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Specialist Modeling: Tau Medic?


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Well since we have absolutely nothing in the fluff to go with for medics I'd just wing it with elements everyone knows from real life medics, Marine apothecaries and such and give the one Firewarrior you want to act as the team's medic some white elements. Just some white armour plates or such. If your paint scheme is the studio example of Vior'la (or if you decided to have your Cadre be deployed in a snow-y region or such), so white armour all over, I'm not sure what to do though. Perhaps some more T'au-esque markings somewhere on the model (bonus points for checking the T'au alphabet to not accidently write something silly :D ).


Overall though I'd assume that each Firewarrior has the necessary equipment and training to act as medic until they get extracted and brought to a proper facility. Crisis Suits and bigger should definitely have stim injectors build in though. Even if it was just an optional upgrade before and now a Stratagem. There's no reason why they wouldn't have it by default in the fluff.

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Do not forget the Drones! A combat medic will probably carry some kind of i v drip equipment also even in a high tech element such as T'au. They will be tissue glue over bandages and field dressings. But any combat medic would give his right arm for a drone to locate downed comrades and deliver some aid where he can't go or see. A shield drone would also be nice!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I'd add some extra science looking bits like Jukkiz suggested and then maybe one or two 'red cross' highlights in whatever the squad marking color for your caste is. While there are no lore indications that the red cross is used in tau culture it would make it very easily visible for the humans playing with little plastic scifi menz.

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