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Using two melee weapons?

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Ok I'll get right to it here friends, if Abaddon decides to use his claw Talon of Horus, does he roll the d6 attacks even if Drach'nyen isn't being used at all? While we're at it, does my Berzerker champion get the +1 attack with his Power Fist even if he doesn't use the chainsword?


This all sounds confusing to me, since I don't know what the point of using the weaker weapons would be if you still get the benefits that go along with them. Any help would be appreciated.

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if Abaddon decides to use his claw Talon of Horus, does he roll the d6 attacks even if Drach'nyen isn't being used at all?


Yes, because Drach'nyen says:

"Roll a D6 each time the bearer fights. On a 1 they suffer 1 mortal wound and cannot use this weapon further during this phase. On a 2+ they can make that many additional attacks with this weapon."


The language used here specifically says, "each time the bearer fights" do X. So the simple act of choosing Abaddon to fight results in him rolling a d6 and either suffering a single mortal wound, or making 2-6 attacks with Drach'nyen; and the rest of his attacks can be made with Drach'nyen or the Talon of Horus as you decide.


does my Berzerker champion get the +1 attack with his Power Fist even if he doesn't use the chainsword?


The Berserker Champion does not have to "use" the chainsword, but the additional attack cannot be used to make an attack with the Power Fist, because the chainsword says:

"Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon."


Similar to Drach'nyen above, the chainsword's bonus attack is granted every time the bearer is chosen to fight with, regardless of how many (eg, 0-100) are actually made with it. But it specifically says that the additional attack must be made "with this weapon." This is the same as Drach'nyen.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Adding in here … if a charakter is equipped with two Chainswords, does he get two extra attacks?

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