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==][== The Librarians Thread ==][==


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All Grey Knights have some measure of psychic talent, but few battle-brothers exercise it with free rein.  For most, careful training and supervision allows them to focus their abilities in concert with those of their battle-brothers, and even then along specific lines only - the use of Nemesis force weapons, and of the psychic powers particular to the squad in which they serve.  However, those who prove to have a strength of mind far greater than that of their fellows will go on to join the ranks of the Chapter's Librarians.
Grey Knights Librarians have a will of iron.  They must, for the sorceries they wield are far more powerful than those of their battle-brothers, and thus shine infinitely brighter in the Warp.  To show the slightest wavering, the most momentary of weaknesses, is to offer oneself up to otherworldly predators and to eternal damnation.  
On the battlefield, Librarians use their incredible powers to support their battle-brothers.  This often manifests in a display of raw psychic might, such as a roiling vortex or bolts of eldritch lightning.  Little is beyond a Librarian, for in the Sanctum Sanctorum is recorded every conceivable psychic ability, sigil of power, and magical incantation, and it is from here that the Librarian chooses his weapons for the battles to come.  Thus is a Librarian amongst the Chapter's most versatile warriors.
Yet for all the contributions a Librarian can make to a Grey Knights strike force, his most vital tasks are carried out within the walls of the Fortress Monastery.  It is here that the Librarian will school new recruits in the mysteries that all Grey Knights must know: the six chants of denial, the seven words of life and death, the eight songs of battle, the nine terrible spells that form the basis of all magick, and much more besides.
A Librarian's tutelage is a most rigorous process, and many aspirants do not survive, for is it not better for a weak recruit to perish at a Librarian's hands than for him to imperil the Chapter through his inadequacies?  Yet if the Librarians are called upon to be ruthless, there is little cruelty in their actions, and no malice.  This culling of the weak is merely a necessity - for the Grey Knights to remain incorruptible, they must be as hard of mind and will as they are of body.
A small few Librarians are fortunate enough to reach an age when their bodies can no longer meet the rigors of campaign.  Such warriors are removed from the Chapter's fighting roster entirely, and retire to the labyrinthine corridors of the Sanctum Sanctorum to take up guardianship of its musty crypts.  Only these ancient ones know the full catalogue, for there are some secrets buried therein of which even the Grand Masters are ignorant.  Such mysteries can never be allowed to escape the confines of the Sanctum, for the fear is ever that even some amongst the Grey Knights would not prove immune to their temptations. 


This thread is dedicated to the revered Librarians of the Grey Knights Chapter.   Members of Titan are encouraged to post pictures of their own Librarians, provide their own fan-made fluff for them, and, once the upcoming 9th edition is released, to share their preferred Tactics, Tips, and Tricks related to using these grim heroes in games of Warhammer 40k.
EDIT:  Please post pics of your completed models here; Work in Progress photos can go in the Halls of Titan thread, instead.
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Beautiful stuff Val!

This is Brother-Librarian Voranix .... but as many regulars to the GK forum would guess, his nickname is Vortex! (I bet that disappears for 8th but it will be our little inside joke!)


He has been immortalized by a dialogue so eloquently captured by Brother Darius:

'Brother-Librarian, what does your second sight see?'


'But do we win?'

'Erm...well the enemy lose...'

Those very words tell the tale of a great many 'endings' to not only the Neverborne but those of (unfortunately) Titan as well!

Voranix desperately attempts to conjure a vortex against my Bloodthirster:


That blue glow around his face? That can only mean one of two things.... He's conjuring the might of the Vortex, or... last night's Taco Bell simply isn't agreeing with him.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Uh, so with the leaked rules... no more GK Librarians in 8th Edition?


You select them from the main Space Marine's Librarian data slate, then they come with a Nemesis Warding Stave, rather than a Force Stave.  It's detailed on one of the sheets in the leak.

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  • 2 months later...

My own addition to the Titan Librarians - using the space hulk blood angels Libby front and legs, with a grey knight model back (fits perfectly to the head, but you have to shave the back a bit) and arms. Here the hands and storm bolter are magnetised.


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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I had to cut half the helmet off the back to fit into that plate (at the back of the terminator hood), although in retrospect I should have cut that plate out for the entire head. For future references, the regular terminator helmets are too tall, and won't fit. However the paladin helmets seem pretty well, you just have to do the aforementioned, and take a bit of the top and sides.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, got a bit of a story to share. Went in to my new place to have a game against a friend. Coincidentally, I was low on paints so I decided to pick some up there. Was about to leave, when I saw a box out of the corner of my eyes. Curious, I went and saw, much to my surprise, a discontinued Lexicanum Varus model. That's when it hit me - the Emperor sent me this model to redo my librarian. Managed to haggle the price down to 55 AUD, and went along with the conversion to a Grey Knight. This turned into one of my best works yet.  Presenting my namesake in the 40k universe, Codicier Skywrath of the Grey Knights! We are the Hammer!


EDIT: Just realized I needed to patch his base, disregard that bit :whistling:


Edited by Skywrath
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Nah, no skin of my back haha. Having 2 librarians in a list might be useful down the track, albeit unlikely. Plus, he was a rare model so there was no way I was going to leave him to the other buyer's tender mercies. So much more cooler giving him the GK treatment haha.

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