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The Legacy of Dorn by Mike Lee


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I picked this up on Saturday the 14th and finished it last night. I have to say I quite enjoyed it. Lately the 40k setting has been sorely missing the "I'm a mook and I just work here" stories that flesh out the character of our favorite factions. This book really scratched that itch. The only weakness being it was a bit drawn out but that is due more to the length of the Battle for Rynns world more than anything else.



Characterization (truly excellent)


Prose and flow



A bit long in the tooth due to setting constraints

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I too read this over the weekend. It’s a great companion novel to Rynn’s World. I love the in depth look into a veteran squad in the face of the worst thing that could happen to A Chapter. Then you add on a rag tag group of regular soldiers and it creates a really engaging story as they try to stay alive cut off from the rest of the imperial forces. You feel every death and it kept me engaged to the very end.


I hope the next Crimson Fist novel takes us to the Chaos Invasion on Rynns world and the subsequent relief of the Indomitus Crusade and rebuilding of the Chapter with Primaris Marines. I’d like to see how the survivors and the new breed initially get on.

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The novel also sheds some light on how the Crimson Fists recruit on the world of Blackwater.


Once a generation, the warring clans of Blackwater come together at a great mountain and offer their sons as tribute to the Crimson Fists, called the festival of the burning fist. The trials are brutal and unforgiving and culminate in the slaying of a barb dragon. Only one aspirant made it to the end in this particular recollection.


Really cool. Personally it makes me wonder how any chapter can reliably replace its losses, but it does hit home how brutal and harsh the process is to become a Space Marine and it was written well.


Great story. I hope we see more from Mike Lee and the Crimson Fists.

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Spoil it up my dude!


I wouldn't even begin to know how to. There are no great reveals as nothing of consequence to the overall 40k universe happens. All I could type is how characters you've never heard of survive or die behind enemy lines during an 18 month siege. As such I have no inclination to as it would do disservice to the the book.

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