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Some interesting and aggressive Combos for Phobos Wolves

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I was pretty critical about reivers and sat back and wanted really take another look at them. They really are the best value melee phobos units we have. Tons of attacks, decent pistols to use in melee, grapnel hooks are great and -1 to leadership is nice as well.


I'm not looking to bank on them to train wreck tons of units but to be great tarpit units. Give me a turn or two to line up beefy characters to charge or maneuver other units for objectives.


I thought of ways to do this. Led me to the 2 Phobos Rune Priests. They're cheap. Have +1 armor in cover, 5 wounds 2 cast 1 deny. I started looking at both disciplines available to them and wanted to look at durability/mobility combos...which there are some decent ones


Also let's add in a warlord trait for one of the RunePriests...Lord of Deceit so we can redeploy the 2 Rps and reivers together ...Pro Tip...vertical distance is ignored for reiver with grapnels...but vertical distance Counts for that 9" away...


Temporal corridor...a given to take for sure

Most likely to be the one the opponent will want to spend a deny on


Some powers to think of for protection are Shrouding.

but for the reivers maybe not the best in an aggressive deployment unless you can also get some incursors closer


A 2 power combo though which is really great in HTH is using Tempests Wrath for -1 to hit, if the Reivers are in range for their -1LD you add on Hallucination. Off top they're a further -1...then if they roll over they're leadership they suffer a further -1 to hit...potentially those Reivers just became ridiculous to hurt. Of course you definitely need to choose your targets wisely


Now for a really brutal Damage Combo I realized while scheming was using TENEBRUS CURS: 1 mortal wound and halve Movement Characteristic, with one RP then stacking on Jaws Of the World Wolf with the other. Basically you'll need to just roll 4+ on 2d6 vs almost everything to slap 1+ 4-5 mortals (average)on a unit.


These combos are pretty situational but not really hard to achieve with the right setup. A key point is the Warlord trait for sure.


I think I will try out the Wyrdbane sword as well.


Anyways this may be kinda old news but if not I hope these are some thing you could consider using. I'd love to hear more combos if you know any as well

Edited by Debauchery101
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One thing to consider: I think temporal corridor can't be used for charges if I'm not mistaken?

You are correct. Temporal Corridor mandates that the target MUST Advance which rules out Charging later on. Only a few units in the game can Advance + Charge (e.g. Wulfen) but I can't think of any way to get that ability on any Phobos units.

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One thing to consider: I think temporal corridor can't be used for charges if I'm not mistaken?

You are correct. Temporal Corridor mandates that the target MUST Advance which rules out Charging later on. Only a few units in the game can Advance + Charge (e.g. Wulfen) but I can't think of any way to get that ability on any Phobos units.

Saga of the hunter can do it. You can also use Master of the vanguard for the 1nin boost

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Also, Phobos Rune Priests can’t cast Tempestas powers.


If you’re just trying to tar pit enemy units until your real melee units show up, just use Incursors; they’re Troops and they’re cheaper.


There is a lot more to address in this post, but it’ll have to wait until I’m on my computer and not the tablet.

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Also, Phobos Rune Priests can’t cast Tempestas powers.


If you’re just trying to tar pit enemy units until your real melee units show up, just use Incursors; they’re Troops and they’re cheaper.


There is a lot more to address in this post, but it’ll have to wait until I’m on my computer and not the tablet.

Well as far as I know the And what I've seen and encountered at ITC is that the sections of the codex and codex supplements that have their own disciplines it says ...A <chapter> Librarian in a battleforged Detachment can choose to take powers from the Chapter Specific list. The Phobos librarian datasheet is and has been copy pasted since its release with just some chapter traits added into it. The odex supps and stand alone codexs should and in my experience have taken precedent. If I am wrong please show me the faq of errata. I have not seen it and I also haven't gotten a physical copy of the new SW update either. Maybe they made an exception


If they did change that then from November through February I've been both a victim and perpetrator of using the chapter specific powers with phobos librarians. The only chapter I don't use a phobos librarian is my blood angels because I have mephiston and 3 librarian dreads

Edited by Debauchery101
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It has been changed. Check the unit datasheet from Saga of the Beast.

Here is the relevant part:


Like I said before every codex entry for that unit says that on the data sheet because its a discipline unique to them but in other parts of the codex supplements, blood of baal etc it says any librarian can use the chapter specific powers. Looking through the internet that seems to be the consensus, I've never been told otherwise and I have seen no FAQ on it. Maybe it will be changed. I'd like to see the rest of the new space wolves codex/update or an faq making a distinct ruling.

Also I'd like to say I'm not trying to argue or rules lawyer with anyone. I think that the consensus, even if its just the people who compete on the west coast, that its allowed for.phobos to take faction/subfaction powers..im going to rock with it until GW says otherwise.

Edited by Debauchery101
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Until or unless a new FAQ or Errata comes out that says differently, Space Wolves Rune Priests in Phobos Armor only get access to the Obscuration discipline, because that's what it says on the data sheet, and there is no other language elsewhere in Saga of the Beast that says differently.

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Like I said before every codex entry for that unit says that on the data sheet because its a discipline unique to them but in other parts of the codex supplements, blood of baal etc it says any librarian can use the chapter specific powers. Looking through the internet that seems to be the consensus, I've never been told otherwise and I have seen no FAQ on it. Maybe it will be changed.


Ritual of the Damned specifically states that a Dark Angel Phobos Librarian can use Interromancy or Obscuration.



However, Blood of Baal does not say a Blood Angel Phobos Librarian can use Sanguinary or Obscuration. It restricts it to just Obscuration.

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