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[Battlefleet Gothic] Bright Lords fleet list


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So a friend of mine has a fleet based Chapter, and I am still obsessed with Battlefleet Gothic (you never forget your first true love...) so I decided it'd be fun to make special rules for his fleet.


Useful reference material for the ships used can be found here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-aXA8fc5AQ8fmpVUEtsb1IxcDM5M2pBZjVGcFM5MTlWejVqVkt4VXZzX3E1YWQ0OER5Vnc&usp=sharing


The Bright Lords Fleet:


0-1 Master of the Fleet:

The Master of the Fleet follows the rules listed in the Space Marine fleet list.


In addition, the Master of the Fleet's ship may purchase a Torchbearer Boarding Party and/or a Silverhand Cult (see below for rules and costs). This is in addition to the usual limit on Specialist Crews.


Specialist Crews:

You may include one Specialist Crew per 1,000pts. No ship can have more than one specialist crew.


Torchbearer Boarding Party: 25pts.

The Torchbearers are the elite boarding troops of the Bright Lords. Veterans of numerous ship to ship actions, they are the first to the fight and the last to retreat. Armed with twin-linked boltguns and protected by boarding armour and heavy shields, Torchbearers can hold the line against almost any foe, or drive their way into the heart of an enemy warship.

Once per game, a ship with a Torchbearer Boarding Party may choose to re-roll their D6 when making a boarding action. The second result stands, even if it is worse.


Alternatively, when launching a Thunderhawk squadron or Boarding Torpedoes, you may declare you are loading the Torchbearers onto the squadron / salvo. Place an appropriate marker down to indicate the Torchbearers are aboard; attacks made with this unit may re-roll their attack dice when making a hit-and-run attack. The second result stands, even if it is worse.


Once loaded onto ordnance, the parent ship loses any and all benefits of having a Torchbearer crew, and if the ordnance is removed from play for any reason the Torchbearers are lost - you cannot recall the ordnance to use them again later!


Silverhand Cult: varies.

Silverhands are the Chapter's equivalent of Techmarines, although their teachings have deviated somewhat from official Mechanicum doctrine. They are often found working aboard Bright Lord ships, working with archeotech and ensuring the ancient systems function at peak efficiency.

A Silverhand Cult grants the ship a single random refit from the Campaign section of the Battlefleet Gothic rulebook. As per the refit rules, the presence of a Silverhand Cult increases the ship's cost by +10%. Ship costs after modification should be rounded to the nearest 5 points.




0-4 Battleships:

You may include one Battleship for every three Cruisers or Heavy Cruisers in the fleet.

0-3 Space Marine Battle Barge (see Space Marine fleet list).

0-1 Reclaimed Battleship.


0-3 Heavy Cruisers:

You may include one Heavy Cruiser for every two Cruisers in the fleet.

Reclaimed Battlecruiser.

Reclaimed Grand Cruiser.

Reclaimed Heavy Cruiser.


0-12 Cruisers:

Space Marine Strike Cruiser (see Space Marine fleet list).

Reclaimed Cruiser.

Reclaimed Light Cruiser.



As per Space Marine fleet list.



As per Space Marine fleet list.



Reclaimed Ships:

The Bright Lords, being a fleet based Chapter, maintain a larger fleet than conventional Chapters. However, due to their position on the edge of the Imperium, the relative youth of the Chapter and repeated supply problems throughout their history, the Bright Lords have been forced to bolster their fleet by salvaging and restoring Imperial vessels for use in their fleets. These vessels are typically of older designs and often require extensive modification to make them suitable for use by Astartes, such as equipping additional armour plating, more weapons and adding specialist systems. The result, though not a true Astartes warship, is still a formidable vessel that can hold its own in the fiercest of fights.


Reclaimed Ships use slightly different rules to normal Astartes vessels, as listed below:

  • Reclaimed ships use the Space Marine Leadership table when determining leadership.
  • Reclaimed Ships add +1 to their boarding value, not +2. They gain the usual +1 to Hit & Run attacks, and enemy Hit & Run attacks still receive a -1 penalty.
  • Reclaimed ships with torpedoes may use standard or boarding torpedoes.
  • Reclaimed ships with launch bays halve their number of squadrons (rounding fractions up) and replace their usual squadrons with Thunderhawk Gunships.
Specific reclaimed ships also have additional rules as listed in their specific entries:


Reclaimed Battleship: +100pts

May be chosen from any Imperial Navy or Chaos battleship (not the Planet Killer!).


In addition to the usual Reclaimed ship bonuses, a Reclaimed Battleship gains the following benefits:

  • Ship gains 6+ Front armour if it does not have it already.
  • Ship gains a Dorsal Bombardment Cannon (range 30cm Str 8 L/F/R). This replaces any existing dorsal weaponry.
Reclaimed Battlecruiser: +50pts

May be chosen from any Imperial Navy Battlecruiser.


In addition to the usual Reclaimed ship bonuses, a Reclaimed Battlecruiser gains the following benefits:

  • Ship gains a Dorsal Bombardment Cannon (range 30cm Str 5 L/F/R). This replaces any existing dorsal weaponry.
Reclaimed Grand Cruiser: +80pts.

May be chosen from any Imperial Navy or Chaos Grand Cruiser.


In addition to the usual Reclaimed ship bonuses, a Reclaimed Grand Cruiser gains the following benefits:

  • Ship gains 6+ Front armour if it does not have it already.
  • Ship gains a Dorsal Bombardment Cannon (range 30cm Str 6 L/F/R). This replaces any existing dorsal weaponry.
Reclaimed Heavy Cruiser: +50pts

May be chosen from any Chaos Heavy Cruiser.


In addition to the usual Reclaimed ship bonuses, a Reclaimed Heavy Cruiser gains the following benefits:

  • Ship gains a Dorsal Bombardment Cannon (range 30cm Str 5 L/F/R). This replaces any existing dorsal weaponry.
Reclaimed Cruiser: +50pts

May be chosen from any Imperial Navy or Chaos Cruiser.


In addition to the usual Reclaimed ship bonuses, a Reclaimed Cruiser gains the following benefits:

  • Ship gains a Dorsal Bombardment Cannon (range 30cm Str 3 L/F/R). This replaces any existing dorsal weaponry.
Reclaimed Light Cruiser: +30pts

May be chosen from any Imperial Navy Light Cruiser.


In addition to the usual Reclaimed ship bonuses, a Reclaimed Light Cruiser gains the following benefits:

  • Ship gains a Dorsal Bombardment Cannon (range 30cm Str 2 L/F/R). This replaces any existing dorsal weaponry.
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