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Wolves of Fenris! Bare your teeth and show your fury!


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Hail, brothers!


I was wondering what your opinions on Fenrisian Wolves might be. I'm considering bringing twenty of them along with Canis Wolfborn to act as a screen which can cause some damage.


They are easily killed, true, but in combination with Canis Wolfborn, a Wolf Priest and a Rune Priest, I wonder if they might be worth the very few points they cost. Does their rapid movement, reroll to charges and 3 AP-1 attacks each make them a threat that your opponent has to deal with?

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I think they can have their uses as long as you keep them in minimum squads of 5 and have some sort of leadership help to babysit them (Harald or a Wolf Priest). They are pretty much the cost that assault marines should be. :)

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They are pretty much the cost that assault marines should be. :smile.:




God damn I love my Fen wolves. They run up next to my smash captains and then die mercilessly as they take hit after bloody hit for them. You get so much more value out of the -1 to hit bubble strat when it's used upon 15 or so fen wolves. 

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