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to Vindicator laser destroyer or not


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So I purchased two of these beauties at the start of the year and have had a whopping three games with them before the rules changed but i loved them.


Having just dropped all my spare money into getting the standard adaptus index and the new boxed set and as I don't access to a copy of the new forgeworld index i'd be keen to find out anything about how these guys stack up.



I also have a demios predator however getting the rules for these two vehicles for £15 is crazy when will GW learn the rules for hte vehicles should be part of its boxed cost. 




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the new deimos is a lot better, the twin linked changes mean your not going ordenance 6. still a heavy slot and still needs an interrogator or techmarine to be part of the force to be taken in anything over then singles.


good wounds, good accuracy (bs2), as well as its same old 52" range the best tank sniper in the game has only gotten more lethal.


do be aware that overloading the chamber can kill the tank as it does get hot, but this is something that doesnt normally happen especially with presience letting you re-roll 1's, or commanders in general granting him re-rolls. i think that if points were no object you could take him, an excelsior, and a terminus ultra and roll and troll enemies with your 16 lascannon drumline


do be aware that his points cost is kinda bonkers coming up south of 200 still but very high all the same, so idk about bulk brings but a single one or a pair will outshoot most other alternatives worth the same points

Edited by aura_enchanted
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The Vindicator is actally a nice Tank / Monster Hunter.  With a respectable albeit not long range, if it stays quiet in the back, it will have a nice fire output and you can always crank it up in case you need.


Shame that you have to invest money again to get the rules for your tanks, but if youpurchae more FW then maybe it will be worth it.

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Cheers guys


Sounds like the old beast has still got the bite that brought me to it. 

I am basically looking at a 2000pt list that currently has an all las predator in it; this clocks in at 2 pts over a double centuary so the price is right on in those terms.


I don't see many times when I'll be splitting that firepower so having it all rolled into one gun (and thereby shooting it all at one target) doesn't bother me.


If the range is the same as other las weapons then thats godo news, and I want an interrogator anways i'll maybe look for a way to sneak two into the force im working on.

These will form the core of my force alongside a back line consisting of Azzy, some vets, snipers and a darkshroud so im not too concerned about those over heats. Shame it's so many points more than it used to be but then all space marine vehicles have had a bump and at least i feel mine will stay alive a lot longer thanks ot the Azzy darkshroud bubble.



thanks again

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