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Would you play against 3D printed models?

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If you're gaining the benefits of the work of others without compensating them, then thats where I would personally have an issue.

:huh.: But most ecomony works like that. You use influence to do stuff others can not do, or stop others from doing stuff everyone  should technicly be able to do, but you want to keep it within the Family.


You would have put the work in yourself. It's the same difference between sculpting an Ork boy out of green stuff, and making a mold of an existing boy.


Well unless someone has magical powers, then resin, making molds etc does cost money and money generally requires work. So there is no difference. There is no difference even from the "protecing someones intelectual rights" point of view, because in both cases your making a land raider and not paying the dude who made the initial design .

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People who don't play against 3d printer armies will find no one to play with pretty soon.


If you can afford a 3D printer you can afford a 40k army lol

Maybe we should just say no Game.

Yes, because 3D Printers are only used for printing armies. /s

Edited by appiah5
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have yet to see decent 3d printed models, but what the opponent wants to use is up to them


as long as its clear, and the store doesnt mind

Shapeways could produce indistinguishable quality 3D models as far back as 2014: http://theback40k.blogspot.com.tr/2014/12/3d-printing-is-now-ready-to-compete.html




Edited by appiah5
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If you're gaining the benefits of the work of others without compensating them, then thats where I would personally have an issue.


A whole other can of worms would be opened if selling anything was involved.

While normally I agree with you, the idea behind Thingiverse is that everything uploaded to it is free of charge, made by the community, for the community under the Creative Commons. I don't intend on selling them or giving them to people (though I would certainly be glad to point them to the file), so that's that. I did not scan these in; I've never made a forgeworld order before. Thingiverse is a file library that people have donated their files to.



If you can afford a 3D printer you can afford a 40k army lol

Maybe we should just say no Game.

While this may be broadly applicable, it's not my personal 3-d printer. Rather, it is a community printer I have access to, as does everyone else there (in theory anyway. I think only a dozen people actually use it, and a large portion of them are in the IT department, who runs the place).


As to no game, I will probably bring an alternative unit or units for the same amount of models and/or power for the list. They're what, 60 points each with a lascannon? I think a speeder  fits in there, or maybe a Lt. If someone doesn't want to play 3-d printed stuff I'll see if the swap is agreeable to them.

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A note on the counterfeit claim: "1. made in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud." It isn't counterfeit unless you're trying to say it's a GW model. Saying "I made this! It's a Land Raider!" makes it not counterfeit - whether that was made with Green Stuff, Plaster, a metal mold, or 3D printing.


I had a player at our local GW store who had a squad of 3D printed Tactical Marines he played with - because he was taking a class that required him to print something, so he figured he might as well enjoy some more 40k. They looked right at home next to the rest of the Marines once everything was all painted and the only way you could tell was because they were in unique poses. Anytime the attentive asked, he had no qualms telling their origin. The GW store employees eventually ended up pointing these models out as "Look at cool stuff you can do with 40k!" examples.

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If you can afford a 3D printer you can afford a 40k army lol

Maybe we should just say no Game.

Maybe enough money to start an army but the cost of a decent sized army will quickly exceed a 3D printer unless you are relying on places like eBay.


As someone who messes around with 3D modeling on Blender, I can say that there is a lot of work that goes into designing a model so I don't see it as any different from scratch building, except that others can benefit from my work. If I put some design out as free to use then the only thing that would bother me is if someone was trying to pass my work off as theirs. As far as scanned models go, I view it the same as making copies of CDs or DVDs. If you paid for the original and are making copies for personal use, that's fine. The issue becomes a problem when you have someone trying to profit by making clear rip offs of GW's IP. Even then there is a lot of wiggle room. Look at Mantic's models for example. Would you refuse to play someone running a SM army using their enforcer models?

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I see no difference to using a 3D printed mini or making a plasticard Baneblade (using official GW templates ;) ) or using recasts.

Im in it for the game and to have a good time with friends. 

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Just a question because there is a wave of topics now if you would play against someone who... Did you guys get rejected a lot lately?

I dont know about anyone else, but not me. Had a game just the other day, actually. (Didn't have any 3d stuff but I think he'd be cool with it anyway.)

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Half of my Tyranids are 3D printed (I work for a video game company, and we like to print out final character models for ourselves). No one's blinked an eye yet except for my Tyrannofex "upgrade kit" to turn it into a Heirodule, and even then its just extended legs and the guns,

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