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FreeBlade is out (with special guest)


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You can scrap stuff, Canadian. Just hold your finger on the item and you'll see a little crusher animation. If you keep holding it'll convert to ore. You don't get much for them, unfortunately.


Ok. But on what screen? Equipping wargear? In the forge? In upgrades?

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I do it in the equipping wargear screen. Click on an equipped item, and a menu pops up on the right hand side of the screen with a list of alternatives. Each alternative icon has a sort of toothed piston-looking thing on its right side. Hold your finger on this and another piston-thing slides in from the left, and the item is scrapped for a small ore bonus.
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Yay! Thanks! It might not be much, but it sure helps when you just need a bit to make an upgrade and jump straight into a mission you want to play instead of running thru a few earlier missions of a bit of ore.
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I decided to PVP a bit and reached the rank of Immortal. (top 10) 


Even with that success I can't say I actually like it. I prefer story mode, and just killin' stuff Khorne style. If you see my Knight, BloodSpire out there... cover your lower half. I go for the low blows! ;)

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Played pvp a bit this morning. It's not bad, but my performance was, shall we say underwhelming? Made a few good wins, then a single crushing loss when a chaos predator shot me in the back while I was charging into melee.
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I did really well with it, it's just not really catching my fancy. I think they executed it pretty well but I just can't see it replacing the story driven content in any way. I think this might be something you want to play for a month because there are some issues with it. You can also lose your positioning very easily.. People play late at Knight, boost the numbers, then go to bed (depending on where you live) you could wake up with a very different ranking. 

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I liked the PVP. I did maybe 5 or 6 rounds and a couple defeats landed me in the middle of the pack. I like the jousting aspect but I feel like I'm missing something. I read somewhere you can block the other Knight if they charge you but I haven't got a clue how. Any tips and tricks? Do you get a better score if you take them out in combat? I have a melta gun and a thermal cannon and I took out at least 3 Knights outside of melee. Seems like a viable way to win but maybe not as reliable. Another Knight took ME out with a gatling cannon insanely fast one time, but I think a Predator was helping him out. It's a bit chaotic trying to tell what's going on. 


I was happy to see they used my Queen Bee skin in the promotional video for the update. Although she was eating a Reaper Chainsword in the very short clip. She still looked great in loss. :D 

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The pvp won't last in my opinion. I find it very easy and am only in the top 5 because I don't have time to grind number 1. It's very gear based so I see just like the PVE the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer and the divide will cause pvp to die.


PVE it doesn't matter... You're not chasing someone else. It's a story and gear driven. That being said I have done really well with pvp but for the life of me when I have a great PVE run on a daily and I score something like 300k and then I see the same 5 dudes scoring 450k I just don't get it. It makes me think there's a hack or exploit out there I'm unaware of.

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When you first start, kill everything you can before your opponent shows up. I use a beast of a Gatling cannon that's been my go-to weapon for a while. When the enemy appears, I launch my missiles at it, then fire every weapon I've got into his face until the blue fist icon pops up. Charge in, hope for a critical, or at least a big hit.

Usually for the second tilt, you'll get a few more smallfolks to kill, so Gatling them apart, but snipe the enemy knight if you can. So long as you hit him enough times, you'll get the blue fist again, so swing for a second big hit. If he's still alive by then, rinse and repeat.

My load out for reference is a 367 orange meltagun, a 330-ish purple missile pod, a chainsaw and a 350 orange Gatling cannon.

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So I went to bed number 1 and woke up #4. Last time I did that I woke up 13th. So I got lucky.

I got wasted in PvP last night. Anyone have some tips? I thought I did alright the first night...

I would recommend getting your valour gear going. Just keep playing as I do and you get 5 points win or lose and buy crates. Use your legendary spare parts and your Valour loot to make sure your new stuff has good stats and Valour stats.
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HA. It took me a lot longer than I'd like to admit to realize that you have to keep your fingers a bit apart and aim with your heavy weapon for it to work.


Progress improving. 20% battery left though, maybe time for a break. Heck, maybe I'll paint a model or something....

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Gave the PvP a try and honestly pretty disappointed with it so far. The game has its own fair number of kinks and issues, but the fact that it half the time feels impossible to keep up with the AI's fury meter and the fact that the combat has a snowballing effect for this just makes it feel like a ball ache to play and not really enjoyable for me.

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So. Many. Vortigans. The PVP is alright but my gear is still pretty terrible for a level 39-40 Knight. Got an orange set of shoulders from the Valour chest at least and I have a pretty decent orange Battle Cannon too. 

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Finally got a device which is enabling me to play Freeblade! At long last!


Can someone tell me how I can save the pictures of my Knight? Would like to use them as color schemes for my projects. :)

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