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Black knights loadout


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So after playing a couple of game with my primaris Blades of Vengeance I need more mobility so I’m going to bring in the Ravenwing. I love converting and the Talonmaster/ Sammy conversions from the Custodes jetbikes look too cool not to do but my question is about the black knights. So I’m getting 2 boxes so 6 bikes. I was thinking 5 knights and an apothecary but what about arming them? Is the grenade launcher worth it? I might try it on the apothecary so I can WotDA on the knights. Thoughts?

Also Sam on bike or speeder? Speeder has a ton of shots but a lot more points.

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I wouldnt bother with the apothecary or the grenade launcher, youll want to be using weapons of the dark age on the bikes so they should all have plasma. My understanding is 6 bikes are alright, 8 bikes are better and inceptors with plasma are better than black knights.


For sammael more shots and the speeder are better than the bike but you pay for what you get. The bike having plasma for me makes its purpose confusing. Speeder pairs better with talonmaster in my mind if you have the points.

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I go with the speeder... mainly because I have a thing for gunships.


Sableclaw is more points, but it isn't just for more shots.

It is longer range, extra speed, and an extra wound.


But if you plan to kitbash using the Custodes Jetbikes, then you really don't have to make a choice.

That kit comes with 3 Jetbikes... Sableclaw, Corvex, and Talonmaster

You should really have all 3 in your collection.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sammy in the speeder. Def worth the extra points. More shots that won't blow him up, extra wound, extra speed, and you can use the Armor of Contempt strat to give him a save vs Mortal Wounds.


Black Knights - plasma all the way. The point of the grenade launcher was always the rad and stasis grenades, which we lost in 8th. There is a strat that lets you do mortal wounds with the GL, but meh. I don't think it's worth the opportunity cost of losing the plasma talon and having to pay CP for the strat.

The RW Apothecary is not terrible. He can help you get back BKs, which you might lose to overheats. Overcharging + WotDA are a very tempting combo. If he gets 2 BKs back up, he's paid for himself. Not terrible in assault either. On the other hand, not taking him means you can take 2 more BKs.

Probably your best bet is speeder Sammy and 6 BKs with plasma. Not taking the Apothecary offsets the cost of taking Sammy in his speeder.

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Thanks for the feedback. I ended up getting a set dark vengeance bikes cheap off of eBay and putting some plasma talons on 2 of them to convert them to black knights and the other I converted to an apothecary so now I have 8 black knights and 1 apothecary and got Sammy’s “land speeder” done and primed. I must say I love the custodes jetbikes. I’ll convert another on for the talonmaster. Now some painting so I can try them out!
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