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Wrath & Glory - my first time GMing


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As the title suggests, I'm new to being a GM. Just picked up Wrath and Glory last week, and my buddies and I are interested in playing it. I'm working on a campaign at the moment (or at least coming up with a few ideas for now. Nothing concrete yet). But for now I want to try a few one-shots. Give my friends and I a chance at trying this game out and all, see how well I can GM and how they enjoy roleplaying and whatnot.


So ideally how things are gonna work is everything will be set on one planet (or maybe a small system). The one-shots I'm cooking up will both help get all of us into the game, and also help world-build a bit before the main campaign actually starts. And give me more time to finalize everything.


Rough draft idea, setting is on a Hive World. Couple AdMech forges thrown in for good measure, give the planet a bit more importance. Relatively peaceful, but there are signs of insurrection happening. Gangs, rebels, a few Chaos cults popping up... (which will be in the main campaign, not necessarily the one-shots). The idea with the one-shots is they would be Tier 1 or 2 characters (so Guardsmen, Sisters, Scions, etc.) that are garrisoned on the planet itself. They'd have their own missions. For instance: the first one-shot I have is a squad of Guardsmen or Scions being sent to an outpost that holds a rebel cell and they're being sent to take it out. Very combat focused. Another one I have is a group of Arbites being sent to investigate a factory in the underhive that's rumored to be corrupt, or something along those lines. 


Just a bunch of different little missions with essentially throw-away characters (unless they survive and I and the players can use them for later...) to get us into the game and the setting. But they'd all lead up to the start of the campaign.


First, what do you guys think? Is this a good idea? Scrap it entirely? Suggested improvements?


I'd also like to ask the more experienced GM's here. Do you guys have any process to building campaigns? Any advice for a newbie at this?

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Sounds good. I’m planning a similar sort of thing for when I get the book. A consistent setting and a campaign made up of one shot missions that the players can swap out between based on their availability without it being too jarring.


My suggestions for setting up a campaign/setting:


-Start small, work on a little corner of the world and expand out. You don’t need to fill in all the details.

-Listen to your players and what they want. Be flexible and willing to change things ‘behind the scenes’ if it will make the game better for them, and as a result, you. Classic example - if you have a mystery but the players think of a better solution than the one you had, feel free to change your plan and go with their idea.

-Keep a look out for good videos and articles about running a game, even for other games like D&D. Don’t feel the need to take it all as gospel though. My suggestion here is to watch Matt Colville on YouTube. He has excellent advice for running games and world building, it’s D&D based, but the advice is mostly system agnostic.

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One YouTube channel I've particularly enjoyed when preparing to GM is Matt Colville. Whilst it's a channel based around D&D (and a good one at that) it has a lot of good ideas. In a recent video he talks about setting up his latest campaign, and the Pitch Document he sent his players, which contained high-level concepts of campaigns he'd be interested in running. His players were then able to talk about the kinds of campaigns they were interested in participating in. 


The 40k roleplays can all go in many different directions - from war stories, investigations to Lovecraftian horror. If everybody's on the same page, that will make things a lot smoother for you and will increase engagement. 


It would be entirely possible for you to create a solitary setting - this hive world of yours - and give four or five options to your players, to see which they would prefer.


Either way - good luck, and let us know what happens! This corner of the board needs more activity! 

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