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What to add to this list?

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Before you scold me for posting in the wrong place, please consider this:

it's not about if the list is good or not, it's not about how to develop it towards a certain goal - it's about what unit could possibly be added next, with no certain vision on m part.

It ain't got no Chapter Tactics yet either, that's why I didn't put it in any of the Chapter Subforums.


If the general Astartes Forum is still the wrong place for this, I apologize!


I built this list to get a lot of points with as little models as possible (long story) and was planning on just leaving it that way.

But I fell in love with the paint scheme and want to expand the force - towards something playable.

I've got:


1 Lt with MCB Power Sword

1 Company Ancient with Power Sword

1 Company Champion

1 Two man Company Veteran Squad with Gravgun, Combi-Grav and Power Swords

Save for the Lt's Power Sword and the Champion's Combat Shield, everything is magnetized - even the Ancient's banner arm.


You might notice there are a lot of Power Swords involved - that's a fluff thing and will carry on through all those units who can take them.


So with this Vanguard Detachment as the starting point, where would you go?

I mostly play buffed Elite-heavy long ranged gunline with bubblewrap at the front, but since this is going to be a force I'll either play against (same long story) or along with my gunline, everything that's not long ranged shooting would be very welcome to spice things up.



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So this isn't a list building thread so much as it is a request for recommendations on close combat units.



As an Iron Hand, I recommend the Ironclad. It's T8 so it's a little stiffer than the rest, and with a hurricane bolter and heavy flamer it can clear chaff decently thus opening lanes to juicy targets you want to slice and dice with all those power swords. Plus with the Wisdom of the Ancients stray, it's like getting another Captain on the board for a turn. If you'd rather he go punchy than shooty, keep the second close combat weapon and you'll auto re roll 1s which is nice for those turns where you need the CP or Captain later.

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So this isn't a list building thread so much as it is a request for recommendations on close combat units.

Not quite - I'd gladly take ranged units in this force as well if it meant they'd all live longer.


First off, they'll get a Captain, also for fluff reasons.


I've thought about a Dread - as a bullet soak mainly - but what I've noticed so far is that the minimum model count approach with Marines makes most games rather short - I pitted them against my Ultramarines 300pts vs 300pts once and they were wiped by the end of turn 2, and they went first, mind you.


So they need bubblewrap to keep excess damage as high as possible just as badly as they need some more oomph.


I've thought about making it a full Battalion after the FAQ or adding some Dev Squads for a Spearhead - 4 heavy bolters in one Squad and one bare bones at the front to screen the Elites 'til they charge and a few Lascannons in the back.


No real objective grabbing potential there, but I'm after making the existing models live longer and kick ass, not making them all a single viable army right away.

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