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The Silver Fire of Dawn challenge - Grey Knights


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I don't know about you guys, but getting back into the game has motivated so much, along with this painting challenge and the inspiring work that you brothers are delivering. I've almost painted up about 2000pts now, nothing meta-meta breaking, but just whatever I've decided I want to play.


Just in the last 3 days I've finished my Stormhawk and Rhino, just putting the last 10% into my LRC and I can have some pics posted soon. My intention is to have about 3000pts fully painted to my standard, so that I can swap in and out units or models and still play with a fully painted army at 2k pts. Because over the christmas break my mates and I intend to have a few games, including an apocalypse game. Hence why my Imperial Knight is underway.


The more I paint, the closer I get to that goal and the better the whole army looks. It's weird, over the years, I used to not care at all and wouldn't be bothered just playing with grey plastic.

Now though, when teeing up time with friends and wives and kids becomes tricky, every time we play, we want it to be enjoyable and worthwhile. So with motivation from my mate, and this challenge I've never before painted so much, and in such a quick time frame.

Thanks all for the encouragement and I look forward to seeing this months reinforcements! 

Edited by Reskin
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Work in progress shots of my man Gerior, High Reclusiarch of the Grey Knights Chapter






I'll be back with a narrative for him soon(ish), but maybe I'll do a joint piece for him and his Librarian friend, Epistolary Vayle.

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WIP so far on the Paladin Ancient:


Yes, I know that TH/SS options doesn't exist, but he was always there as a decorative model, rather than one on the TT. Who knows, maybe when our codex drops, we will have the option to give someone a TH/SS, that would be sweet. Pretty happy with the recess shading - that is my first attempt at doing something on that level. The back needs carving so it looks less messy.
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High in orbit above the hive world of Armageddon Prime, Grandmaster Aldrik Voldus, of the third Brotherhood of the Grey Knights, stood stoically silent on the observation deck of his Battle Barge; The Emperor's Will. He gazed out through the viewing pane, through the gellar field of the ship, through the empty void towards the chaos wracked plant. The occasional shimmer of the ships gellar field pulsed a bright hue of purple and blue. Far below, waged a bloody battle across most of the planets continents. The vanguard detachment led by Grandmaster Vardan Kai was engaging the hell spawn that spewed from warp rifts, pushing forward into the heart of the enemies lines.


After much deliberation with Brother-Captains Stern and Aurelius, Aldrik had agreed to hold his order of exterminatus. If that was not to be Armageddon's fate, then a plan must be hatched to stop the ritual that Magnus, the Thrice cursed Daemon Primarch of the traitorous Thousand Sons was channeling must be stopped at all cost. Jakaton, one of Voldus' three Codiciers approached in his tactical dreadnought armour. Ancient tomes and volumes of lore were chained to the armour. Purity seals hung about his chest and shoulders with litanies of sanctification against the Daemon.


"I bring an update sire, from Brother-Captain Aurelius." Jakaton said after a slight bow. He came and stood beside Aldrik and peered into the void.


"Carry on." Came the reply. Aldrik's voice was low and calm, almost distant. Something flashed far below on the plants surface. He narrowed his focus.


"Grandmaster Kai is reporting greater warp rifts opening more frequently as he nears the ritual site." Delivered Jakaton briskly. Another purple flash of light winked out on Armageddon's surface. Close to Kai surmised Aldrik. Indeed it appeared that Kai was right. "Daemon engines and greater Daemons are spewing forth and breaching the veil between the warp. He requests heavy support and more reinforcements to punch through the chaos lines."


"Dire news indeed Jakaton." Aldrik added. "If we are to save this planet from exterminatus, then we must commit all our forces in a concentrated effort and reach the ritual site. And lure Magnus out of hiding. Only then can I strike at prince of Tzeentch."


"What shall I inform Aurelius of?" Asked Jakaton.


"Tell him, we will commit our heavy support to combat the Daemon engines, and our air support to protect Kai and our Knights from the balefire of the hellish cursed Drakes. Reinforce him with every available battle brother. The exorcists will be the auxiliary." Commanded Aldrik with grim resolve. "Have the remaining Codiciers and my Paladin guard wait by the teleporter. We will not reveal our hand until Magnus shows himself. For I alone have the psychic might to channel our chapters will to banish the foul beast."


"As you wish my lord." Replied Jakaton with a bow as he turned and left the chamber.


Aldrik unclasped the heavy leather tome hung about his waist and flipped open to a old, worn page. He recited the un-words carefully pronouncing each distinct syllable. Blood formed in his mouth, his head ached immensely from the effort. The ancient words of power, only known to a select few of the Librarians, hidden dark knowledge form a time before man. These words that were not words, anathema to the Daemon burned his mind with every use, like a hot iron rod. He recited the lines of text several times, wincing with each unnerving sound that came from his mouth.


Justicar Findel "Hawk" Souron raced across the main hangar deck of the Emperor's Will towards his beloved Stormhawk. Squad Souron followed closely behind, the five of them each towards their Interceptors. Rarely did Findel get to pilot his craft, but when he did, he cherished every minute of it. Findel was the best pilot the third Brotherhood had. He was recruited from a noble house of Knights, his older twin brother, a Knight Pilot of his own renown. Findel preferred flying, he felt at home in the sky. His orders were to escort the Stormravens and Thunderhawks that were transporting Dreadnought Brothers and Landraiders to the planet. His surface thoughts were filled with the excitement of his squad and their relief to be finally deployed to the battle below. He couldn't help but share his thoughts of joy with his brothers.


As he climbed the ladder to his cockpit, servitors and tech adepts hurried about deck below, unhooking fuel lines and moving ammo crates of skytalon missiles. The data screens lit up green as his powered up his engines, thrusters started to whirl up into power. Stormravens and Thunderhawks lifted off the deck and pushed through the ships Gellar shields out into the void. Deck crew signals his squad for take off and he deployed power to his thrusters. The machine spirit of the Stormhawk purred with eagerness. Findel could feel it's hunger for action.


Brother Gerrard and squad Rivan sat against the ceramite and plasteel walls of the landraider, clad in their tactical dreadnought armour, they waited for Thunderhawk to deliver them to battlefront. Lights flashed red and yellow, klaxons beeped and sounded. The landraiders engines idled, Techmarine Heedon's voice came over the Vox.


"Ten seconds till the DZ." The voice crackled.


The Razorbacks engines roared to life as the Stormraven's lifter claw released it. Kanan and his squad was to link up with brother Regias and his rhino's from the seventh brotherhood and push through, delivering support to Grandmaster Kai. Loud cracks sounded off, the heavy bolter turret boomed to life. Spitting death from its barrels. Kanan checked his stormbolter, unclipped and reclipped its magazine, cocked it, and repeated the process. His helmets targeting reticle relaying information. He was eager for battle. He could feel the warp energies against his mind. His brother thoughts were that of clarity and purpose. His right legged was tapping constantly.


"Calm." Came the voice of Justicar Lucas in his mind.




*There's my fluff for this month's submission. I hope you all don't mind I tried to include some of your previous characters to help bring unity and tie the narrative together. If you have an objection, send me a pm and I'll remove it.


Here's my completed units for this month
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did painting them!


Justicar Findel "Hawk" Souron and his Stormhawk Interceptor:
(I forgot my flying base, so I had to borrow my mates when taking pics) Sorry!

Stormhawk1 (2)

Stormhawk2 (2)

Stormhawk3 (2)

Stormhawk4 (2)

Squad Rivan's Landraider Crusader:

LRC1 (2)

LRC2 (2)

LRC3 (2)

LRC4 (2)

LRC5 (2)

Brother Kanan's Razorback:

Razorback1 (2)

Razorback2 (2)

Razorback3 (2)

Cheers for reading my narrative and viewing my pics!





Edited by Reskin
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High in orbit above the hive world of Armageddon Prime, Grandmaster Aldrik Voldus, of the third Brotherhood of the Grey Knights, stood stoically silent on the observation deck of his Battle Barge; The Emperor's. He gazed out through the viewing pane, through the gellar field of the ship, through the empty void towards the chaos wracked plant. The occasional shimmer of the ships gellar field pulsed a bright hue of purple and blue. Far below, waged a bloody battle across most of the planets continents. The vanguard detachment led by Grandmaster Vardan Kai was engaging the hell spawn that spewed from warp rifts, pushing forward into the heart of the enemies lines.


After much deliberation with Brother-Captains Stern and Aurelius, Aldrik had agreed to hold his order of exterminatus. If that was not to be Armageddon's fate, then a plan must be hatched to stop the ritual that Magnus, the Thrice cursed Daemon Primarch of the traitorous Thousand Sons was channeling must be stopped at all cost. Jakaton, one of Voldus' three Codiciers approached in his tactical dreadnought armour. Ancient tomes and volumes of lore were chained to the armour. Purity seals hung about his chest and shoulders with litanies of sanctification against the Daemon.


"I bring an update sire, from Brother-Captain Aurelius." Jakaton said after a slight bow. He came and stood beside Aldrik and peered into the void.


"Carry on." Came the reply. Aldrik's voice was low and calm, almost distant. Something flashed far below on the plants surface. He narrowed his focus.


"Grandmaster Kai is reporting greater warp rifts opening more frequently as he nears the ritual site." Delivered Jakaton briskly. Another purple flash of light winked out on Armageddons surface. Close to Kai surmised Aldrik. Indeed it appeared that Kai was right. "Daemon engines and greater Daemons are spewing forth and breaching the veil between the warp. He requests heavy support and more reinforcements to punch through the chaos lines."


"Dire news indeed Jakaton." Aldrik added. "If we are to save this planet from exterminatus, then we must commit all our forces in a concentrated effort and reach the ritual site. And lure Magnus out of hiding. Only then can I strike at prince of Tzeentch."


"What shall I inform Aurelius of?" Asked Jakaton.


"Tell him, we will commit our heavy support to combat the Daemon engines, and our air support to protect Kai and our Knights from the balefire of the hellish cursed Drakes. Reinforce him with every available battle brother. The exorcists will be the auxiliary." Commanded Aldrik with grim resolve. "Have the remaining Codiciers and my Paladin guard wait by the teleporter. We will not reveal our hand until Magnus shows himself. For I alone have the psychic might to channel our chapters will to banish the foul beast."


"As you wish my lord." Replied Jakaton with a bow as he turned and left the chamber.


Aldrik unclasped the heavy leather tome hung about his waist and flipped open to a old, worn page. He recited the un-words carefully pronouncing each distinct syllable. Blood formed in his mouth, his head ached immensely from the effort. The ancient words of power, only known to a select few of the Librarians, hidden dark knowledge form a time before man. These words that were not words, anathema to the Daemon burned his mind with every use, like a hot iron rod. He recited the lines of text several times, wincing with each unnerving sound that came from his mouth.


Justicar Findel "Hawk" Souron raced across the main hangar deck of the Emperor's Will towards his beloved Stormhawk. Squad Souron followed closely behind, the five of them each towards their Interceptors. Rarely did Findel get to pilot his craft, but when he did, he cherished every minute of it. Findel was the best pilot the third Brotherhood had. He was recruited from a noble house of Knights, his older twin brother, a Knight Pilot of his own renown. Findel preferred flying, he felt at home in the sky. His orders were to escort the Stormravens and Thunderhawks that were transporting Dreadnought Brothers and Landraiders to the planet. His surface thoughts were filled with the excitement of his squad and their relief to be finally deployed to the battle below. He couldn't help but share his thoughts of joy with his brothers.


As he climbed the ladder to his cockpit, servitors and tech adepts hurried about deck below, unhooking fuel lines and moving ammo crates of skytalon missiles. The datescreens lit up green as his powered up his engines, thrusters started to whirl up into power. Stormravens and Thunderhawks lifted off the deck and pushed through the ships gellar shields out into the void. Deck crew signals his squad for take off and he deployed power to his thrusters. The machine spirit of the Stormhawk purred with eagerness. Findel could feel it's hunger for action.


Brother Gerrard and squad Rivan sat against the ceramite and plasteel walls of the landraider, clad in their tactical dreadnought armour, they waited for Thunderhawk to deliver them to battlefront. Lights flashed red and yellow, klaxxons beeped and sounded. The landraiders engines idled, Techmarine Heedon's voice came over the vox.


"Ten seconds till the DZ." The voice crackled.


The Razorbacks engines roared to life as the Stormraven's lifterclaw released it. Kanan and his squad was to link up with brother Regias and his rhino's from the seventh brotherhood and push through, delivering support to Grandmaster Kai. Loud cracks sounded off, the heavy bolter turret boomed to life. Spitting death from its barrels. Kanan checked his stormbolter, unclipped and reclipped its magazine, cocked it, and repeated the process. His helmets targeting reticle relaying information. He was eager for battle. He could feel the warp energies against his mind. His brother thoughts were that of clarity and purpose. His right legged was tapping constantly.


"Calm." Came the voice of Justicar Lucas in his mind.


*There's my fluff for this month's submission. I hope you all don't mind I tried to include some of your previous characters to help bring unity and tie the narrative together. If you have an objection, send me a pm and I'll remove it.


Here's my completed units for this month

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did painting them!


Justicar Findel "Hawk" Souron and his Stormhawk Interceptor:

(I forgot my flying base, so I had to borrow my mates when taking pics) Sorry!


Squad Rivan's Landraider Crusader:

Brother Kanan's Razorback:
Cheers for reading my narrative and viewing my pics!


Well well, the bar has certainly been raised, outstanding job Master Reskin! Marked your submission as complete. I think Forgelord TPS will be sweating this month to beat that :wink:


I don't know if I'll have time to get it done, but I'll have a go at:


1. Grand Master

2. GK Chaplain




Added you to the list, Knight of the Flame! Same brotherhood, I presume?

Edited by Skywrath
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Added you to the list, Knight of the Flame! Same brotherhood, I presume?



Sure. Though, narratively speaking if Voldus is already GM of the 3rd Brotherhood, then any Brotherhoods from 4th-6th is fine - depending on which slot has not be taken up by other submissions thus far.

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Added you to the list, Knight of the Flame! Same brotherhood, I presume?



Sure. Though, narratively speaking if Voldus is already GM of the 3rd Brotherhood, then any Brotherhoods from 4th-6th is fine - depending on which slot has not be taken up by other submissions thus far.


I think most are available, Vardan Kai from the 1st brotherhood has already been submitted from Freakshow and is currently also in the narrative, no one else has done a GM I think, so 6 other brotherhoods are open for you I think.



You've been busy Reskin! Great work on both the narrative and the vehicles, the challenge is indeed already heating up for this month!



Great narrative and beautiful vehicles. They balance that crisp clean look favored by a lot of folks with the gritty, takes part in battle, look that I favor. Real nice.



Beautiful vehicles and excellent fluff, well done Reskin. Seems the bar is already being raised for this month!



Well well, the bar has certainly been raised, outstanding job Master Reskin! Marked your submission as complete. I think Forgelord TPS will be sweating this month to beat that :wink:


Thanks for all the kind words guys! That's not a tear in my eye, its just salt and water! You're submissions inspired me and 9th edition inspired me!

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@Librisrogue, dude great conversion, that's the librarian right arm and stave right? onto Draigo's body? Fantastic! Love the DA-turned-GK iconography and halo above his head.


Could I make one or two suggestions with the flame? And you can take it or leave it.

1. If you wanted to go traditional flame, you need to start again and go something like; mephiston red > caroburg wash > evil sunz scarlet > (maybe another wash) into a brighter orange > a yellow like Yreil yellow > white scar at the very tips of the flame.


2. If you wanted a warp flame, try blues, going dark to light with a white tip finish or try purple hues building to white.


I would personally go the warp flame, since he looks like he's manipulating or wielding the flame and shaping it

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Added you to the list, Knight of the Flame! Same brotherhood, I presume?



Sure. Though, narratively speaking if Voldus is already GM of the 3rd Brotherhood, then any Brotherhoods from 4th-6th is fine - depending on which slot has not be taken up by other submissions thus far.



There is nothing stopping Voldus being assigned temporarily to the other brotherhoods ;p

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Ok lads, here's my narrative for this month. A little on the longer side, but hopefully you'll enjoy it! 


**Edit: I've condensed my narrative for this month, as well as pictures of both finished models, in a single post further down to facilitate finding it all when the time comes to vote.

Edited by The Woodsman
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Reskin, I love the little touches you've put on your Stormtalon. The shield on the front really works. I'm headed out to my FLGS today, maybe I'll pick one up...

Cheers so much bro! I really tried hard. To note though, the clear cockpit window is for the stormtalon gunship, the proper stormhawk interceptor uses the armoured canopy.

I was able to use the clear one and then build the internal cockpit of the talon and them seamlessly incorporate that into the assembly. So it depends what you want, I fully painted details inside the cockpit and the pilot. I had left a majority of it un-assembled while painting.


@Woodsman, great story bro! Where's the minis at?!? :P

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Thanks Reskin! I was looking over your vehicle's again, really nice work, man, keep it up! I should finish the Chaplain tonight (that's the plan anyways), and be done the Librarian some time next week - he still needs to be built/converted. I'll get some pics up tonight/tomorrow if possible!
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Thanks Reskin! I was looking over your vehicle's again, really nice work, man, keep it up! I should finish the Chaplain tonight (that's the plan anyways), and be done the Librarian some time next week - he still needs to be built/converted. I'll get some pics up tonight/tomorrow if possible!

yeah there's still a bit to be done, I'm trying to source some larger left over terrain pieces from me and my mates stash, to build by flyers base, like his sorta.

and scroll and banner work need to be done to all 3 vehicles with script and stuff like that. But they are at least tabletop ready.


I'm currently working on a hawkshroud knight and some termies, so when I finally get to decal the knight, ill be using whatever hawkshroud stuff is left to put onto the flyer.

And then I'll basically do a decaling day for all my vehicles once I know they're 100%.


I'm not sure about the razorback, perhaps I needed to add some white to it somewhere. They all need script on the seals and banners though.


To be honest, that landraider is so old, its from 5th edition, and it has sat in my case since the end of 6th edition I think. it was only undercoated silver before I started and it looked yuck. I thought large models were too difficult to paint, turns our they are easier then termies. So I had guard flag lying about and thought, man I want this sucker to stand out, so I imagine its at the vanguard of army, with banners flying of past victories and campaigns. As it's essentially the biggest unit I have.


It was really challenging to incorporate Skywrath's request for this months challenge onto vehicles. And I don't want to buy a box of rubric marines to just use a few pieces as base material props.


I do love the flyer though, its a great model and you can see it working in the 40k universe. I think the sculpt is pretty decent. I do love the Drukhari jet fighter though, they look more awesome! Writing fluff for your minis I think helps you fall in love with them, you can relate and imagine them performing heroic deeds and such.

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Great work all.


Reskin I agree that the Razorback needs a white desing on it. not sure if it should be on the gun covers for the heavy bolters or the red on the sides like on your land raider. 

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Great work all.


Reskin I agree that the Razorback needs a white desing on it. not sure if it should be on the gun covers for the heavy bolters or the red on the sides like on your land raider. 

You've convinced me, I added white to the Razorback and the tail of the Interceptor... kind of like the Jet Liners of todays aviation transport industry

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