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Hi all,


I'm making this thread to record my attempts to paint up a Drukhari army.


To start this project, I've vowed a five man warrior squad and an Archon.


Today I primed the warriors and put the first coat of paint on them. Perhaps not the most interesting of first posts, but it's a start.





I was slightly disappointed with this guy. I used Liquid Greenstuff to fill in the weird box mouth on his helmet, but having put a layer of paint on it, it looks like I didn't fill it in completely. I may give it another go. Not really feeling the smirk he has currently.




For some reason, this guy is my favourite of the squad. To me, he just screams "Dark Eldar".




Less keen on this guy, but he'll do.




Finally, here's a minor conversion to add a little variety to the blaster wielding warriors in my army.




C&C Welcome.



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Thanks SystemSyn. I've just vowed an Archon and five warriors for now. I wanted to keep my first vow small, so it will be achievable. What else I vow really depends on how much I enjoy painting this lot of models and how long it takes. I also need to work out the full paint scheme. I'm currently leaning towards green Kabal, purple Cult and orange Coven, tied together with flesh coloured highlights and perhaps a light blue spot colour, but I will need to experiment. From my limited grasp of colour theory, I believe that three secondary (orange, green and purple) colours should look well together, but I'm not too sure about what spot colour makes sense for all three colours. 



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  • 2 months later...

So I've been feeling a bit unmotivated with my ETL vow recently. Instead of forcing myself to paint models I'm not currently happy with, I thought I'd try switching gears to an older project that I'm feeling excited for, in an effort to get the hobby juices flowing again.


As I'm sure most of you have seen, GW are re-releasing Kill Team, which is pretty exciting. In preparation for this, I've dug out my old Riverine Guardsmen I'd originally been working on for Shadow Wars: Armageddon.


The 31st Riverine are a group of Guardsmen who specialise in semi-aquatic warfare from the Black Library book Flesh and Iron. I'd recommend it if you've never read it. 


Here's the first Guardsman.




The head is blue-tac'd but the rest is fixed.




Here you can see him modelling a Forgeworld lasgun.




Here you can see his backpack and entrenching tool. Flesh and Iron goes into a lot of depth as to how the Riverine look. In broad strokes, they are all heavily bearded with a full combat load.




A better shot of the backpack. The backpacks and a lot of other bits I'm using on these guys come from Bolt Action plastics. If you have any friends who play, it's well worth raiding their spare bitz.




This guy is at the concept stage, but I'm happy with the direction he's going in.






When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-schmanzy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole platoon—and we had to share the rock! Buck up, boy, you are one very lucky marine!


C&C welcome.




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Thanks golfdeltafoxtrot.


I've read Blood Gorgons, which is also a good read. I've got the beginnings of a truescaled Blood Gorgon in my bitzbox somewhere, who may make an appearance in a Kill team too.


Here is an old photo of the proof of concept beside another of my Truescale attempts.




Please excuse the bluetack (and the Princess Leia style bun).


C&C Welcome.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks golfdeltafoxtrot. That was the look I was going for.




I know that this thread was originally made to document my Dark Kin for the ETL (and they are still being worked on - pictures to come soon) but I, like most hobbyists, am fairly easy to distract with shiny models.


Today's distraction came from a trip into Warhammer, where one of the staff was assembling the push-fit Stormcast Eternals. 

He let me have one of the female Sequitors, which he'd assembled with the helmet option. As an afterthought, he gave me the bare head to go with it. 


I spent a good while wondering how I could include it in a cool Kill Team, then it hit me. I could make a Tau Kill Team and include some Gue'vesa. I had a rummage through my old Tau stuff and came across a broken metal Drone controller I got in a bitz lot from eBay.


A few cuts later and this is where he is at currently. When he's properly put together, he'll obviously get a hand and the knife will likely be stabbed into the base. I'm undecided if it will be stabbing something or just sticking out of the ground.




I don't know whether or not to add a pulse rifle/carbine as I feel that it would clutter the 25mm base. Currently I'm thinking that this guy will babysit some humans and be supported by a couple of drones and possibly a stealth suit, but I'll take a look through the rules before I commit to anything serious.


I still want to work on my Riverine, but since they make use of 3rd party bitz, I won't be able to play with them in Warhammer stores, which is a bit of a bummer. With that in mind, my Xenos team will be made with entirely GW parts to avoid any arguments.


I'm trying to keep costs down, so ideally, I will just build this Kill Team from spare gubbins I have lying around.


C&C Welcome as always.



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Thanks for the suggestion Reyner, I'll mess around with pulse weapons to see what looks best. 


As this thread was originally meant to document my ETL vow, I thought I'd better actually post some progress shots of my Dark Eldar.


I apologise for the quality of the pictures, I didn't have the time to get my proper set up.


I managed to get some paint on the Warriors.






I also have worked out my Archon's pose, more or less. I'm painting the cloak separate from the rest of the body, so it's easier to reach.






Not too sure what's going on with the sizing on that 3rd photo. Ah well.


C&C Welcome.



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