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Question regarding the red books


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So with the release of Tempest the red books are now behind. I have them on PDF but really don't want to carry my rather expensive laptop around when I play games at the local gw.


So my question really is, do you foresee FW updating the current red books as the introduce the rest of the legions? Or do you think they'll release another set and have a book 1 and book 2 type deal? I only ask because I was about to order them when it dawned on me that they may become obsolete and I'd have to purchase the same book twice just for the new rulesets.

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People who were at the Recent GW open Day and who had a chance to talk with the FW Crew have told us that, yes, FW plan on Updating the Red Books and releasing new 'Editions' of them with the most up-to-date unit entries and the like.

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If anything the next LA:CAL Book will come with additional new units such as:

  • Deredeo
  • Stormbird
  • Leviathan
  • Contemptor-Cortus (possibly book 6 is when we'll first see this?)
  • Damocles Command Rhino
  • Knights Errant (book 6)
  • Shattered Legions
  • etc.

Any any errata or fixes (SUCH AS MAKING ASSAULT MARINES CHEAPER) that would come about with a changing of the times / the FW gaining more Experience.


As well as any new, Generic, RoWs included in book 6 and the Book 4 Generic Relics.

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Shame they couldn't tack on the new entries in a red book including the other legion rules (Tempest and Book VI - Ultramarines Blood Angels/Dark Angels and White Scars)


That way I could buy one book rather than one new book and one updated book

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  • 3 weeks later...


Or making Immortals worthwhile goddammit.

Are Immortals not? I really like the concept behind them.
Losing scoring and vexilla access for FNP and a useless special rule :/ I just use their minis as Breachers.
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Destroyers need a point reduction, Breachers need a HUGE point reduction or access to Veteran traits as was initially planned, Assault Marines need a point reduction... Justaerin need to be fixed, Power Scythes need a boost, Emperor's Children need something.
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Veterans have got to prove useful in some way.


If I'm honest, Breacher and Assault Squads in Betrayal had some half hearted rules to give them Veteran Tactics, but there was no rules in place to support it outside of the concept. If there's going to be a legion to get that rule, perhaps in a manner of upgrade similar to how Word Bearers have Dark Channeling, it might as well be Dark Angels, because they've otherwise got to have some hamfisted approach to rules design because otherwise the fangirls will cry.


Joking aside, because the 1st legion was around for a couple of years before all the other legions isn't cause to give them the Veteran Tactics upgrades.


I'd appreciate seeing Veteran Jump Squads and Bikers/Jetbikes in some manner though. 50pts for Veterans to get Jump Packs, 75 for Bikes, 100 for Jetbikes. 

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Question from someone who doesnt have the redbooks yet, but has them coming as part of xmas gift. 


How do we know they have been updated? Does FW actually put out an announcement etc... or does someone in January get them and just is like, oh look, all the stuff people said to expect in an update!!

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the books themselves have yet to be reprinted.


They usually announce or hint at their stuff in advance at their weekenders so were never truly left in the dark. And if they did a new book it would contain all the new generic units too not just updated rules which is why, I assume, its been taking a while


Just wait and see.

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I haven't grabbed the Mechanicum Red Book yet, but I heard it was a lot tighter with regards to rules. Hopefully this will be a trend they carry forward in the 2nd Edition LACAL...
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So with the release of Tempest the red books are now behind. I have them on PDF but really don't want to carry my rather expensive laptop around when I play games at the local gw.


So my question really is, do you foresee FW updating the current red books as the introduce the rest of the legions? Or do you think they'll release another set and have a book 1 and book 2 type deal? I only ask because I was about to order them when it dawned on me that they may become obsolete and I'd have to purchase the same book twice just for the new rulesets.

how do you get them an PDF

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