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Had another game, versus Tau this time! 2 units of fire warriors, cadre fireblade, 1 unit of pathfinders, 3 suits & 6 drones, 3 stealth suits, quad-fusion commander and a Ghostkeel.

​He put his suits in reserve and I put my terminators in reserve, lovely game of chicken and egg if the egg wanted to smash the chicken to paste and the chicken make a wicked omelette, shells and all.

​Disgusting resilience carried the day once more, with quad-fusion commander not being able to blow a wounded fleshmower drone back to the garden. Put the Commander in a Nurgle Hug with drone and daemon prince and couldn't kill him!

​I tried a long charge with Terminators against firewarriors thinking "hey, he wont get many hits, let alone wounds and I have a bleeding 2+/5+++ here" so I promptly lost a terminator, not making the charge. His following turn he shot off another one and pumped the crisis suits into them. Unit lost.


Ghostkeel and second drone duelled the entire game. He shot the drone, the drone saved, drone charged and took a few wounds, ghostkeel fell back and shot, repeat.

​Ended T4 when he only had a squad of firewarriors and the fireblade left. I had a Daemon Prince, Fleshmower and unmolested terminator unit.

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Don't the blightlords have 2+/4+/5+.


I made the mistake in one game of thinking all my terminators had 5+ inv saves.....didn't remember the 4+ inv until it was too late.


I played 1,500 pts against ultras on the weekend.  Lost Typhus turn 2 to sniper scouts (4).  Lost 3 wounds first turn due to amazing roles from the ultras and poor on my side.  Then double 1's peril on my second turn, used command point, only to roll a 1 again.  Then rolled a 6 for d3 damage and promptly failed all three DG saves.  The four snipers then hit me again in turn 2 shooting, rolling 3 x 6's to wound......I couldn't decide between laughing and crying.  


I won in the end...but it was funny losing Typhus to 4 scouts with snipers and a perils.  

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They have a 4++ (invulnerable) save, that's correct. But against their AP0 weaponry I just needed the 2+ (armour), and failing that, the 5+++ (Disgustingly resilient) save.

But neither came through! That's what happens when you get cocky I suppose..

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DG were challenged by Raven Guard.


Captain, Hellblasters. Plasma Interceptors, tac. Terminators, Ven. Dreadnought, Dreadnought.


Smashed into his lines with... Not much. Only Prince made it into combat t1. Won a crushing victory t3 tabling him and taking all objectives.

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DG were challenged by Raven Guard.


Captain, Hellblasters. Plasma Interceptors, tac. Terminators, Ven. Dreadnought, Dreadnought.


Smashed into his lines with... Not much. Only Prince made it into combat t1. Won a crushing victory t3 tabling him and taking all objectives.

That’s the way to do it! What did you take (sorry if it’s a previous post)

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DG were challenged by Raven Guard.


Captain, Hellblasters. Plasma Interceptors, tac. Terminators, Ven. Dreadnought, Dreadnought.


Smashed into his lines with... Not much. Only Prince made it into combat t1. Won a crushing victory t3 tabling him and taking all objectives.

That’s the way to do it! What did you take (sorry if it’s a previous post)

Yes please! More info on tactics and what works against the different Raven guards

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- Daemon Prince w/wings, double claws, supporting plate

- 2 Spawn

- 2 Fleshmower Drones

- 2 x 5 Blightlord Terminators, 4 axes, 1 flail


I deep struck in both terminator units t1 and sent everything else straight forward. He auspexes plasmaceptors and kill 1 terminator and wound a second.


Daemon prince charges and oblitteratea the Interceptors.


Hellblasters were scared of fleshmowers and over watched w/supercharging to try do as much as they could before being butchered. 4/5 dies.


Terminators, fleshmowers and spawn all fail their charges. Lowest at 6" highest at 11".


His turn he shoots everything, including a auto/Las venerable dred into the prince which survives with two wounds. He then charges captain, lone hellblaster and both dreads into the prince.


Oh and the tactical Terminators also drop in but fail to wound with shooting and failed their charge vs prince.


Ensuing combat he reckons he has all the charges and starts with the hellblaster... Great shame. It does nothing and I interrupt, bop the venerable and it explodes! Hellblaster takes a wound, captain takes 3 and dred takes two. Prince takes 2 but DR's one!


Back to normal combat routine the surviving dreadnought promptly kicks the last wound off of the prince. First death in 4 games!


In my next turn I charge fleshmowers into his tactical Terminators, Terminators into captain and the other unit into wounded dreadnought. Tac.terms are promptly shredded into mince but 2+/3++ captain lives and dread is down a few wounds.


His turn nothing happens.


My turn I send spawn on an objective and kill his remaining dudes w/terminators.


PSA: Flail is a pita to roll for with DTTFE.

1D3 attacks per profile attack. Then 3+ to hit (potentially rerolling 1s from prince) with sixes generating additional attacks, followed by wound rolls where 6s are additional neg1 to AP.


And I just realized/remembered I forgot plague weapons reroll 1s to wound.. Oops. So add that onto the list!


Flail wounds also spill over but surprisingly that's the easiest bit.

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Game vs Grey Knights, Maelstrom this time! Win 12:6.

He had a murderplane (Stormraven), 5 strikes, 3 paladins, venerable dreadnought and captain.


He put strikes in reserve, dread in cover and the rest into the plane. He takes first turn and I don't want to seize. He can fit the plane close to the prince but has to go reeealllll close (just as planned! I think I can tank the firepower, been getting cocky with the insane DG durability) and strikes can only fit near a Fleshmower if he wants to do anything with them this turn.


I tank 24 Bolter shots, twin lascannons and multi melta for 0 damage on the prince

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Wow, you are on fire with these guys. That really could have been a tough match up with smite spam, and GMNDK's are no joke.... not to mention the normal cast of names, Draigo, etc. You're having a fantastic run :tu:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Game six vs Necrons.


2 x 15 warriors, cryptek, destroyer lord, 3 destroyers, 10 gaussmortals.


Diamond deployment with 'defender' in the middle. Single objective in the middle of the board ala the relic.

Twist was +2" to movement and +1" to advance and charge.


Necrons take the center. I smash into his lines and eat destroyers. I get bogged down in troops. Troops regenerate.


So... So... Many... RP rolls... In one 15 man unit I killed a total of 19 and he still had 14 left at the end of the game!


It all came down to who held the objective at end of t5. T3 he mantles the cryptek and a warrior blob carrying the relic off in a corner and I give chase.


We have some lively discussion of what constitutes a model moving, whether it's only the movement phase or when a model moves at all like e.g. Consolidating. Because the 'relic' can only be picked up at the end of a move. This because I need to both kill the cryptek and loot it in the same turn. I manage to fly a drone over his warrior screen and thresh the cryptek and consolidate on top.


6 for 6.

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Game 7 vs Tyranids.


Terrifying beasties. CC flyrant, broodlord, 15 genestealers, 3 venomthropes, a mawlock (?) and a tyrannofex w/autohit gun of doom.


'That weird corner edges thing' deployment. Single objective in each deployment zone. If you hold both at the end of your opponents turn you win. Twist was acid rain meaning -1 to hit for shooting and shorter advance and charge rolls by 1". Turns on/off each turn on a 4+.


He gets to go first. Smacks a drone for 5 wounds with the tyrannofex and I get worried.. Slams genestealers into Terminators and 2 drones hoping to lock me down for a turn. I lose 1 wound on a terminator and he flat out explodes. Flails are the best!


I peel off the wounded drone and think a Yolo charge to hold down the tyrannofex will work. Take second drone and prince to go hunt mawlock and flyrant. Terminators sit on objective still.


Spawn sit behind losblock terrain near my objective as a plan B. Second termis in reserve.


Mawlock dies.


Broodlord wants in on the action. Broodlord vs prince and flyrant vs drone. Venomthropes also join in later.


Prince is only survivor with 1 wound remaining. Broodlord actually died from a suppurating plate reflected attack!


The drone I peeled off to charge the tyrannofex? Yeah auto hits.. I blanked that out. Took 10 wounds in overwatch. Terminators on objective? Blown to gooey bits.


So I have 2 Spawn to shuffle on home objective. 5 termis in reserve and a 1 wound prince. He has tyrannofex on his objective remaining. He can't win but he can draw!


I DS in termis and pray for a 10" charge (thanks acid rain), survive overwatch and be able to send in the prince.... Nope.


I decide to send in the prince anyway as he'll die regardless, after all I might li... No.


So Terminators vs Tyrannofex is a go. I lose 2 total to shooting and overwatch with a third wounded.


Flail does Nurgle work smashing out large chunks of the gunbeast. Champion and other axeminator also take off a few wounds.


We duel for 4 or 5 rounds before the beast dies t7 and I score the game!


7 for 7. Praise Nurgle.

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Played two more games, against orks and Tau. Lost one and won the other bringing me to 8/9 and the streak broken at Nurgles holy number.


Now we're escalating to 1250 and I'm thinking about dropping the spawn (even though they're pretty good objective campers) and putting in 2 spitter drones.


Prince, 4 drones (2 mower, 2 spitter) and 10 termis (2x5, Flails and axes) :o

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I think Spitter drones are nearly a must, especially as points escalate and you see more chaff bubbles. I've tried getting away from them for a while, and while it's fun, there's a lot of value in the Spitter Bloat Drones.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm interested to hear what in the T'au army is giving you the most troubles. I have yet to play a proper game against the DG player in my group with my T'au (not to mention that I don't play the typical T'au list anyway). ^^

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Yeah but i'm pretty sure it's going to get nerfed quite a bit. 14“ flamer with that profile just by using the bork'an sept tenet is a bit over the top lol
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