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Captains of the Blood Angels, and their successors.


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So as of the last Blood Angels codex, the different Captains of the Blood Angels have all been given names and titles, as well as 'names' for their respective companies, seen here:


One of these Captains has been not only named, but given a miniature as well, Captain Arenos Karlaen, The Shield of Baal, commander of the First Company, seen here:


(Image above not my own, just using it for reference).

In addition, there is also official existing fluff for the Second Company Captain, Donatos Aphael, Keeper of the Watch, who is depicted as this in the fluff:


While no official miniature exists for this character, he can quite easily be built using existing SM parts from a few ranges (Blood Angels, and the Captain box)

Beyond the first, and second companies Captains, no others are given anything of note beyond their entry in the link above citing their names, titles, and their company's colloquial name.

Has anyone gathered here converted their own version of a Company Captain, be it the First or Second Company captains depicted above, or perhaps done what I did last year and build a captain for an Company that doesn't have anything but a given name and title?

I sourced a lot of parts and built a grand re-visioning of my old 3rd edition Blood Angels Commander, Captain Aedus (Meaning Fiery), of the 5th Battle Company.

Here' the original miniature:


Still one of my best paint jobs, all these years later.

I have since rebuilt Captain Aedus and given him the full title to go along with the newly added surname.

Thus, Captain Aedus Sendini, Keeper of the Arsenal, Commander of the Vth Blood Angels Battle Company; Daemonbanes, was born:



He got a few upgrades here and there. laugh.png

So, all that being said, does anyone else here have their own version of a Captain listed above, or perhaps one from the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th they'd like to share? I'd love to see if we can get all ten companies represented here, if possible.

This isn't limited to just Blood Angels either, any successor chapter's commanders are welcome. The more the merrier of course.

Thanks for looking, and I hope to see some awesome Captains in the near future. Take it easy for now.


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It's not that I don't consider him the 3rd Company Captain, he most certainly is, but the current Blood Angels Codex has Captain Machiavi listed as the current Master of Sacrifice and Commanding Officer of The Iron Helms.

Of course Tycho is just as viable an option as Captain Machiavi, just depends on if you are playing your 3rd Company as Pre-Tycho Death era or not.

Either option is perfectly acceptable. I just went with the time frame of the Blood Angels Chapter Organization chart in the current Blood Angels codex, linked above at the start of my opening post. msn-wink.gif

Hopefully that clarifies things. Take it easy.


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