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Wolfsbane HH49

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For Russ's hesitation to work (for me), the bond between Russ and Horus would have to be extraordinary and very firmly established (perhaps over multiple stories). The bond would have to at least as strong as Fulgrim <3 Ferrus...if not moreso.
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one thing that gets taught in acting circles, especially via the chubbuck technique, is that a lack of bond which results in a yearning or an unfulfilled desire is often more powerful than a solid reciprocated one


fighting to get close to or connect with a distant father figure is often more powerfully motivating for people than than choosing a person already close to them. people are haunted by that for their lives, especially if the father figure has passed away and it can never be attained


same for romance- the act of attaining someone drives people with more fire than retaining someone they’re already close to


i think we’ve seen the close brothers relationship play out (for better or worse) with fulgrim and ferrus, this one was about loss and regret over what could have been, what should have been and what’s now too late


i thought that approach was beautifully and tastefully done when horus lupercal sorrowfully tells russ he was “unfair”

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Just finished this. I enjoyed it for the most part, and have always liked how the wolves have been portrayed in 30k. The cawl sections were fine, although I think would have been better served in a dark mechanicum book, I like his portrayal a lot, he's obviously an arrogant jerk at the time who's got some serious skills but knows it.


I do wish his sections had been devoted to more flashbacks of Russ and Horus learning to work together though, or showing Horus side of the ambush. The fight lacked gravitas and there was much twirling of evil moustaches that felt forced.

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I thought that I could get my hands on this along SoD at the Fest but it was nowhere to be found.


Does someone know why? Wasn't it released prior to SoD?


And is Wolfsbane essential to read before SoD?

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I thought that I could get my hands on this along SoD at the Fest but it was nowhere to be found.


Does someone know why? Wasn't it released prior to SoD?


And is Wolfsbane essential to read before SoD?


Now that you mention it, it was indeed missing, but they didn't have any other HH hardbacks there for sale anyway, outside of Slaves to Darkness.

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