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Aebethan (Death Knell of the Loyalists)


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"Lupercal demands your death, not your fealty"

- Chieftain Jaredek to XXIVth "Vipers" Solar Auxilia resistant






Grab your droogs because it's time for some ultra violence, Cthonia style.

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Right when I start a bad guy army, you have to make bigger badder bad guys. Thanks a lot Depth.


I'm looking forward to seeing your Green man, and fighting a beautiful SoH army.


Funny I just realized, I went from II -> XV, you went from I -> XVI


I tacked an 'I' on what you were doing, you tacked an 'I' on what I am doing. 

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Soooo I feel like I need to change the title because every time I look at it, I imagine the guy who sings "Chocolate Rain" to sing "Cthoniaaaann Raaaaaiiiin." >.<


It's supposed to represent the drop element of this force.

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I thought it was more Prince, gyros is close to gyrate. Only time I see you laughing in cthonian rain. Drop pods rain, drop pods raaaiin. Oooooooo Oooooooo ooo ooo.

I miss your dark angels. Sniff. Can't get a good enemy nowadays. Those kids of the emperors bean counter. Never give in to a good goading. Sniff

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Soooo I feel like I need to change the title because every time I look at it, I imagine the guy who sings "Chocolate Rain" to sing "Cthoniaaaann Raaaaaiiiin." >.<


It's supposed to represent the drop element of this force.

I always figured " It's raining men" would be better :D


Can't wait to see the army come together! Always nice to see a SOH army. When I first came to the AOD board last year there were very few SOH players. Quite a bit more now!

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This is my, "You're going to have a bad day face":




++Despoiler Prime, Chieftain Jareddek++




There's going to be 18 of these Cthonic gangers plus Mal and an Apothcary in the flying fun bus, aka a Kharybdis.

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So Depthcharge, when are we going to see these guys against Athrawes?

Once we get our full forces built up and ready :) that might be another month or two, and then painting will take another two weeks minimum, though Athrawes has painting like a man possessed, so who knows. I'll keep ya posted ;)


Looking good so far will keep an eye on these.

Thanks for following! Wish I could have more done, but school, prospective internships, and a job have kept me up to my neck in work.


This board could always use more traitors, it requires less aiming effort when the time to cull comes!

Lol I've always played "grey area" armies like Dark Angels, Flesh Tearers, and Tau, so it's good to let go of the leash and go full heresy :P plus these guys aren't around in 40k, so they're unique and fun to play.

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Maloghurst v 0.1




Obviously needs some cleaning up and gluing, but how I'm invisioning the guy to look like.

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Looks good :). Just a thought, you could have called it Cthonic Rain, in which case it's fairly similar to Colonic Rain, which is a different thing entirely.

I changed it ;) but I still get flash backs of Baldrick Boreale shouting "The Index Astartes names the maneuver STEHL REHN!!!"


In a more poetic verse, Cthonic rain brings a sea of green to a chosen planet. Drop pods raining down bringing multitudes of sea green armored SoH legionaries.

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Maloghurst v 0.1




Obviously needs some cleaning up and gluing, but how I'm invisioning the guy to look like.

I know this is nitpicky.... But I feel like Mal should have some wicked looking blade like something from the vampire counts/dark eldar. Love the general model ad the spikes. You can never have enough pointy things.

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Maloghurst v 0.1




Obviously needs some cleaning up and gluing, but how I'm invisioning the guy to look like.

I know this is nitpicky.... But I feel like Mal should have some wicked looking blade like something from the vampire counts/dark eldar. Love the general model ad the spikes. You can never have enough pointy things.

I'll see what I can do ;) I think I'll pose him with a gladius as well as it might be more fitting.

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With all of these Reavers you could always call it Reaver Madness ;).


I'm liking how Mals coming along it's always confused me why forgeworld didn't release that model as Mal, he fits him so much.


Maybe it's because I just woke up but what did you use for the helmet?

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