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Greetings Princeps,


Looking for inspiration for objective markers for Titanicus for scenarios and just any interesting suggestions.


At the moment I have two Space Hulk C.A.Ts that I'm counting as Magos personal transports.

These can be used as normal markers or a escort the Magos mission where you have to keep the Magos safe within a titans shields or any hit destroys it giving your opponent the win.


So what are you guys planning on using?


-Noctem Cultor

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We just got our Grand Master box of Adeptus Titanicus this weekend and it's such high production quality, I'm really glad you started this line of thinking.


There's been an idea I've been playing with, even before this: getting a 30k Primarch model, especially Horus Lupercal, and painting it up like a statue.  For the Knight Households loyal to him, he's their Warmaster.  During the period of this game, they don't know about Chaos or things like that yet.  So I'm thinking a giant golden statue in his honour.


What held me back from this before was, for a normal 30k/AoD, while the Primarchs are bigger models, it still wasn't quite the size for a monument.  But now that it'd be twice the height of a Knight Titan...that'd be truly awesome.  And Titanicus nobility fighting over the honour of the Warmaster and tributes to his glory seem quite fitting.

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The 40k sector imperialis objective transmitter could be converted into a broadcast tower by leaving off the legs and covering the screens and controls that provide the sense of scale.


The age of sigmar objective with the floating stone could easily be used for diabolic heretic goings on without any alteration needed.

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