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Gladiation: Escalation - 1000-1500-2000 Tourney.


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Hey guys, we have a big tourney coming up and I'll be taking the BA in with some support.

Gladiator: Escalation is designed with a specific purpose. It's modeled off the Adepticon: Gladiator tournament of yore which saw absolutely no restrictions on what could be taken. The spirit behind Gladiator is to bring your worst, your nastiest and your hardest army to the table and hear the lamentations of your enemy as you crush him beneath the tracks of whatever nasty thing you brought- and yes, as with years previously, even Unbound lists will be viable. 
The only thing remotely restrictive about Gladiator is the format. 
There will be 6 games played, 3 of which will be Eternal War missions, and 3 of which will be Maelstrom Of War (modifications applied). 
There will be two 1000 point games, two 1500 point games and two 2000 point games. 
Each 1000 point army will form the core of your list, which does not change in any way as the games escalate. Your additional 500 point segments are added to the previous points level list so that they are entirely independent of one another. 
The games will be structured as follows:
GAME 2: 15000points -MAELSTROM (TBA) - DAWN OF WAR
GAME 3: 2000points - RELIC - HAMMER & ANVIL
GAME 4: 1000points - MAELSTROM (TBA) - DAWN OF WAR

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Inspired by the awesome performance of some of the DA units (batrep up in the DA forum), I'll be looking to take the following:


1000 point CORE:


Chaplain -  auspex, veritas

Damocles Rhino


5x Tac - MG, Cmbi-melta

5x Tac - HF

Razor - TLPG/LC

5x Tac - HF

Razor - TLPG/LC


1x Fast Attack Pod

Sicaran - Mars upgrade


Raven - extra armour


500 Point Add-on


DA Libby - lvl2

5x DA Tac - Cmbi-grav, mg


1x DA Dread - MM, HF

5x DA Dev - 2GravCan

1x Rhino


500 Point Add-on


3x Bikes - 2GG + Attack Bike- Multimelta

5x DA Tac, MG, Cmbi-MG


Fire Raptor




My idea for the fast attack pod is to allow either my HF tacs, the melta tacs or the DA dready/Devs into the pod depending on what i'm up against.  
The dread will hitch a ride in the BA raven and the Libby is chosen on account of the DA powers which I really like.  

I also really love the GC dev in rhino! Such a great little unit.  

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Can the GC Devs fire at full effect from the top hatch? If so that's pretty rad.


I liek the lost but I find it hard to see how little units of Marines can be so effective. But I suppose infiltrating things will be awesome.



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Can the GC Devs fire at full effect from the top hatch? If so that's pretty rad.


I liek the lost but I find it hard to see how little units of Marines can be so effective. But I suppose infiltrating things will be awesome.




Charlo - the "little units" are rarely effective by themselves - it always comes down to the synergy with the rest of the list.


 I play in what i think is quite a forgiving meta in terms of Uber-death stars.   We don't have any of the really crazy star lists here, the closest thing being Nigels orky bikers or Matt's screamer star.  As a result theres a focus on a lot of units each doing their own work.  The tactical flexibility these lists offer is generally awesome as well.



As for the full effect of the Rhino/GC - when theyre stationary its 10 grav shots at 24" - so i'm happy with that! 


i think i may make one more pod (in the 2nd list) a BA fast pod as well - just so i can potentially have more flamers coming down turn one, should i need. 


edit: on second thought, i may make all of them fast attack pods.  Not sure how ideal that is given the Troop ones have ObjSec -but i like the flexibility.

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As Morticon has shared his list I think it is only fair to share mine.





Lots of bikes.


500 pt add on.

More bikes.


Other 500pts add on.

Even more bikes.


Anybody got any spare bikes?


It turns out that Sid will be fielding an Eldar Titan.[note to self.Need more PKs]

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Ah that's good to hear, I figured in this people would be bringing unbound monsters.


Do you find then just a smattering of special weapons on Tacs backed up by las/Plas gets the job done? It seems like it should on paper. When do you usually decide to use the combis? And do you just focus an end my unit at a time with the multiple squads (ignoring obvious Melta on vehicles etc)


I think at 2K this will really shine with that Raptor and Bikes for sure.

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Jolemai, I'd imagine a BA Rhino would be useful for getting it into position quickly, but it wouldn't help the Devs inside at all. If the Rhino moves at all, they count as having moved. Salvo helps a little with that, as you still get full BS shots, just a lot fewer, with much less range.

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Jolemai, I'd imagine a BA Rhino would be useful for getting it into position quickly, but it wouldn't help the Devs inside at all. If the Rhino moves at all, they count as having moved. Salvo helps a little with that, as you still get full BS shots, just a lot fewer, with much less range.


True, but a BA Rhino gives the option of moving into a decent position for subsequent turns, or for Linebreaker potential. The question is, is it worth the extra ten points for the flexibility?

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Fast rhinos/ razers never get old.


The move from troop assault squads to fa made jumpers less common. Theyre still strong, just why risk your guys when the box can take them there and safer!


Definite arguments for a combined approach though.

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Jolemai, I'd imagine a BA Rhino would be useful for getting it into position quickly, but it wouldn't help the Devs inside at all. If the Rhino moves at all, they count as having moved. Salvo helps a little with that, as you still get full BS shots, just a lot fewer, with much less range.


True, but a BA Rhino gives the option of moving into a decent position for subsequent turns, or for Linebreaker potential. The question is, is it worth the extra ten points for the flexibility?



I'd probably make the decision based on how the squad was loaded out. 5 ass marines with 2 meltaguns? Give em a rhino. 10 with a tooled up Vet Sergeant? Keep them with JPs. Gives them potential hammer of wrath attacks and they never lose their mobility, where a rhino can be destroyed (easily at that) and now they are footslogging their way down the field.

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Why the Chaplain? Also, is it worth using a BA Rhino for those grav cannon Devastators?

Chaplain is there for the double Relic. Technically, I'd really like to use three - the Sicaran, the Scorpios and the the Raptor- cant fit it in though sad.png

Is BA mech the new black since the 7ed book? I have not seen a single jump pack on the board since the new book established. Correct me, if I am wrong.

As mentioned, maybe not "new" - BA mech has been a thing for a long, long time- originally a thing in the 3rd ed rhino rush dex, only to make a come-back and be made famous by Gerry and his "Razorspam" list that dominated a good few years back. BA mech was also the only time i've won Nationals (2011).

Jumpers in this meta are just very very tough to use, with limited return.

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Getting two from the same table with rerolls on both is just so awesome. Honestly something I hope never goes away in future codexes.


What traits do you hope for with the list Mort?

I almost always roll twice on Strat, and to be honest I dont mind any of the results aside from 5/6.  


 hope for either move through cover/stealth(ruins) - on account of the the fact there is almost always ruin terrain about, or failing that night fight to buff my shooting and do over the opponent, or the reroll to the reserve - which with the birds i have will be needed.   If i get infiltrate I may use it on the devs, but its the least interesting one for me. Others are situational. 


With rerolls for CAD (ie: up to 4 rolls)  i usually get something of value  ^_^

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Gotta ask, how does NF buff your shooting but hinder the opponent? Don't you both get stealth for the first turn?


Not familiar with it in this edition, last I knew you had to roll for vision etc


Sneaky addition in this edition is its not only nightfight, but you and all your units get night vision ^_^ hehehehehe


So, its really good.

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There's a discussion about the grav cannon-Devastator-Rhino combo over in the DA sub-forum right now discussion how the Sergeant's signum is used. How do they rule it down by you?


The way i've played it is that while you use the Auspex/Signum in lieu of taking a shot, you are still able to fire "two models" - since the use of the signum no longer "fills that slot".  


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