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Working Title: The Faceless Death

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Don't get discouraged. You must keep practicing to be good at any art. What you wrote so far is entertaining to read, and demonstrate you have the potential to match and even surpass Games Workshop's own writers.

Thank you for saying so. That's definitely encouragement enough!

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+++++ Part 1 +++++


Alfheim was a beautiful world. It was a nearly untouched wilderness, much like Terra that was. Lush temperate rain forests blanketed much of the Subtropical regions, a result from the consistent rainfall across the mountains that rose from the earth and covered most of the continent. The valleys were hearty and dotted with farms. The people who lived here were simple folk; farmers, fishermen, and hunters, but they had no idea what cruel fate was to befall their world.


High above the idyllic world of Alfheim, a Drukhari raiding fleet emerged from the webway. Alfheim had an ancient network of satellites which would send out alerts to nearby astartes fleets. This world was one that was special to the Storm Crows, as they had named it after bringing it into compliance some ten millennia ago, during the Great Crusade. The Drukhari fleet was detected by the machine spirits of the ancient network, and the Storm Crows were alerted.




It would take only a matter of days for a predation fleet to reach the world of Alfheim. It was not a particularly important world to the Imperium, but it was a world of great importance to the Storm Crows, as it was the site of their rebirth as a chapter.




The Coastal city loomed over the horizon. Tall spires of glass and steel shot into the sky like spears, their points glistening in the rare glimpses of sun along the northern coastlines. This city was the capital of this world, and the stubborn fools refused compliance. It was known to the Storm Crows, The 12th Chapter of the XIXth Legion, that the leaders of this world were corrupt, living in the lap of luxury, defended by throngs of loyal soldiers too blinded by their own greed and pride to see their own corruption or that which they defended. The city was defended by a massive wall, two hundred meters tall, it ringed the city surrounding the seaport as well, the city was truly a marvel. It was an impenetrable fortress, and the spires a perfect image of architectural design. It was a vision of perfection, a celebration of human ingenuity.


It mattered not, to Captain Ragnar Stonejaw this was just another world that would be crushed under the might of the Imperium's march. That march on this world however had been mired, by partisans, fighting the astartes. It was clear that the partisans had been fighting the corruption of the capitol for many decades before the Storm Crows had arrived. But it was a mystery as to why the partisans were now fighting their liberators. It baffled him.


Ragnar's company slowed their pace, as they would now wait for the cover of darkness to begin their part. "Raider Company is in position, commence bombardment," Ragnar spoke as the vox set carried his message to the Artillery section of the Chapter's armor contingent. The legion basilisks massive earthshaker cannons thundered away, sending their payload of shrieking death hurtling towards the city.


"Change of plans Ragnar," came the call over the vox, "Take your company to the next town over, the assault on the captial has been delayed, the damn partisans have ambushed and massacred our forces."


Ragnar cursed. These partisans were making it very difficult to secure compliance. Orders, however, were orders, and the supply lines must be secure. Ragnar commanded his forces to remount their transports and head out. The drive took hours over rough terrain and night had fallen by the time they had arrived. The troops dismounted their vehicles and began to sweep the town for potential partisans. An explosion rang out, and an astartes was sent flying. His armored form crashed to the ground, his armor seemed intact but the way the super human soldier had landed, indicated that he was dead. When two men went to check, thick, red, blood began to pour from the exit wound on the back of the warrior's armor. The back was rent wide open, and chunks of man spilled out in wet thwacks as the lumps hit the paved road surface. The only thing on the front of the armor was a small entry hole where the jet of molten metal had burned its way through surrounded by carbon scoring from the device.


Such things were becoming commonplace, and it was a constant annoyance. This was why the Chapter had always treated conquered populations with distrust. A racket approached the Captain. It was one of the patrol, he had with him a young girl, no more than 17 years of age. She was screaming at him, cursing his supposed ancestry. Occasionally she would loose a hand and begin pounding on the warrior's armor telling him to let her go, she kicked his shins, the armored ceramite surely causing her the pain she sought to inflict, yet still she would not relent.


"What have we here, brother?" Ragnar chuckled, amused by her persistence.


"Sir, she is a sabateur, she lured us into a trap," He inclined his head to the fallen warrior. "She is obviously a partisan."


Captain Ragnar looked at the girl, his face plate now mere inches from her face. "Why do you resist us girl?" He spoke, his voice distorted into a mechanical growl by his vox, "We are your liberators."


She stopped struggling long enough to reply, "Then why do you kill so indiscriminately? We are everywhere. We are in the cities you shell, in the towns you claim, we are the voice of the people. We will not trade one tyrant for another..."

Edited by Ulrik_Ironfist
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Does the "TEN MILLENNIA PRIOR" section take place during the Scouring, after Corax exiled himself?

No it's supposed to take place during the Great Crusade. I suppose that It should be 11 millenia prior then?
You stated the "StormCrows" fought in that conflict. If you want your readers to know it took place during the Great Crusade, you should specify the "StormCrows Chapter of the XIX Legion" (emphasis mine) fought then.
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+++++ Part 2 +++++


Captain Ragnar was taken aback. He lingered, still hunched over searching the young girl's face for anything which would betray her conviction. He could find no flaw in her resolve. She did not fear him, as others had before. Her defiant gaze burned into Ragnar. For the first time in his life he felt unsure. He could destroy this girl, he could break her body, and destroy her utterly, he could kill her, but he truly felt that he could not defeat her.


"What would you have us do then, young one?" He asked, the vox betraying his quizzical tone.


"Show us that you are our liberators, help us," She said. Her eyes narrowing to slits and she hissed, "If you can..."


Ragnar rose to his full height. Perhaps the Mor Deythan were right, perhaps Corax was right. The Primarch had sent the 12th away because they were heavy handed, and Corax believed that to Deliver the Oppressed to freedom, they had to be trusted with that very thing. The StormCrows of the 12th Chapter were loathe to accept those teachings. The Mor Deythan, Astartes made of those who had fought with Corax himself during the Liberation of Lycea, to see that the Chapter was brought into compliance with his wishes.


It was evident to Ragnar that doing things the way they were was going to cost them valuable time. The compliance of the capitol was becoming a siege, an untenable situation for the 12th. They needed to get back on track and Ragnar was desperate to accomplish his mission.


"How?" He questioned, "What would you have us do?"


It was the young girl's turn to be taken back. She blinked rapidly, stunned. Ragnar motioned for her captor to release her. She spoke, "You have the forces to take the city, but you can't get in? We could get you in, and guide your strikes. We can show you where to strike."


"And what do you ask in return?" Ragnar asked. He dared not hope that they would simply obey.


"What we want is to govern ourselves. We want the freedom to live as we wish, to perfect our days, free of the tyrant's thumb," She responded.


Ragnar could not help but laugh. It was a laugh which bellowed from deep in his belly. The young girl looked astonished. She was bewildered by this, she seemed as if she did not know whether to be overjoyed or enraged. Ragnar removed his helm and knelt before the girl.


"Is that all?" Ragnar chuckled, "I am Eighth Captain Ragnar Stonejaw, of the 12th Chapter of the XIXth Legion. We are here to bring this world into compliance with our Imperium. Embrace the Imperial Truth, embrace the duty to advance humanity, and you shall have all you desire, and more. We are not your overlords, we are your Deliverers."


The girl looked at Ragnar, and she spoke, "I am Maritsa, and I suppose we shall, see."


Ragnar allowed Maritsa to be released to speak to her resistance cell. It did not take long before the Storm Crows realized their situation. The entire town was surrounding them, and the town elder approached. Ragnar looked at the frail old man, who then spoke.


"We heard what you have said, and if we guarantee the safety of your supply lines, you will assist us in throwing off our tyrant?"


Ragnar nodded his affirmation. The elder looked as if he would cry.


"My grand daughter Maritsa will accompany you, she has contacts within the capitol. She will get you in contact with the cells in the city." Again Ragnar nodded. He replaced his helm, and began to silently round up his men and prepare them to move out.


He radioed up to the Kommandant, that he had secured their supply lines, and had found a way to penetrate the city. There was a long pause, before the Kommandant finally spoke.


"How have you accomplished such a task, Kapten?"


Ragnar was unsure how to respond delicately, so he chose to be blunt, "I secured the cooperation of the partisans. If we work with them, they will aid us and ensure that our supply lines are secure. With their help, I can get my seeker squads into the city to eliminate key personnel and munitions depots. We can disable the anti-air gun emplacements which prevent our forces from flying in."


"You are sure about this Kapten? This relies on trusting malcontents who have not been shy about showing us that we are unwelcome."


"Sir, I am sure about this. We have treated the people like enemies, and they have responded in kind. If we can show them that we are on their side, perhaps compliance will go more smoothly." Ragnar's response was more of a desperate plea, he only dared hope that his Kommandant would give him enough rope, Just enough to hang myself.


"Do it. If you think you can get this compliance back on track, you are a go."

Edited by Ulrik_Ironfist
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+++++ Part 3 +++++


The drive back to the city was just as long as it had been away. There was a renewed sense of purpose though, the Astartes of Raider Company. The men were growing excited. They could not wait to complete their mission. Along for the ride though was a contingent of the partisans, most of them were young boys, orphans mostly, Maritsa had said. Many of them were the bastard children of a soldier's night of "fun". They knew only the hatred their mothers harbored for the fathers. They were the unwanted and had found purpose in vengeance, and their place as partisans.


Ragnar could understand that, he identified with these young boys, the oldest no more than 16. His own father had done such things. For many of the Terran-born astartes of the 12th, their brotherhood was not merely symbolic. Several of his birth-father's sons bore the red raven of the Storm Crows. He had been among the youngest recruited by the Emperor himself and remade into an astartes of terrifying power, so it was for others, who did not share his heritage. More sons of Herold would surely have graced the ranks of the chapter had Ragnar's mother not put an end to him.


Ragnar saw the hard resolve in the eyes of these boys. He would offer them the chance to be remade should they survive the night. So it was for them, to recruit from battlefields as their expedition ground on. They were exiles from their Legion, they could not afford to be picky when it came to finding suitable recruits, and so they absorbed the lost souls, damning them to endless battlefields, taken away by the wild hunt...




The vehicles ground to a halt, and signaled Raider company to dismount. They would approach the city walls on foot from here. Ragnar cursed, it was many hours after nightfall and dawn would break soon. Ragnar glanced at his chronometer, 0345, it is late. Maritsa used a portable vox set to signal the cells in the city. Raider company had spit into smaller groups. Each squad had split into five man fireteams and assigned a mission. They had quetly made their way to the city walls. They had ensured that they would not be detected, the systems of their armor had been silenced so that no sounds would be perceptible. All that was left was for Maritsa to come through. Her contacts had said for them to meet near the large storm drains. Massive bars were sunk into the large ferrocrete casements. Maritsa assured Ragnar that this would not pose a problem, as the Corrupt officials felt assured that their city was impregnable.


Fools, there is not a fortress built, which we cannot breach. Ragnar thought to himself. Maritsa let a low whistle which shook Ragnar from his reverie. He quietly made his way to her.


"This is Adam, he leads one of the cells in the city. He will guide us to our targets." Maritsa said quitely. Her voice was little more than a hushed whisper, but Ragnar could hear it clear as a bell on a cold day. He nodded his confirmation.


Adam leaned over to Maritsa and whispered, "Are you sure that we can trust these... men?"


Maritsa shrugged, indicating that she had nothing to lose, by trusting them. It would be Ragnar who spoke.


"We, each of us, is without a choice. You do not trust us any more than we trust you, but we need each other if we are to bring this world into compliance."


Adam nodded, unsure what Ragnar meant by compliance, but he agreed that they needed each other. He motioned for the astartes to follow him. He and fireteam Sven would be one of the teams that would help to overcome the massive gate. The Astartes clambered into the city's massive sewer network through the storm drains. It seemed like hours that they wandered through the tunnels. Maritsa clung to her autorifle. She had obviously been well trained in its use, and the captain could not help but wonder just how long these people had been fighting. Ragnar shook his head, now was not the time for such thoughts, they had a mission to complete.


Ragnar finally glanced at his chronometer, the shelling had ceased in order to lull the defenders into a false sense of security. 0425, a scant 40 minutes had passed since they had disembarked, but it had felt like hours. Adam motioned that they were close to their objective. Ragnar looked to his men, they each checked their weapons, ensuring that the suppressors were properly affixed and that their weapons were loaded. Ragnar motioned for the resistance fighters to stay back. Adam and Maritsa were visibly annoyed by this but they obeyed. They were aware that resistance saboteurs were in place to destroy ammunition and fuel caches and bomb barracks while the astartes took the hard targets like the gate and the gun emplacements. There were many moving parts to the joint operation that Ragnar and Maritsa had hastily planned, but if it worked, it would prove that new ways of thinking would be needed moving forward.


A series of explosions rocked the city, barracks and fuel dumps began to explode. The flames would light the pre-dawn sky. Fireteam Sven and Captain Ragnar exploded into action killing the guards standing watch by the machinery for the massive drawbridge. It was smart to put this below ground, so long as the city was not penetrated security could be lax. Ragnar wondered what could make this task so difficult, until he opened the machine room. The massive chains which held the gate would take hours with conventional tools and surely security would be alerted before long. Ragnar motioned for one of Sven's men to come forward.


"Can you sever these chains?" Ragnar asked over the vox. The man nodded and began to rummage through his satchel. He withdrew a roll of what looked to be adhesive tape. He began his work as the rest of the team moved to down the way to the other side of the gate. It was taking too long. Ragnar began to hear agitated voices coming down the corridor. He took up a position on one side of the mouth and motioned for another man to do the same opposite him. Ragnar motioned for Adam and Maritsa to get out of sight. Maritsa sidled up close to the captain.


"We can fight, we do not need protection!" She hissed at him.


Ragnar considered this, "Yes, you can fight. Worry not little sister, there will be plenty of fighting to come! For now, rely on us."


She seemed taken back. The guards were now agitated and coming closer, Ragnar peeked out and fired. The bolt round tore through the first guard, and his partner across the opening also peeked out and fired. The rest of the fireteam took up positions while their demolitions expert finished his work. The guards were now rolling out the heavy weapons. They began to set up an autocannon at the end of the corridor. The astartes attempted to prevent this, but the guards were relentless.


"Done! Explosives set!" Brother Hafthor shouted.


Ragnar turned, as a cannon shell impacted near his head, showering him with debris. He bellowed his response, "Blow it!"


Ragnar and another astartes turned and grabbed their two resistance escorts to shield them from the blast. The explosions were massive and without the astartes acting as shields the concussion surely would have killed their escorts. The walls began to shake as the massive draw bridge came crashing down. The astartes stood resuming their positions, and firing down the hall. Ragnar broke from his position and charged down the hall, slinging his weapon, and unholstering his volkite serpenta, and unsheathing his massive combat knife. Cannon shells whizzed past him, one impacted his chest squarely but the armor absorbed the impact though it left a crater the size of a man's fist. He fired his sidearm, a hearty Choom burned through one of the cannon gunners. He slumped to the ground. The second man attempted to flee but the captain's blade found a new home though the man's back.


Ragnar holstered his sidearm, and sheathed his knife. He grabbed the autocannon, and placed a foot on the carriage and with all his might tore the weapon from its mount.


"Come Brothers, we have cowards to slaughter!" He laughed, "Come little sister, you wanted to fight, show me how!"


Ragnar leveled the autocannon at the next corridor which had begun to disgorge a deluge of alerted guards, and he fired...

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+++++ Part 4 +++++


The autocannon roared and belched a gout of flame and cannon shells ripped through the hoard of guards. The Report of the cannon was as loud as a thunder clap, and one by one guards fell to the ground, heaping piles of so much shredded meat. Maritsa had sprinted down the hall and begun firing her weapon at the stream of guards. She handled the autogun with expert precision. Ragnar was astounded by her ferocity.


She barreled through spearing a guard in the chest with her shoulder. The guard was slammed against the wall and several rapid punches left him stunned as she grabbed his sidearm placed it to his chin and pulled the trigger. The guard's head splattered upward as the bullet tore through his skull. She then rounded on several fleeing guards and fired, steady staccato rhythm of shots tore through each guard as she placed 10 well aimed rounds in each one. She fought with a ferocity that Ragnar had only ever seen in his own men.


Korporal Sven was the first to show up. He easily recognized Maritsa's expert work. He nodded his approval.


"Would you look at that, Kapten? Heavens above, little sister can fight!" He mused, as he playfully prodded Maritsa's shoulder with his massive gloved hand.


"Yes, Korporal, she can. As good as us I'd say." Ragnar nodded to Maritsa. She had proven her worth, and these men would never deny skill. "When this is over, we will make you an Honorary Legionnaire, from this day, until your last day, you are one of us."


Maritsa was taken back. She smiled sheepishly, Which only drew satisfied laughs from the gathered astartes. They had forged a bond this day, one which the 12th would remember forever.


Ragnar checked the ammunition on his new autocannon, he had only a few rounds left, so he resolved to make them count. Maritsa reloaded her weapons, taking equipment off the guards, ensuring she would have enough ammunition for the coming fight. They had dropped the bridge, now the gates needed to be opened. The siege breakers of the first company could not penetrate the city through normal means, as the gun emplacements made an airborne assault a suicidal risk. Though the Shadow killers of the first company were more brazen than the average trooper, they were still calculating when in possession of their faculties, and they would be until battle was joined. They still needed an opening, and it was Ragnar's intent to give them one.


Once the gate was opened, the gun emplacements would be destroyed allowing the Destroyers and Terminators of First company to descend upon the city and establish their foothold. Ragnar made his way up to the street level his team in tow. The scene was chaotic, as his company fought their way up the battlements to destroy the gun positions. The defenders were putting up stiff resistance, their archaeotech weapons were more useful than the autoguns that the partisans were forced to use, and the troops were of a high caliber, well trained and equipped. To Ragnar it almost seemed a shame, but he remembered that these were not fine soldiers, they were corrupt, and opportunistic, and they fought for their own desires. If they pressed hard enough the militia would crumble.


A round pinged off Ragnar's helm, shaking him back to the moment. He leveled his combi-volkite and pulled the trigger. A loud choom resounded and tore through the throng of soldiers that had massed to oppose the newly emerged astartes. They made for the massive gate with the utmost haste. The gate house was heavily entrenched, and was heavily defended. The Astartes strike team would need to work hard to overcome this obstacle. Or so Ragnar thought before a shout came through his helm loud and clear.


"GET DOWN!" Maritsa shouted.


Ragnar did not hesitate and dropped to the ground, as Maritsa leveled a rocket launcher at the gate house's defenses. The defenders saw what was soon to be coming their way and scattered mere moments before Maritsa depressed the firing stud. A loud whoosh and shriek echoed through Ragnar's helm, it was ear splitting and the rocket impacted blowing the defenses sky high. Ragnar looked up to see the smoking ruin that his young ward had made.


The astartes could not waste this opportunity, and they rushed the gate house. They had the gate controls secured within moments and they mopped up any resistance left after the rocket blast. Ragnar worked the controls to open the gate. As the massive gates retracted Astartes began to pour through the breach. As the massive gate ground open, the gun emplacements went up in flames, allowing the Storm Eagle Gunships to shriek past overhead, and drop their deadly payloads.


Kommandant Magnus Ironside strolled over to the gate house, to speak with Ragnar. Ragnar snapped to attention before his battalion commander, though he did not render a salute. Such was their way, they did not salute in active combat zones, for fear that enemies might target their command structure. Magnus looked at Ragnar, and after a moment he placed a hand on Ragnar's shoulder before he spoke.


"Kapten Ragnar, this victory is thanks to you," Magnus spoke, "This world will be made compliant much sooner because of you."


Ragnar shook his head, "Kommandant, it is the partisans we owe for this victory. Without them we would never have breached the walls." He motioned to Maritsa and Adam, who both smiled and nodded to the Kommandant. Ragnar was not known to be a humble man, but he also was not known for taking credit for the accomplishments of others, and Magnus knew this.


"I see, then we owe them a great deal," Magnus intoned, turning to Ragnar "What reward would be suitable, Kapten?"


"I have offered Maritsa status as an Honorary Legionnaire. It seemed fitting, she fights with the same ferocity as any of us." Ragnar's body language indicated that he would not take no for an answer. It was the highest honor he could think to bestow, and it was not done lightly. This would mean that she would now be allowed to participate in their rituals even though she was not an astartes, or forged in the liberation of Lycea. As she was being claimed by the Storm Crows, the 12th Chapter, she would be inducted according to their traditions and rituals.


That would have to wait until the city was pacified. Just then a runner approached the two Astartes officers and Maritsa. He was a local, it was easy to tell, and he wore a troubled look.


"Sirs, I'm to inform you that the Viceroy has escaped the city, and he is not willing to let things go so easily. He wiped out the town of Kattegat," He looked at Maritsa, "I'm so sorry, but none survived."


Ragnar felt his hearts sink. His new found comrade had now lost everything she fought for. He looked at her, as she sunk to her knees sobbing. Ragnar removed his helm, affixing it to his belt. He knelt before Maritsa. She was sobbing uncontrollably. Ragnar placed a reassuring hand upon her shoulder. She looked at him, eye to eye, her face was red with anguish.


"My whole family is dead now. Because we helped you," she sobbed. Her body shook as she cried.


Before Ragnar could speak, the Runner spoke, "But many more are saved because you did. This city will be liberated because you helped these Storm Crows."


Maritsa did not look any happier about that. In fact she looked enraged, "I don't care!" She shrieked, "I've lost everything I was fighting for!"


But then Ragnar spoke, "Maritsa, you have not lost everything. I offered you Honorary Legionnaire status, do you know what that means?" He asked. She shook her head, continuing to be wracked with sobs. "You may have lost one family tonight, but you have found another. By our traditions you are now one of us, your woes are our woes, your fight is now our fight."


Maritsa looked up, her breathing slowed between her sobs, she saw Ragnar's scarred face smiling at her. It was a smile full of warmth, it reminded her of her father's smile. She managed a weak smile as she sobbed again.


"Kapten, she is now your ward, you took her in, and now you are as her father. So it is, and so shall it be."


Ragnar looked back to Maritsa, "Welcome to the twelfth Chapter of the nineteenth legion, Maritsa. We are the Emperor's Angels of Death, and tonight, if you'll have us, we will be your vengeance..."

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The scene of Ragnar comforting Maritsa by reminding her she has a new family, and promising to avenge her old one, is well-written.


I find it strange the girl is familiar with the use of rocket launchers. Did the now deposed Viceroy demand the children undergo training, so they may serve as a defensive militia- literal child soldiers and cannon fodder?

Edited by Bjorn Firewalker
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+++++ Part 5 +++++


Maritsa looked at Ragnar's now serious face. She couldn't believe that she'd just heard what he'd said. My fight is now theirs? It's that simple? She would give voice to those concerns.


"It's not that easy," she said, as she watched Ragnar's company assemble in the newly established staging area. "You can't just tell me that my fight is now yours, and what did he mean that you are now as my father?"


"In our traditions, when we adopt those whom we will train as astartes, each inductee is assigned an astartes to teach him our ways of war, as our fathers taught us. You cannot be an astartes, but you fight well, and it would have been a shame to let that go unnoticed."


Maritsa's eyes were still puffy, though she had long run out of tears to shed. "So you will teach me your ways? What can you teach me other than being a heartless war machine!?" She screamed.


Ragnar's face betrayed the hurt she'd dealt him. He had raised many boys to become astartes of their Chapter, and all had thanked him for giving them a place in which to belong. Maritsa's words stung, was that all he truly was? He could remember the boy he'd been, he wanted to be a Skald, a warrior-bard, to sing of and do great deeds. In a way he'd become exactly that.


"We are all so much more than that, and after this world is compliant you shall see. For now, we must fight, you must fight. You are now an honorary legionnaire, my ward, and that means you serve in my Company. Raider company is composed of seekers, that may not mean much to you now, but we excel at tracking and killing high value targets. We will find this Viceroy, and when we do, we will kill him, and you shall have your vengeance for your family."


Maritsa looked to the runner, "How...?" She choked, unable to finish her sentence.


"They bombed it, and then sent soldiers through to kill anything that survived," He said, in a matter of fact way, "Then they torched the ruins. Nothing stands in Kattegat."


Again, Maritsa looked crushed. It was thorough and meticulous, and needlessly brutal, hallmarks of the Viceroy's iron-fisted rule. Ragnar stood, bending over to offer Maritsa a hand getting to her feet. She took it, and Ragnar pulled her to her feet. Once more he was trying to give her a reassuring smile. Maritsa glared at Ragnar, her anger clearly no longer directed towards him, but she was still visibly angry. Her hand trembled so much that Ragnar could feel it through his gauntlet, she was seething with rage.


One of the Storm Crows approached the group waiting at a distance for the scene to unfold. Ragnar turned towards to the waiting astartes and motioned for him to approach. The man walked up and spoke to the Kommandant and Ragnar in hushed toned he relayed that the Viceroy had been spotted, his transport landed in the mountains. Apparently there was a bunker complex built there.


Ragnar turned to Maritsa, "Have you heard of a bunker complex in the mountains? Apparently there is one which the Viceroy has fled to. We will depart as soon as you are able."


Maritsa nodded, dusted herself off and sniffled, before nodding that she was ready. Ragnar smiled, it was a proud smile, Maritsa looked upon him, and managed a weak smile in return.


"Come little sister, we must get ready for battle," Ragnar said as he offered her a hand in boarding the transport. As she came aboard the gunship the doors closed. Lights came on in the interior of the ship. It shuddered as it took off. What Ragnar had not told her is that the company was being rotated back into orbit for resupply and rearmament. Thanks to her guidance and the efforts of her compatriots, the compliance was only a mere few hours behind schedule, rather than the weeks they had anticipated.




The transports docked, and the company disembarked. Maritsa spotted the boys and girls that had gone with the other teams. Astartes approached alongside the children. The youngest a boy of 12, looked up at the massive soldier standing next to him.


"The boys have all been adopted into the Chapter, they will be trained and remade as astartes," Ragnar said to Maritsa. She looked at him.


"What of the girls? Will they be made honorary legionnaires like me?" She asked, "They also have nothing to go back to."


Ragnar had not considered this, but by the accounts of his men, these young girls had acquitted themselves well enough. There were four girls in the group, and all had fared well. It was moment before he would respond, "I will see to it that they are, but it cannot be me who sponsors them."


Several of his men stepped forward, taking a place at each of the Girl's sides. Each of the young women was about Maritsa's age, even had they been boys, they would have been too old to be remade, though he had not yet explained that to Maritsa. Ragnar nodded to his men, for they had just offered to sponsor these girls. Ragnar would make a point to visit the Forgemaster and see if they could equip these new foundlings.


"Maritsa, you have requested this of us, and we have obliged. But, you will now be responsible for these girls, do you understand?" His tone was serious, and Maritsa knew that he was taking a massive risk in bringing them into the fold.


Ragnar motioned for the gathered to follow him, they had battle for which to prepare, and that meant much work was yet to be done.




Days had passed, since they had arrived on the Strike Cruiser Invisible Truth. Maritsa now stood with her new sisters, all clad in suits of armor. She was astounded, it felt as if she were wearing nothing at all. Ragnar had visited the Forgemaster, and he made a most unusual request. There were several sets of scavenged armor that had once belonged to silent sisters, from some far off battlefield, and now had made their way into their armory. These suits were set to be cannibalized for materials, but Ragnar had instead used his rank to procure them.  The suits had been re worked, now void hardened, silenced, and custom fit for their new wearers. Intricate patterns, similar to those found on the armor of their new elder brothers, wove throughout the armor, and it bore the same ashen grey color as the rest of the Chapter. The girls had been drilling in their new armor, to become accustomed to it and they had attended target practice to become acclimated to their new weapons.


Now they stood, still reeling from the events of the last few days. Ragnar now addressed the company, The girls standing at the head of the group. Even in their new armor, the Astartes Towered over them. Ragnar was not one for long speeches, and he merely wished his men success. The troops boarded their gunships and the assault launched. It promised to be a short and bloody fight, but the Viceroy would die.

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The scene of Ragnar comforting Maritsa by reminding her she has a new family, and promising to avenge her old one, is well-written.

Thanks. I tried to make it feel moving. I'm taking a few cues from the First Heretic, trying to show the Astartes as sympathetic to the people.



I find it strange the girl is familiar with the use of rocket launchers. Did the now deposed Viceroy demand the children undergo training, so they may serve as a defensive militia- literal child soldiers and cannon fodder?

It might seem strange, but every rocket launcher I've personally seen had instructions on it. Being a partisan, she would also possibly have used them before. She might have been fighting for years, where the 12th had only been there a few weeks at most.

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I find it strange the girl is familiar with the use of rocket launchers. Did the now deposed Viceroy demand the children undergo training, so they may serve as a defensive militia- literal child soldiers and cannon fodder?

It might seem strange, but every rocket launcher I've personally seen had instructions on it. Being a partisan, she would also possibly have used them before. She might have been fighting for years, where the 12th had only been there a few weeks at most.
But I doubt an untrained person would understand the dangers of backblast; to know it's unsafe to fire from a confined space; or that rockets are often designed so their detonators won't arm until they're launched past the minimal safe distance. It's easier to just claim someone- maybe an adult partisan who once served in the Viceroy's forces, before he/she defected- gave Maritsa training.
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But I doubt an untrained person would understand the dangers of backblast; to know it's unsafe to fire from a confined space; or that rockets are often designed so their detonators won't arm until they're launched past the minimal safe distance. It's easier to just claim someone- maybe an adult partisan who once served in the Viceroy's forces, before he/she defected- gave Maritsa training.

You're absolutely right, but I left it deliberately vague, since she's a partisan, and that's apparently something she knows about. Let's not forget that rocket launchers are favorite of partisans the world over, as they make it possible for an individual to take on an armored vehicle, something which she'd definitely have done against the viceroy. Also don't forget that she was caught after using an explosively formed penetrator type IED against the Astartes, that's a fairly sophisticated stuff, so it's safe to assume that she's a pretty well trained partisan.


I didn't want to go into the specifics of where she learned to fight, because it's not important to the story, she's a fully capable warrior when she makes her entrance, and the point of the story is to show how she was important to the symbolic rebirth of the 12th Chapter. Where once they were conquerors, now they are reborn as liberators, and she's a symbol to them of that new identity.

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+++++ Part 6 +++++


The transport shrieked across the sky. Flak exploded around them rocking the ship as it hurtled through the atmosphere. They were burning hard and fast to get to the mountaintop bunker complex. Ragnar new that they had to reach the complex before the Viceroy could effect an escape. Ragnar's squad was the breaching squad embarked upon a Caestus assault ram, was aimed laser straight at the landing gate. They would burn through the gate and disembark and from there they would open the gate for the rest of the company to land in their Storm Eagles.


"TEN SECONDS!" Came the call from the pilot.


Moments later the massive melta cannon fired burning through the large gate and the ram lurched as it slammed through the melting ferrocrete door. the ram slammed into the tarmac and came to a stop. The occupants were jarred, but their harnesses kept them from injury. The harnesses shot upwards allowing their occupants to move freely and they filed onto the gangway. The massive doors dropped and the occupants rushed out. They were met by a hail of fire from archeaotech weapons. The squad took cover and returned fire. The rear elements bounded forward providing covering fire as the squad moved up. They moved in this bounding overwatch, leapfrogging and alternating cover fire until they reached the ladderwell which would give them access to the gate controls. They only had a few minutes to secure the control room and get the gate down or the rest of the company risked being shot from the sky. Marines charged up the ladderwell firing as they went. The first of the astartes reached the top and unleashed a hail of bolter fire into a hapless soldier. His body was torn apart as the shells exploded. Astartes sprinted to the control room. They took up a position, stacked on the door. The door had been locked, but it was of no concern.


The first man in the stack took his fist and tapped his knuckles on the crown of his helm. The last man came to the front and took a position opposite the lead man. He removed a cutting charge from his back. They were long sticks and he placed four of them on the door. He pulled the detonator and turned away as did the lead man. The charge exploded and the door went flying off it's hinges. the massive door careened through the room shearing a man in half and crashing through the massive glass observation window. The astartes burst into the room their silenced bolters spitting death at the few men in the room.


The first man slung his weapon and moved to the console. He tapped the controls to open the gate, and the groan as the door slid down into the mountainside could be heard throughout the facility. Just as the door had fully opened the first Storm Eagle was coming in for a landing. The pilot deftly maneuvered the ship into the hangar interior, allowing room for other gunships to land as well. Astartes poured out of the ships down their disembarkation ramps. Very soon there were nearly one hundred astartes in the facility. The Breaching squad moved onward, each platoon had a job to accomplish. Ragnar would lead first platoon in cornering and killing the Viceroy. According to the schematics they were able to obtain the royal chamber was on the lowest level of the complex. So, down we go, into the pit of hell.




Ragnar had no idea just how right he would be. First platoon fought its way deep into the facility, clearing checkpoints which the defenders had set up with determined professionalism. It would, however, be no match for the might of a platoon of astartes each coming at the defenders from multiple angles. Ultimately the paths all converged and there was but one way down. Ragnar would motion for Maritsa to join him on the elevator. The platoon would follow coming down the stair wells.


The scene in the lowest level was surreal. It was as if the Viceroy was unaware that his number was up. The Angels of Death had come to collect him. A long corridor stretched out before them. The lights were dim, and a pulsing rhythm like music assaulted their senses. They walked down the corridor, side by side, until they came to a the door. Ragnar opened it. What was before him was a scene of depravity and debauchery the like he'd never seen before. He saw young women sobbing, beaten and tortured, and abused in ways too heinous to say. What disgusted him most was that there were men, all obviously high ranked officials leering lustfully at the terror they had wrought upon these young women. THe Viceroy sat behind a large table, stuffing his face. 


Ragnar was reminded of his father, and how he treated his mother, a proud shield maiden of his clan. He wore the same lustful grin these men, no, these demons, wore. Maritsa stood, stunned and unable to process what she was seeing. She began to tremble.


Ragnar noticed and voxed her privately, "Hold firm little sister, I want to take this swine alive."


"WHAT!?" Maritsa screamed, "NO! He has to die!"


Ragnar's reply was measured, "And he will. I will draw a blood eagle upon his back for what he has done to your, no, to my people."


Maritsa did not know what he meant by draw a blood eagle upon his back, but she was shocked to hear him claim that her people were now his. Ragnar's massive stride took him only a few steps before he was standing before the viceroy. Through his helm, Ragnar glared daggers at this man.


The viceroy sat back, his corpulent frame causing the finely crafted chair to creak and groan in protest. The rotund man gestured for Ragnar to join him.


"Please, won't you join me? We have much to discuss, no?" He smiled as he spoke. "You and your men are superb soldiers, you could serve me, and I would grant you your every desire."


Ragnar could not stifle a laugh. It shocked the viceroy. None dared laugh at him. Ragnar managed to regain his composure, before he spoke.


"Why would I do that? I serve an Emperor, to serve you would be a downgrade," Ragnar retorted, his voice a mechanical growl. "I have seen nobility incarnate, and you are the furthest thing from it. You are a twisted sack of human waste, unfit to rule, and unfit to live."


The Viceroy was stunned, he tried to stammer out a command to his remaining guards, but it was too late. Two bolter shots rang out, and the guards heads exploded, showering the viceroy with gore. Maritsa's aim was precise and deadly. Ragnar grabbed the feasting table and threw it aside. He grabbed the viceroy by his pudgy neck. The viceroy squealed like a pig as he clutched at the armored gauntlet at his throat. Maritsa turned her bolter on the officials, cleanly placing a bolter shell through each of their heads. The young women were covered in gore, screaming at the horror they had just witnessed. Astartes streamed into the room.


Ragnar gestured to the now freed pleasure slaves, "Get them food, water, blankets and medical attention. Today we demonstrate our good will to our people."


There it was again, Maritsa did not know what to think, Ragnar was claiming her people as his own. She had to know why.


"Why do you keep calling us your people? You are not of this world," Maritsa voxed to her new guardian.


Ragnar sighed, "Because you are. I did not realize it until today. Our Father Corax told us that 'Justice without force is powerless, but force without justice is tyranny'. I rebelled at this, force was all we knew, and I was wrong. All of humanity is our people, we are one race, and what planet you call home matters not. You and your people are my people, because you are human, and it is my duty to unite and protect humanity. It is a lesson that other legions have yet to learn, but Corax knew, he was right."


Realization dawned on Maritsa, they were not alone in this. Many worlds were struggling as hers did, and she counted herself fortunate that her new family, the XIXth legion had found her. She was fortunate to have been taken in by these Astartes who concerned themselves with justice. The Viceroy was still trapped in Ragnars grasp, he still squealed and protested. An astartes took his arms and bound his wrists and led him away. Ragnar walked to Maritsa and placed his armored glove upon her shoulder, she looked up at him, she tried to see him smiling but all she could see was the blankness of his Helm's faceplate.


"What did you mean by draw a blood eagle upon his back?" She asked him, her vox turning her voice mechanical.


Ragnar's solemn face appeared in her mind as he spoke, "Come little sister, and I will show you."




Several hours had passed since the scene in the basement. A makeshift dais had been constructed complete with posts and bindings. Maritsa stood among her new sisters, their helmets removed. Ragnar nodded to his communications specialist. He meant for this spectacle to be broadcast for the entire world to see. Ragnar removed his helm and fastened it to his belt. he wore a ceremonial garb over his armor, it was an ornate robe over which he wore a fur cowl, the head of a bear formed a hood which Ragnar put over his head. 


The viceroy was paraded in to the hangar. he was lead to the dais. Ragnar pulled an axe from his belt. Ragnar removed the Viceroy's crown and began to strip the Viceroy to the waist, using the axe to strip away the clothing. The viceroy was then forced to his knees and his hands bound to the posts. His arms were pulled tight against the bindings. Ragnar beckoned Maritsa forward. A servo skull buzzed around to get a view of Maritsa and her new sisters.


"Maritsa, speak your grievances," Ragnar commanded.


They had rehearsed this briefly before the grim ceremony began. She stepped forward and spoke, her voice beginning to crack, "I am Maritsa of Kattegat," the viceroy's eyes widened, "My town was razed and my family killed by the order of this man. This pig ordered countless deaths during his 50 year reign. He squandered resources to keep himself young, while the masses died of disease, he was fed while we starved. The same was true of his soldiers, and they pillaged our villages and towns with impunity at his order. I have fought all my life to see his rule ended, and it has cost me everything I loved."


Ragnar nodded, "The charges have been levvied, are there any who would speak in his defense?" Ragnar knew well that even the ministers would not defend the Viceroy even if they still lived.


Kommandant Magnus stepped forward, "You may carry out your judgement."


Ragnar began to carve on the Viceroy's back. The vile worm screamed as the axe touched his flesh. Good, now he shall never see Valhalla. The torture seemed to last hours. Maritsa stood, she was sickened by the brutality of the punishment, but stayed locked in morbid fascination. She had to see this beast suffer for what he'd done. The man's screams began to die as Ragnar punctured the plural sac around the lungs. Ragnar pulled the ribs breaking them with a sickening, wet, crack. He pulled the viceroy's lungs out of the holes in his back and placed them upon the viceroy's shoulders. The viceroy's labored breathing became ragged as he suffocated to death slowly.


The viceroy looked at Maritsa and with his dying breath cursed her. He mouthed it for he was unable to draw breath. Maritsa would learn that it actually had taken hours for the Viceroy to die. Ragnar looked upon the gathered crowd as he wiped his bloody hands over his face smearing the viceroy's blood across his face in a mask of death. He spoke an ancient phrase which would become a rallying cry for the people of this world.


"My father Corax taught us an ancient phrase, to commemorate this," he motioned to the body of the now deceased Viceroy, "'Sic Semper Tyrannus.' Death always to tyrants!"

Edited by Ulrik_Ironfist
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Good job on Part 6.



[Ragnar] was reminded of his father, and how he treated his mother, a proud shield maiden of his clan.

You misspelled Ragnar as "Rangnar" in this sentence.

"Why would I do that? I serve an Emperor, to serve you would be a downgrade," Ragnar retorted, his voice a mechanical growl[.] "I have seen nobility incarnate, and you are the furthest thing from [it].

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Good job on Part 6.



[Ragnar] was reminded of his father, and how he treated his mother, a proud shield maiden of his clan.

You misspelled Ragnar as "Rangnar" in this sentence.

"Why would I do that? I serve an Emperor, to serve you would be a downgrade," Ragnar retorted, his voice a mechanical growl[.] "I have seen nobility incarnate, and you are the furthest thing from [it].


Once again, thank you for spotting my spelling and grammar errors. Sometimes I just type too fast and I miss things. Though the "it" was implied I get that it is weird to read, I was trying to capture the somewhat archaic speech patterns of the Astartes.

Edited by Ulrik_Ironfist
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+++++ Part 7 +++++


The recording of the Viceroy's execution had gone out live to the whole planet. There was rejoicing in the streets, the people were finally free. Statues of the Viceroy were torn down, and the Raven banner of the 12th Chapter was raised high in their place. Once the Viceroy was dead, the whole world rose up in open revolt. The uprising lasted mere days, a great many soldier who had aided and sympathized with the partisans arrested or killed their loyalist comrades.


Maritsa breathed a sigh of relief. Her world was finally free, and she had never dared to dream that she would see the day. The 12th Chapter stayed behind to ensure a smooth transition of power. They remade the world in their image. They told of how their people, of the Scandinavian Reach, before the unification on a world called Terra chose their leaders through free election by free people. Only those with the confidence of the people should rule, and such rule could be challenged at any time.


This world had been designated two hundred - eighteen, it was the eighteenth world to be brought into compliance by the two hundredth expedition of the great crusade. The Storm Crows would designate the world Alfheim, after a region of their Terran Homelands which was of similar terrain and climate, and also after the mythical dwelling of the elves, a fair people who lived on a lush and beautiful world. Ragnar felt this was a fitting name for this world, for these people were unto the light elves, shining light onto their darkened world. Ragnar did not believe in those old stories, his faith was in the Emperor and his Imperial Truth, but still the stories held sway on his imagination.


After the World of Alfheim had been pacified, and compliance had been achieved, The Storm Crows would depart, but they would return periodically, as this world was special to them. Maritsa and her sisters would leave the world of their birth and follow the 12th into the stars. Her deeds would be spread to the rest of the Chapter, and she would come to be a revered hero, for she had delivered them out of darkness and into the light.


Ragnar Stonejaw and his ward Maritsa would go on to aid in liberating many more worlds, learning to foment dissent against corrupt officials and overthrowing tyrants. She would become the first High Marshal of the Chapter Militia, a force raised and trained from liberated worlds to assist the Storm Crows. Ragnar himself would be elected to serve as Lord Commander, Master of the 12th Chapter when their current chapter master was felled in battle.


The Storm Crows would go on to serve through the Horus Heresy, having rejoined their Legion after the Drop Site Massacre of Istvaan V. Their exile was ended having finally seen the wisdom in Corax's ways. They would be lost to the Imperium during the Great Scouring, not to be heard from again until M35, when they finally made contact requesting aid.




Kommandant Mikel looked upon the world of Alfheim. He had not been here in centuries, and it looked very much the same as it did then. Unspoiled wilderness. This world was sacred to the Storm Crows, and it was a world in need. Drukhari Raiders had been terrorizing the planet for months, and the first battalion had been dispatched to deal with this affront to the Chapter's honor. To most of the galaxy the Storm Crows were known as the Wild Hunt, a terrifying force of ghostly warriors, known for stealing the souls of any who gazed upon them, sweeping them away to join their eternal ride. This wasn't far from the truth, as it was customary to take any who witnessed the secrets of the chapter away to serve them, either by joining them, becoming a serf, or joining their militia. It was a reputation earned well during the Great Crusade and afterwards during the Horus Heresy and the Great Scouring.


But to Alfheim, they were the eternal saviors. Alfheim was a fighter's world, they produced some of the finest aspirants of any world from which the Chapter recruited. It was rare for an Alfheim aspirant to fail out of training. It happened, occasionally but every one of them could be reclaimed to serve in some capacity. Unlike many favored worlds, Alfheim was a Civilized world, it bred aspirants who were capable, intelligent, and educated. Furthermore, they tithed their planetary defense forces, to provide fresh recruits to the Chapter militia. This world was the undiscovered cradle of the Storm Crows Chapter.


And it was under attack. Kommandant Mikel ordered Raider Company to board their ships, they would descend to their cradle world and visit their vengeance upon the Drukhari who dared defile it...

Edited by Ulrik_Ironfist
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Good job.

They told of how their people on a world called Terra chose their leaders through free election by free people. Only those with the confidence of the people should rule, and such rule could be challenged at any time.

I think you should specify which region of Terra chose its leaders this way, as at this time, the Emperor ruled the planet, and he was obviously NOT elected.
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Good job.

They told of how their people on a world called Terra chose their leaders through free election by free people. Only those with the confidence of the people should rule, and such rule could be challenged at any time.

I think you should specify which region of Terra chose its leaders this way, as at this time, the Emperor ruled the planet, and he was obviously NOT elected.


That's fair, and I hadn't thought about that. I've made that change. The 12th Chapter hails from what remains of Scandinavia and I was alluding to an oral tradition that would have told of the glory of their ancestors the vikings of old Terra, and how their tribe sought to emulate them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, I've been in the middle of a move and I'm still getting settled. Part 8 is in progress and should hopefully be ready to post as soon as I get some time to work on it, things have been a bit hectic around here lately.

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  • 7 months later...

So I've been reading my Big Black Book 3: Extermination as well as a few horus heresy novels, particularly Deliverance Lost and Corax, which have given me some insight into how the My chapter would actually divide itself tactically. This insight has actually informed how I should write my chapter and the sort of things that I should  focus on. So Hopefully I'll be able to start posting some new stories which are more faithful to lore and reflect how this particular Raven Guard successor would do things.

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