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Tac Squad vs 2 Elite choices?

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After deciding to stock up on some Raven Guard, I'm now faced with this dilemma:

I want to run Shrike and one unit of Vanguard Vets.


Would it be smarter to add 5 Tac Marines for a Patrol Detachment or 2 units of Company Veterans for double the count of special weapons, +1CP and enough anchors for both jump pack units instead of just one?


While my gut tells me to do the latter, I dig the look of all-black MK VI armor but wouldn't want to rob my vets of their white arms...

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Unless you don't need more Heavy weapons in your army and have enough points for the Veteran units with all Their special weapons the answer is clearly to go with the Vanguard detachment instead of the Patrol detachment.

+1 CP is self explaining and Tacticals are just not that good compared to units which are basically the same but with more weapon options. ObSec is often not worth it on Marines and if you don't go for a Battalion/Brigade then Tacticals just don't give you anything (and in that case Scouts would be better anyway but that's that).

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You're right.


I just remembered the new Lts though, and with two of them, I could build a full-on LC squad with 3 HQs and the optional Elite.

I'd need to get my firepower from another detachment, but maybe I can keep the Raven Guard strictly CC and leave the ranged combat to my RG successors.


I gotta check the codex asap.


And hell, if I really, really need some all-black Beakies down the road, then I'll find the points for them somewhere...

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