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++March of the Legions: IX Completions++

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March of the Legions

Month 11 Completions: The IX Legion


Please only leave the five pictures from your completion in the IX Legion Challenge, and the fluff for you characters. Any other comments or text will be deleted. Thank you. smile.png

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Legion Astartes IX 'Blood Angels'

Astartes Profile Record: 'The Angel of Sorrow'

Legion Rank: Centurion

Specialization: Champion, 12th Chapter.


Recovered Pict Captures place the last-known Imperial sighting of the Astartes known as the "Angel of Sorrow" at the planet Signus where he, alongside his Primarch and Legion, fought against an, Imperial Records State, as-of-yet unknown Xenos Race.


Captured at multiple points challenging - and defeating - some of the larger Bioforms, the Sorrow was never far from the heaviest of the combat and was seen multiple times at the side of his Primarch, Sanguinius, impeding the path of those deemed unworthy to fight his Lord in Single Combat.




Depicted here in Legion-Embellished Artificer Armor, The Sorrow, records indicate, chose to retain his Standard-Issue Mk IV Maximus Helmet from the time he served in the Line Squads of the Legion as homage to his Origins before his rise through the Legion.


He is also equipped with a pair of Master-Crafted Weapons, a Power Fist and Plasma Pistol respectively, as befits his rank as Chapter Champion. Additionally, he has been given the Honor of equipping a Winged Jump pack to battle; a Rarity to see for a member of the Legion who has not been inducted into the Sanguinary Guard.

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