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To Recover the Past... [OW/DW] OOC Thread

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I could take a shot with my Stalker but it might be prudent to allow the tactical or devestator to take the plant down. I also only have one mag of stalker rounds, don't remember what everyone else has and at work at the moment.


I don't remember reading starts on the plant's hp, toughness and the like. Is that intentional so we can't mathhammer our approach?

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Yep! Totally intentional that we don't know their Soak or Health. Makes it more fun that way.


But if we were to come across a more mundane enemy (nids, eldar, orks, chaos), you could look them up in the relevant books if you wanted to.

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Hopefully it dies. Otherwise, well, the soundless shot is neat, so the plant hopefully doesnt know where the hit is coming from buuuuuuuutt, it'll probably start screaming in general D:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welp, may RNGesus have mercy on my soul, 4 rolls to go which I'll edit in.


An Lo' did he spite me, with a roll of 84 vs a concealment of 68 for 2 Degrees of Failure. Hopefully the Move Silent Roll helps...somehow.

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I GM a lot and I would never phrase needing each person to roll the test that way.  The fact that Karack mentioned 5 locations also suggests he wants 5 rolls per person.

Yeah, I re-read it and its 5 each, I just goofed :p

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I just used it because I am a lemming...

Honor rolls work fine for me, I like rolling my real d20 dice in my work office on the hush. ph34r.png

Also, I am confused about Degrees of Success or Failure. An initial roll indicates one degree of success or failure, and each ten (10) points above or below the characteristic score equals an additional degree, right?

So, example:

Gallan has a modified Agility characteristic of 77.

He rolls a 72. This is one (1) degree of success, because he/I made a non-failing roll. (right?)

He then rolls a 60. This is two (2) degrees of success, because he/I made a non-failing roll, and 60+10 is still below Gallan's modified Agility characteristic.

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He mentioned leaving another PbP Game run by Black Cohort that I play in recently but he hasn't made mention here. We could make the assumption that he's probably dropped this one too.

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IF they dont come back soon, either they vanish or, if someone is willing, takes control of them until the end of the mission at which point they can be removed from the campaign in a more graceful manner.


As for whether we stay on the surface or explore the caves, since we're looking for an Relic Cache of tech, my gut is telling me to go explore underground.

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For reference, whenever we speak, I always assume we're using our in-suit voxes unless we're talking with people who wouldn't have access to it.

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