blue and gold and the overall Egyptian look. Second, because theirs are the best books in Horus Heresy and I really like the whole tragedy of wanting to warn the Emperor about the betrayal, but ending up on the wrong side of the conflict due to Tzeentch's machinations. Very cool.

What do you like most of the Warhammer 40k hobby?
Kitbashing/converting and painting. Playing comes second, but it's still very enjoyable to me if it's with the right people and in the right environment. Oh and also learning about the whole universe, reading books, etc.

What is your play style?
It's hard to tell after only one game, but the most important part of my style is trying not to forget about any special rules or tricks that could help me win the game. msn-wink.gif I played against Tau, so it was mostly running up to them as fast as possible to deny them shooting.

What was your greatest achievement or favorite memory from your hobby career?
I really like when a converted or kitbashed model comes together and then, after painting, looks good enough to not be instantly recognizable as a conversion. Currently I'm building up a Predator tank with nearly half of the parts scratchbuilt, so that could be the achievement I'll be most proud of in the near future.

Do you collect and play any other armies?
Yes. I have a small Ultramarines force, a few Iron Hands, some WFB High Elves, and some single models from other armies and games. Also a few Polish vehicles and an infantry squad from First to Fight's "September 1939" wargame.

Which is your favorite Chaos character?
I will say Ahzek Ahriman. He was really likeable in the HH books and turned very interesting in the John French books.

Which is your favorite Black Library publication?
"A Thousand Sons" by Graham McNeill.

Any advice for your fellow frater, any parting words of wisdom?
Paint your models! It really helps the overall feeling when you're playing the game and sweetens eventual failures. smile.png

Thanks for inviting me to this interview and have a great evening.

Best Regards,

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