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Bloodied Waters

+++++DATE OF TRANSMISSION: 910.M41+++++



Flee, for the love of the tyrant, whoever finds this message, flee. They came from the dark, clad in pale grey and black. We laid out traps for them, welded gates shut, isolated them but... it didn't help us at all, it made everything worse. After brief encounters in the lower levels, the invaders managed to destroy the generators. Everything is dark, it has been for two weeks. The heating has been defunct for nearly three days, I believe. It is hard to tell the time
. Even the Mantis Warriors assigned to this station were no match for the Pale Nomads. We'd seen brutal Astartes, aye, the Executioners. But they were laughing and yowling maniacs that threw themselves into the breach, hungry for glory and blood.

Those...those creatures were different. Silent and shrouded in fresh blood. Like revenants they broke free from the dark and tore us apart. They did not heed our initial warnings, nor the piss-soaked begging and pleading that followed. We were wrong. We were foolish to turn away from His light. I see that now. This is why they are here, these revenants. To collect the blood that we had refused Him-on-the-throne.


I remember how Ianosh and his regiment had tried to work out a peace treaty with them. He had tracked them to a habitation bay, which is where he also chose to confront them. Stupid moron. I was in safe distance then, I believe. Who knows how close some of them may have been. I'd seen everything through the inbuilt transmiter in Ianosh's helm. The creatures had stood still, covered in viscera and greasy tissue, their oily-black eyes locked on the men who were laying down their lasguns. In a matter of seconds, the men had died. Punishment was to be absolute.

I could hear the crunching of bones and the tearing of flesh through the vox. I shudder at the merest thought of what they had done. That the Emperor would employ such savage beasts to punish us, who would've guessed. We all had long since capitulated, laid down our weapons, but to no avail. They won't stop until only they dwell in this darkness. Their shadow lies upon this iron tomb. Our tomb.

My tomb.


I am starving. I haven't eaten in almost two weeks. Had I the chance, I'd eat one of the soldiers, no doubt. I am no strong man, I know. But I am afraid to leave. Sometimes I awake from my night-horrors, only to see the surrounding dark as I gasp and claw for fresh air. I hear them more frequently now, the hard clanging of ceramite upon steel is one of a kind, much like the hiss and the thrumming of tactical dreadnought armor. Never seen such a pattern. Colonel Baruhk had called it the "Tartaros" pattern, whatever that is supposed to mean. Old fool had died of a heartattack. Lucky bastard. The rest of us is stuck in this iron will, too desperate to fight, yet too scared to pull the trigger.

Dear Emperor upon Terra, if you hear this, end me in my sleep, I beg you.


My time is comming to an end. I can barely hold my tablet, not to speak of typing. I miss the sun of Badab Primaris. Well, I miss the sun in general. Haven't seen her in, I believe, a month's time. No light at all, not a single lumen. I've forgotten how water tastes, only thing I had was piss and blood. I am sick of raw meat, just can't stomach it. The warm, slightly steaming, acidic pile next to me is testament to that.

I have no ammo anymore, but I have a knife. The desperation is too strong.

I can't take it anymore.

Emperor forgive me.


Inquisitorial annotation: Subject was found with a slit throat, presumably self-induced. It is to be noted that, according to transcripts of the Red Scorpions chapter, the Carcharodons Astra had left this particular station 9 standard-Terran days after the initial assault. Who, or what, the subject had heard, is unknown. Fear and famine induced hallucination is possible.


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The Reaving

First we feared for ourselves, because they slaughtered us with impunity.

Then we feared for our children, because they took them alive.

Anuuk, Survivor of Station 26798 "Pendayk"




For the record, I am Epistolarius Ka'Tun of the Tyrant's Legion, formerly under the name of the Astral Claws, now seccessionists to the Imperium of Man. The station around me is dying, torn apart by vicious monstrosities. The Imperium rallies against us, calls us corrupt, and what do I see bearing the aquila? Creatures born of carnage with eyes of nightmarish ink and skin so pale, it could well be snow. I have scoured the librarius copy I had brought with me, as a distraction in the little downtime that I have, in order to find some weakness to them.

The Carcharodons Astra, Astartes of an unknown founding, first recorded encounters reaching back as far as the age of Scouring. The visual markers, their tattoos and emblems, have even been sighted further back in history, among the nascent XIXth legion.

Each and every time they descended, they brought bloodshed and massacre, killing the heretic, the xenos and even the rebell with impunity and zeal. I've seen them in battle through my third eye. Though I would like to call them beasts, they are truly the opposite. Their minds are like deep seas, calm and yet dangerous. The Carcharodons slaughter in cold blood, unlike the Flesh Tearers or the Black Templars. They know no honour, no conduct of battle, but only orchestrated carnage and extermination.




I managed to kill one of them, curiosity had got the better of me. After removing his armour, I had decided to use my rudimentary knowledge in biomancy and Astartes-physiognomy to find out as much as I could. What immediately struck me, was the stench of his blood. So rich, so strong, almost overwhelming. So...pure. The analytic station had given me inconclusive results concerning his progenoids, citing both genome VIII and XIX as a possible source. I couldn't do much with the body, except store it for nutrition and salvage the armour in case I needed replacement parts. I was amazed at the wide variety of amour marks and sources represented in his plate. A mark III shoulderplate with MARS M.31 stenciled on the inside. A mark VI helm with METALLICA M.33. A mark IV chestplate with ANAFATARUNGO M.39. I do not recognize the last name and the galactic map does not show anything. Maybe it is a seeded world beyond the Astronomican's reach? Perhaps even beyond the galactic rim?




They are standing before my gate. The layered, iron gate is slowly buckling under some immense pressure and even spots of red and orange have appeared, a sign of melta weaponry I suppose. What really troubles me, is the howling in the nether. My psychic senses have been assaulted by some cthonian howling for hours. I fear that they are in the companionship of a librarian, or whatever they might call a sanctioned witch. Undoubtedly they must have some primalistic name for their shamans. Funny how the mind drifts to such idiotic things when the life is on the line.

The metal is being torn apart. I can see viscera covered slate and black eyes full of hate.

I feel the psychic jaws of a jurassic beast crushing my mind.

I can feel it slip.


So, a few more Carcharodons for my Badab Era Army :smile.: I am building units for several purposes as I want to play the army in several systems (Nominally as a Blackshield Force in the Horus Heresy and a C:SM army with various chapter tactics), so I have quite a few different things on my table (At the moment 4 remaining Tartaroii, those 3 devourers, a librarian, a deimos rhino and a few bits and bobs).
@Bjorn Firewalker: Thanks man, glad you enjoyed the story :smile.:
@m0nolith: I've always been interested in the Space Sharks, ever since I bought the Badab Books, but the Red Tithe and Noctus Cornix were the final nails in the coffin! Thanks for the compliment, the scheme is actually really easy to do! I'm currently working ona writeup and will post a few WiP pics :smile.:
@Biohazard: Thanks mate, big fan of your work. :smile.:
@The Psycho: Indeed, the Palace of Thorns beckons....
@Noctus Cornix: Credit or blame? The line is very slim, isn't it? :wink:
@Tyberos the Red Wake: Yiss, no brakes on this train!
@coldfyre: Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you for the amazing response and I hope you enjoy this update :smile.:
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"We can't get out. The way is shut. We can't get out." This is the quote your backstory made me think of. Gave me chills.


Your army so far has already made me want to read up more on this chapter. Awesome look on the terminator with the black and subtle tattoo patters. The blood adds a great element to this guy too without being overdone. Well done sir!

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Nice touch with the Maori names for your Carcharodons :D 

[i initially thought 'Kauri' was a bit of a different choice, as i'm more familiar with the word as the name for a tree; but nope, apparently it was one of the most popular Te Reo names for male babies last year here, so there you go :P ] 

[incidentally, on a further note, if you're looking for further fluff-fleshing out in that direction for writing something from the perspective of the Carcharodons themselves, the grammatical structure of Te Reo is pretty much custom-designed to be useful in warfare - with an array of linguistic features built right in to make it easy to issue precise, compact orders and swiftly relay tactical information.] 

I always enjoy reading over your logs for the strong narratives they incorporate, as well as the striking conversions - and this is no exception. 

Look forward to seeing how you execute the "Howling Griffons" I see you've noted in the tags :P 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another awesome Badab War thread...great models and the maw of the deep, biting into the flesh of our imaginations...


Must. Resist. The. Call. Of. Badab. :pinch:


There is no resistance.  Only pain.  Pain passes.  Succumb and become one of them...one of us...For the Tyrant, for The Emperor....for Badab.


For yourself.



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"We can't get out. The way is shut. We can't get out." This is the quote your backstory made me think of. Gave me chills.


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Devourer Tane




Well hello folks, today I only have a single space marine for you :smile.: Hobby time has been kinda tight at the moment, and I am preparing a new little pet project of mine over in the AoD forum. Next in line are quite a few terminators for my Pale Nomads!
@hushrong: My friend, where we are going there'll definitely be something dying very, very violently
@Noctus Cornix: I can't recommend teh Army Painter Razor Wire enough, easy to use and easy to paint.
@Altis: I aim to please. Thank you kindly!
@sockwithaticket: Glad you like it, there's some more stuff comming in the next few days, namely the rest of my tartaros unit and maybe a librarian.
@terminatorAM: Thank you kindly mate :smile.: If I may, I'd advise you to get both FW Badab War Books (Sadly out of print but Ebay is your friend in despair) and the new novel Red Tithe, failing that, there is always lexicanum and warhammer wiki
@Bjorn Firewalker: Thank you, I always find survivor accounts most pleasurable to write!
@Dosjetka: There is no use in resisting brother. Enter the fray, we even have some yellow dudes if you fancy staying close to the seventh legion :wink:
@Ryltar Thamior: Wow, thanks for the amazing response mate! To be quite honest, I just googled Popular Maori Names and went with the first few hits :sweat: Thank you for the ehads up about Te Reo, I've proceeded to raid my university's repositories in the hope to find some works on culture and language structure, with moderate success I might add!
Now, 'bout that Howling Griffon thing...

May I present Veteran-Sergeant Ryltane?
@bloodhound23: Didn't you mean holy mackerel? :tongue.:
@Mazer Rackham: Thanks man!
@SanguiniusReborn: Now, some may find this weird, but incidentaly, the Moria Episode was a very big source of inspiration for my carcharodons and my nightlords!
Well, thanks for tuning in folks! Hope you liked it, more stuff comming very soon.
C&C is, as always, very welcome and appreciated! Have a nice day!
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Another missed opportunity!


I love that Howling Griffon, by the way.


Nice work making the very feudal-heraldry thing into something far more brutal. Space Marines, regal as they can be, are still genetically enhanced monsters, and you've really captured that with this HG.

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