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Warmongers Tag

Rik Lightstar

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I've noticed after a Twitter break the #Warmongers tag on loads of posts, any of you fantastic people able to tell me what it's about?


There's no point me asking on Twitter as I only really follow people rather than have anyone follow me.





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As far as I can tell it's an unofficial hastag of self description to warhammer fans formed in the lack of an official social media presence from GW. I believe the #warmongers originated among horus heresy players, then spread to the 40k community in general. 


Thanks Xenith, a lot of the posts (maybe just because of who I follow) seemed to have references to a few of the recent inclusivity* "spats". So I wasn't sure if it was also a solidarity kinda thing.


*Inclusivity good, prejudice and exclusion bad, can't see how people can argue that but oh well.



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What are the #warmonger tagged posts showcasing? If it appears to be units, specifically HQ types then there is a type of HQ in 30k literally called a Warmonger. And it does not (yet) have an official model, so everyone is kitbashing their own. So it may very well be people showing their work off ala #PrimarisChaplain or such.


...but without further context <shrug>

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What are the #warmonger tagged posts showcasing? If it appears to be units, specifically HQ types then there is a type of HQ in 30k literally called a Warmonger. And it does not (yet) have an official model, so everyone is kitbashing their own. So it may very well be people showing their work off ala #PrimarisChaplain or such.


...but without further context <shrug>


That's where I was getting confused, most of the people I follow on both Twitter and Instagram are either commission painters or people with hobby blogs rather than specifically 40k or Tabletop feeds.  It's a pretty diverse group across an admittedly narrow hobby.


A quick search #Warmongers on Twitter will show you what I mean.



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Has definitely been around for a good amount of time as others have alluded to, and appeared to be a useful hashtag for grouping things amongst likeminded hobbyists. There used to be a bot that retweeted good content from it too - although that may no longer exist.


Always handy to use those sorts of tagging functions for searching or sharing!

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As someone whose used the tag myself, it's largely a hobby tag used to tag other people with hobby related stuff, most commonly painting and conversion based projects. Though I'm sure it gets used for memes and general hobby questions too.

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