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Battle-Brother Seeking Tactical Assistance


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Greetings, fellow Dorn-sons.


I find my tactics on the battlefield since the launch of 8th edition has become rather stale (for a lack of a better term). I've fully embraced the ideology of Dorn and his Imperial Fists of 'Dig in deep and pound the enemy to dust'. Unfortunately, my strategies may have clung to that tactic a bit too tightly and as a result I fear I've lost my flexibility.


When designing a list, I inevitably include at least 2 Devestator squads of 2x Lascannons and 2x Missile Launchers each within my battalion, and a spearhead with 3x Thunderfire Cannons. There's also a handful of other units I rank highly on my inclusion list and they eat away at my points. By the end of the list creation, it leaves me with units that aren't fast enough to make up for the 3-4 turns of Artillery bombardment and Peek-a-Bolter to cover any significant ground. To make up for this, I generally include a unit of Cataphractii Terminators to drop in and deal with enemy backline heavies out of range of my other units.


It becomes a mess of trying to find points from my artillery line to better support my terminators so they don't just suicide upon landing, which then I feel weakens my gunline so that they can't soften targets for the terminators. Never mind the whole thing falls apart in objective reliant matches as I lack the mobility to get to them and maintain my battle plan.


If a fellow battle-brother has any suggestions to aid in this blight, I'd appreciate some advice. I'm sure the best solution is more scouts as I currently possess only a single 5-man sniper squad. Perhaps some Rhinos/Razerbacks as well. When I design a list, I also prefer to keep it solely Marine and not try to splash any soup (though plans for a Knight ally have been in the works for a bit now). If it helps, I can attempt* to list off my total units I own. There are several units I own and haven't fielded often, not because I feel they're not good but it again comes to my mind-trap of pulling points from gunline/artillery base makes it too weak.

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* Edited to a smaller summary.


You have a list and a general plan. Best thing you can do is focus on how you are trading with your opponent. While you and your opponent have a plan, both of you are tied to the same or similar objectives. The question is then, how are both you and your opponent, both of you with your own plans, going to achieve those objectives?


Most cases it's a five man unit with objective secured that makes a break to the objective turn 3. What if you delete that turn one instead of trying to take out their rock or combo piece. Your opponent will still have units like the Knight Kaboom, smash captain, custodes, cultist, or heavies. But can that monster make up for the units you can remove without so much effort? Right now, due to the ap nerf across the board for each army, hordes really make these type of decisions really hard, however, sometimes going after chaff can free up decision making for your self late game and limit your opponent.


I run p cap + p leiu + 3x10 intercessors + 3x10 hellbasters. The last 180 points is what ever I feel like for the day. I ball up, push, and scatter as needed. I know don't plan, I just play reactive. I only use about 2 stratagems per games. I don't usually go after the most dangerous units on the opponents board, I go after what I know is going to be a problem later. I generally find that my army is down to 1/4 of what it was, but I'm on usually 2 objectives, contesting usually one, and my opponents usually is sitting on just their star units and thats it.


The key here is to figure out what what are your opponents options are and how to limit them over each turn. Basic threat priority does not cover this. I am not saying to pick off what you can, just what really matters. Bring a note pad and take notes on what your opponents are running, what each unit did in summary per turn, then an assessment of did it accomplish an objective? If so, for next time, what in your list can stamp it out or hinder it. I only consider new units after making these assessments.  Thunderfire's are amazing for their stratagem.  


Let's take a hard example. Terminators can  be awesome area denial unit with a simple line of sight blocking terrain. Hide around a corner on an objective or near one. Can't shot at it without some high mobility, will kill most troops that tries to cap it during an round of assault so objective secured is moot. The 2+/5++ can let you last longer and stay on an objective from turn 3 onward and force typically  one response from the opponent. The opponents combo or rock unit is going to have to waste time on the terminators, and while doing that you could complete another objective. 


Sketchy, yes, but when you play with a playgroup the game is going to change over time and your going to have to adjust for it. A lot of people just plug in and out units or just change plans without trying to understand exactly what is causing it. 


My next two to three months is likely nothing but nids and orks. I have already broken down 4 nids lists and work on completing assessments on 9 ork lists that are in my play group. 


I hope that helps. Good luck.

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