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Return of the Void Rangers - Still WIP but improved

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Okay, here is a shot with them:



Roaming the edge of space and the Imperium’s borders, The Void Ranger Chapter of the Emperor’s Space Marines is a relatively mysterious if not unknown Chapter. A non-codex Chapter, relatively little information is available on them, and that which are, are from questioning sources. This is not only a byproduct of the Chapter's aloof relation with the other Imperium bodies, but also, so it seems a lack of insight and strained relationships with the Adeptus Terra. The Void Rangers are relentless in pursuit of the enemies of the Imperium and are always on the warpath to a new conflict, traveling almost exclusively from one warzone to another. They almost only seem to be stopping for resupplying, rearming, and recruiting which they do almost undiscriminating. Indeed, the Chapter has already several ongoing conflict with other Chapters as there has, as far as the Void Rangers concern, been distribute over recruitment rights. In these incidents other Chapters, seem to have proclaims the recruitment right to certain worlds. Of most notable is the “Unforgiving” chapters; The Angels of Vengeance and the Angels of Redemption but also the First Founding Chapter the Dark Angels, which the Void Rangers seems to have disregarded, and the Chapter has face censure on more than once for these action by other Chapters and The Adeptus Terra. Theses one-way grudges, however, seems not to bother the Void Rangers as the approve of the honor duels sometime demanded and view the competition with these chapters as a way of proving their skills at arms.

Because of their almost nomadic habit, it is unclear to this adept of Terra if the Void Rangers possess a base of operations, and from where the origin of the Chapter's main recruitment and resulting take place. Always wandering and patrol the outer edge of know space they seem to prefer the Segmentum Pacificus, more specific the area of space known as the Hasark's Path which is where Chapter is suspected of unofficial protecting. Indeed, several unofficial reports requested by the inquisition has confirmed this to be the "lair" of this Chapter, if any can be found. The Chapter is however known for its loyal tendency to the Imperium and once they have committed themselves to a campaign, they will, it seems, fight on till whatever end. Be it their death or that of their foes.


The Void Rangers are of an unknown Founding The many ancient relics of highly advanced technology would suggest they are of an early founding. Agents of The Adeptus Terra, however, point to the fact that they are not mentioned in any report before the 34th millennium and therefore suggest the Void Rangers to be of a later founding which were blessed with several "gifts" by their founding Chapter. Still other describe them as a merger of several understrength Chapters of the same lineage who, after their Founding Chapter were destroyed in a disastrous campaign, united to form a new Chapter so their Founding’s lineage would not die out. The real story behind the Void Rangers is secret know only the a few high ranked members of the inquisition and even among them, much is uncertain. Some of them tell that the first members of this Chapter of striders walk amount the stars with the Emperor, that they can track their line back to some of the first Legionary Astartes. This would at least go on to explain the large amount of the Raptor Imperialis mark which is found on the armor of many of the current members of the Void Rangers.

These legionaries, who lived and fought in the Great Crusade, where on their way back to a regrouping ground from some forgotten campaign when they learned of the Horus Heresy. Which battle they fought, and against who in unknown. What is known, is on their way to join the Siege of Terra they were lost. Gone thought never seen again... until their warships appeared over Terra's orbitals... 3 millennials later than expected. They had been lost in the Warp and thought extinct. When it was discovered who they were and how they had been "belated" they despaired. They saw their final journey as a failure on their part and the felt the taste of bitterness at everything they had built being destroyed. Had they been there, at the final Battle at the Siege they might, they believed, had prevented they loss of everything they hold dear. They felt ashamed for "failing" their Primarch's last mustering of his Legion when the time for the final battle approach, they felt ashamed for "failing" the Imperium, for letting it crumple, but most of all they felt ashamed for "failing" their Emperor in his hour of need; For letting him die.

They were meet by the High Lords where bond they were giving a solemnly order: Go to the stars, rout out every enemy, every traitor, xeno and mutant in the Imperium. Route them out and annihilate them. Do this and your failure will be forgotten. And so, they, these legionnaires, obeyed and with this the Void Rangers Chapter was born.

Other speak of the Chapter going back to the 6th Founding. This chapter’s initial founder was a brother-captain by name of Koretada, who is believed to have been a long serving watch captain of some renowned from the lineage of Jaghatai Khan. Koretada, on returning from his vigilance, was made Chapter Master of a new founding, but upon his journey to the inauguration of his new command, the ship he was traveling aboard was cast of in the Warp. Upon reentering real space, his ship encountered an ancient ship. Some say it was the remains of a powerful ancient warship of forgotten design, other a mighty battleship of the Great Crusade and some even whispers that was a Terran relic from before the Old Night. What was certain is, that upon arriving at his destination, Koretada was meet with as awe as alarm when his ship brought with them the mighty behemoth in tow. As the ship has barely been investigated (according to Chapter Master Koretada) the entire chapter were to send to board and investigate the hull, given that the chapter were to receive salvaged right of the ship, the technology and artifacts bare what the inquisition and Adeptus Mechanicus deemed useful to the Imperium. According to the official report, as it turned out, the chapter found more than they could have dreamed for including several near-complete STC’s, relic of arms and armor millennials old, precious minerals and technology of immense value according to the Adeptus Mechanicus. As for the ship, it was all but unmanned and empty of life forms, but with the majority of power systems were found to be still functioning. What the chapter else found in those dark shafts, what secret they found, and forbidden relic the uncovered, none but the delegation from the inquisition can tell. They too would later investigate the hull but uncovered nothing more than the chapter did according to the officials. However, one question which was never fully answered by Chapter Master Koretada, was: when first encountering the ship, when first boarding and investigating it, did he find any survivors? Did he find any of note? Any tomes, relics, artifacts; anything the inquisition might need or like to know about. While he did provide an answer. He like the rest of his chapter did not discuss much about this, and the true remain eluent. The Chapter do not talk about this. They do not discuss who they found alive, what secret they had and what information they found. Something, they say, are perhaps best forgotten...


The Void Rangers are a Fleet Based Chapter and operate from the relic-ship Act of Resolve. It is told that the Act of Resolve was salvaged by the Void Ranger. Then re-commissioned after an extended refit and entered the service of the Void Rangers as their Flagship. The Relic-ship is a hybrid lance attack-fleet carrier, which gradually became the Chapter's Fortress Monastery.The Void Rangers do not have a fertile world of their own to call home or recruit from a single world. They seem to prefer recruitment form several federal worlds in the severely dense region of Segmentum Pacificus called Hasark’s Path. It has however, also been noted, that they also make mass influx of recruitments on the move.

However, if the Void Rangers should call a planet for home, it would be Edo Major. To most, it would have seen as a bleak or desperate decision for the Void Rangers to choose the Edo System. A dead world, they have managed to eke out a harsh existence amongst the shattered worlds of this isolated star system. Eons ago, two of Edo' four worlds collided, shattering them into countless fragments, and leaving the system a broken, desolate place, choked with shards of dead rock and blasted by cruel, radioactive solar winds. The Edo System is a miserable, lonely realm, ruled by a decrepit red star, with no natural resources of interest on Edo Major and few on Edo Minor, the only source of interest found in the Edo system. and far from habitable space. It is in this haunted place, that the Void Rangers has managed to build a fixed base of operations upon the world of Edo Major. called Old Spike, it consists of twisted spires of ebon rocks which rises from the surrounding wasteland. From low orbit, there is no visible structures and no evidence of human artifice. It is only the uneven rock faces, crags, and crevasses, which gives it away. All around the base, and in the cracks and shards of dead rock in the voids lies all manner of hidden defensive batteries and sally ports. The Old Spike looked like a lonely outcrop on a lonely world. In truth, it is a vivid haven of activity. The Void Rangers lives alongside the void tribes that infested the system, only tolerating them because they recruit the youngest and strongest youths as potential Aspirants.


The Chapter on the whole is a non-codex chapter or though they, on the surface seems to follow many of their tenders. Many adepts of administration have pointed to the similarity between the Void Rangers and The Salamanders Chapter in their organization; being divided into 6 larger companies or Warhosts and a minor 7th company for raw recruits and the Chapter's Vanguard forces.

The basic formation of the Void Rangers are the Clans, lead by a Clan Lord, each roughly equal in size to a unaugment codex compliant demi-company, al though all departments of the Void Rangers, such as the Apothecium or Library, are also considered a Clans. These “support Clans” are spread out among the “War Clans” and a considered an “honorary” clan-member. The “War Clans” whose Clan Lord are little more than a lieutenant are expected to be an autonomy battle formation, ready to respond to any challenges required by them. War Clans are grouped into Warhosts which at the minimum consists of two War Clans or a War Clan and a “Specialized Clan” which apparently are consists of auxiliary such as scouts and Vanguard forces, armored support, or even more specific units such as void boarding units, heavy mechanized infantry, or terminator squads. The later seems to be grouped into a Clan by themselves, not unlike a 1st company, but only at only a demi-company size. These “Specialized Clans” seems to hold a more revered position within the Void Rangers’ rank.

An expected position in the order of ranks, squads, and Clans, has been observed, were the Void Rangers seeming ready to take up a new position should it be required. This makes a Warhost of the Void Rangers a considerably force ready to combat any threat head on or, after splitting up, deal with individual threats before reassembling again.

The Captains or Warleaders of these Warhost seems to be fiercely Independent, and each are a warlord or Commander in their own right. They are expected to act like mission controllers for the Warhost reading and controlling the battle from a distance, while a lieutenant or Clan Lord act as battlefield controller for the Warhost; shouting out orders and directing the battle as it unfolds. It is only in dire situations that the Commander will take direct affaire. Leading a decapitating strike against the enemies' HQ or intervening when the line seems the break.

Among These Commanders, one is known as Kanpuka or Prime Commander and is considered the second in command to the Chapter Master or Taikun. He is also expected to take to the field as primary field commander should the entire chapter forces be committed, while Taikun is expected to act as mission controller for the Chapter in these situations.

Commanders also represent an intermitting link between the Chapter Master/Lord Commander of the Chapte, and the ordinary Void Rangers as the Lord Commander usually does not give attendance with the rank and file while they are aware of it. It is a tradition for the Void Rangers to not revealed their commanding officer to any outsider who has not yet earned their trust so as better to protect him from assassinations. instead, he will hide as one a member of the veterans or command squad, letting the members take temporary command in giving situations so as to get the experience that they may one day command their own Clan or Warhost.
Edited by Commander Nicky
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Good job on the Chapter history and organization. I think it makes more sense to put the Techmarines, Librarians, Apothecaries, and other supporters in "temples" (taking direct inspiration from, like sohei, warrior monks of Japan's Warring States period) or "schools" (taking direct inspiration from Japanese schools of swordsmanship, like the Itto-ryu), instead of "clans."


Is the Edo System named after the Tokugawa shogunate's capital, which was renamed "Tokyo" after the Meiji Restoration?

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Good job on the Chapter history and organization. I think it makes more sense to put the Techmarines, Librarians, Apothecaries, and other supporters in "temples" (taking direct inspiration from, like sohei, warrior monks of Japan's Warring States period) or "schools" (taking direct inspiration from Japanese schools of swordsmanship, like the Itto-ryu), instead of "clans."


Is the Edo System named after the Tokugawa shogunate's capital, which was renamed "Tokyo" after the Meiji Restoration?

I agree with you with the specialists (techmarines, librarians, and Apothecaries) hailing from different "Temples" as I have already invisioned that they should have schools (which I think could be called Dojos (taking from the Japanese word of "place of the Way") which are like Japanese schools of Swordsmanship, but also a place were they learn and discuss military tactics (like a military academy).


The Edo system is taking after Tokyo before the Mejli Restoration :D

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I agree with you with the specialists (techmarines, librarians, and Apothecaries) hailing from different "Temples" as I have already invisioned that they should have schools (which I think could be called Dojos (taking from the Japanese word of "place of the Way") which are like Japanese schools of Swordsmanship, but also a place were they learn and discuss military tactics (like a military academy).

IIRC, a Codex Chapter's Scout and Reserve Companies serve as schools, training newly inducted Marines how to serve as Scouts, Assault Marines, Devastators, as they transfer from the 10th Company to the 9th, and then the 8th, and so on; the Battle Companies' Marines are supposed to be able to serve in any function.


Say the Headquarters (1st) and Battle Companies (2nd to 5th) are "Clans", while the Reserve (6th to 9th) and Scout (10th) Companies are "Dojo" whose members fall under a Clan leader when they deploy to battle?

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I agree with you with the specialists (techmarines, librarians, and Apothecaries) hailing from different "Temples" as I have already invisioned that they should have schools (which I think could be called Dojos (taking from the Japanese word of "place of the Way") which are like Japanese schools of Swordsmanship, but also a place were they learn and discuss military tactics (like a military academy).

IIRC, a Codex Chapter's Scout and Reserve Companies serve as schools, training newly inducted Marines how to serve as Scouts, Assault Marines, Devastators, as they transfer from the 10th Company to the 9th, and then the 8th, and so on; the Battle Companies' Marines are supposed to be able to serve in any function.


Say the Headquarters (1st) and Battle Companies (2nd to 5th) are "Clans", while the Reserve (6th to 9th) and Scout (10th) Companies are "Dojo" whose members fall under a Clan leader when they deploy to battle?


But this is not a Codex Chapter. As writting in the Organization, there as (useally) only 6 Warhosts and a minor company size Warhost for Vanguard and Scouts which are useally spread out amount the Warhost. The Warhosts are akind to the Salamander or SW Chapters' Great Company... A larger than Codex Chapter, which (useally) consists of at least 3 Clans in a single Warhost; one Warclan, made up of 3 Battleline squads and 2 Close support squads, another Warclan made up of 3 battleline squads and 2 Fire support squads and finally a Specialized Clan (which include a veteran squad + several other squads who's composition are determined by the situation as well as the prefered methods of the Clan Leader or his Commander)...

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This is an interesting chapter


Let me get this straight, it is a White Scars tactics (Fast), and Black Templar esq Organisation (Clans) veiled in a Japanese style culture (Clans and Dojos)?


Why an unknown founding? What does that bring?


Why the Dark Angels? If you want a Chapter that for a mysterious reason stops fighting, look at the Silver Skulls whose Librarians divinations will stop them

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This is an interesting chapter


Let me get this straight, it is a White Scars tactics (Fast), and Black Templar esq Organisation (Clans) veiled in a Japanese style culture (Clans and Dojos)?


Why an unknown founding? What does that bring?


Why the Dark Angels? If you want a Chapter that for a mysterious reason stops fighting, look at the Silver Skulls whose Librarians divinations will stop them

It is close to White Scars tactics (fast sudden strike), in Japanese style culture (Dojos and Clans).


I am not sure what esq means :sad.:

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I have made a draft for how the organization of the Chapter:



Chapter Headquaters:


The Taikun/Lord Commander/Chapter Master - Chapter mission controller

Great Guard/Honor Guard

Kanpaku/Arch Commander/Lord-Regent – Right hand man of the Taikun - Chapter battlefield controller

The Grandmaster – Leader/representant of the Dojos and Schools to HQ.



Auxilliary forces for the Chapter – The nameless without a Clan


Sages of the Schools and Elders of the Dojos

Officer Corps/Chapter Vexillaries (Junior officers, non-commissioned officers, Subalterns and Equerries)

Recruits & scout elements for the Chapter

Several squads assign to exploration of experimental weaponry & tactical support, as well as garrison duties.


The Seneschal – The left hand of the Taikun - Spymaster/Naysmith to the Taikun - Master of Reconnaissance

Vanguard officers and command counselors

Several vanguard space marine squads permanently assign to Intelligence and covered operations duties.


Chapter assets and other departments/Temples




1st Warhost:



Warhost HQ:


Commander – Warhost mission controller


1st Clan - Specialized Clan (Terminator armoured Clan) lead by "Honoary Captain" (Lieutenant)

7th Clan - War Clan (dem-company) lead by 1stLieutenant who is Warhost battlefield controller

13th Clan - Strike Clan (demi-company of different makeup) lead 2ndLieutenant




2nd Warhost:



Warhost HQ:


Commander – Warhost mission controller



2nd Clan - Specialized Clan - (Offensive Veteran Clan) lead by "Honoary Captain" (Lieutenant)

8th Clan - War Clan (dem-company) lead by 1stLieutenant who is Warhost battlefield controller

14th Clan - Strike Clan (demi-company of different makeup) lead 2ndLieutenant



3rd Warhost:



Warhost HQ:


Commander – Warhost mission controller


3rd Clan - Specialized Clan - (Defensive Veteran Clan) lead by "Honoary Captain" (Lieutenant)

9th Clan - War Clan (dem-company) lead by 1stLieutenant who is Warhost battlefield controller

15th Clan - Strike Clan (demi-company of different makeup) lead 2ndLieutenant




4th Warhost:



Warhost HQ:



Commander – Warhost mission controller


4th Clan - Specialized Clan - (Fleet boarding Clan) lead by Lieutenant

10th Clan - War Clan (dem-company) lead by 1stLieutenant who is Warhost battlefield controller

16th Clan - Strike Clan (demi-company of different makeup) lead 2ndLieutenant



5th Warhost:



Warhost HQ:


Commander – Warhost mission controller


5th Clan - Specialized Clan - (Siege clan) lead by Lieutenant

11th Clan - War Clan (dem-company) lead by 1stLieutenant who is Warhost battlefield controller

17th Clan - Strike Clan (demi-company of different makeup) lead 2ndLieutenant



6th Warhost:


Warhost HQ:



Commander – Warhost mission controller


6th Clan - Specialized Clan - (Fast attack clan) lead by Lieutenant

12th Clan - War Clan (dem-company) lead by 1stLieutenant who is Warhost battlefield controller

18th Clan - Strike Clan (demi-company of different makeup) lead 2ndLieutenant



I will try my best, to explain, what it what;



The Bannermen: Below the Taikun and consist of several Void Ranger members. These are usually Void Rangers who are is in the Chapter Master’s favor (the Grandmaster, Seneschal and The Kanpaku are, however, usually first choice) and they serve and advice the Chapter Master in matters concerning the State of the Chapter (like state of the Realm). The authority of its members is considered second only to the Chapter Master himself within the Chapter, however It carried no official weight and are outside the command structure. Its memebers are the first choise for a new Taikun.



The Kanpaku: Proxy, and equerry for the Taikun. Second in command of the Chapter. Picked from the Commanders.



The Seneschal: Officer in charge of covered operations and intelligence gatering. He is spymaster and chief intelligence officer to the Taikun.



Grandmaster: Chief of staff- and officer corps. Kind of like a mixture of the Lord Cypher from the Dark Angels and Guardian of the Great Library. Leader and representant of the Dojos and Officer Schools.



Commander: Different tittle for Captain.



Sage: The Millitary Schools in the Chapter, is a formation outside of the ordinary military order of The Chapter. It purpose is to train/learn the Void Rangers in the Art of War. Each School is headed by a Sage. The Void Rangers therefore contain a large informal network of specialists dedicated to a singular focus of expertise, area or focus.



Elders: Like the Millitary Schools, but in the Art of Combat. Each Dojo is a weaponsman's school both for the recruits but also for sesoned warriors (students are pared with each other of the same "grade" and a member advances through different grades as they learn). Each Elder is the weapon's foremost expert or expert in a particular combat field, skill, area, technique or knowledge.



There are no restriction for members to be part of several Schools and Dojos. In fact, the great officers and/or warriors are members of many...

Edited by Commander Nicky
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This is an interesting chapter


Let me get this straight, it is a White Scars tactics (Fast), and Black Templar esq Organisation (Clans) veiled in a Japanese style culture (Clans and Dojos)?


Why an unknown founding? What does that bring?


Why the Dark Angels? If you want a Chapter that for a mysterious reason stops fighting, look at the Silver Skulls whose Librarians divinations will stop them

It is close to White Scars tactics (fast sudden strike), in Japanese style culture (Dojos and Clans).


I am not sure what esq means :sad.:


My spelling mistake probably didn't help. I meant 'esque', as in similiar or resembling


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I have made a draft for how the organization of the Chapter:



I know this is really cool, and you have a lot of enthusiasm for it that much is very clear but I am going to ask you two questions that I was once told I needed to answer.


1. Why do you want it?

2. What does it add?


In this particular case why isn't the normal company structure sufficient? There are lots of chapters to help inspire an answer to that; Iron Snakes, Black Templars, Space Wolves. The best IAs I have read will give me a compeling reason why before they show me how.

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I have made a draft for how the organization of the Chapter:



I know this is really cool, and you have a lot of enthusiasm for it that much is very clear but I am going to ask you two questions that I was once told I needed to answer.


1. Why do you want it?

2. What does it add?


In this particular case why isn't the normal company structure sufficient? There are lots of chapters to help inspire an answer to that; Iron Snakes, Black Templars, Space Wolves. The best IAs I have read will give me a compeling reason why before they show me how.


To me, the normal Battle Company, are not large, or selfsufficent enough. They always have to "borrow" squads from the other companies and the idear, that marines work their way up from 10th to 1st is just not an idear which apeal to me. I like the Space Wolves great companies, as well as the Black Templars more...

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I have made a draft for how the organization of the Chapter:



I know this is really cool, and you have a lot of enthusiasm for it that much is very clear but I am going to ask you two questions that I was once told I needed to answer.


1. Why do you want it?

2. What does it add?


In this particular case why isn't the normal company structure sufficient? There are lots of chapters to help inspire an answer to that; Iron Snakes, Black Templars, Space Wolves. The best IAs I have read will give me a compeling reason why before they show me how.


To me, the normal Battle Company, are not large, or selfsufficent enough. They always have to "borrow" squads from the other companies and the idear, that marines work their way up from 10th to 1st is just not an idear which apeal to me. I like the Space Wolves great companies, as well as the Black Templars more...



That is a good tenant. Now work backwards. Why do the Void Rangers think/need that?


The smaller the "ripple" the better the IA. Let me speak metaphorically briefly. A Space Marine Chapter is like a small pond of water. It can be very easily replicated. If you drop one stone into a single pond the pond changes just a little and the ripple creates lots of knock on effects. If you drop a lot of stones, the pond becomes a clash of ripples and not very pond like.


You have a few aspects you are trying to balance. If you can just drop one stone into your pond and the ripples are the aspects you want, what is that rock?


Let me use my Praedicators (They took years to get to this point) as an example, ultimately everything comes from the mutation of their Catalepsean Node. One very small thing with a lot of knock on effects.


So with all the aspects you are after how can you condense that down to one single facet?


You have expressed interest in a Japanese culture, what about a compromise with a Buddhist Culture (Buddhism can be violent it is okay). They have a concept of the Past, Present, and Future Buddha. Maybe your culture believes in a Past, Present, and Future Emperor. That translates to its organisation with each company having its Past (Veterans), Present (Joes), and Future (Scouts).

Edited by Minigiant
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Well... Hmmm... I think I get what you are suggesting...


I had in mind, that Void Rangers was very isolated in their "realm". They valour open mindedess, cunning, initiative and self-autonomy, because that what it takes to survive in the universe. They had a few good friends (Black Templars amoung them) but most were indifferent towards them. They might harper idears, thoughts or dogma about Mankind, the Emperor and themself. Which would perhaps labbel them as heretics in the eyes of the Inquisition.

So they must be ready. On their guard at all time. Ready to response and adept to whatever is thrown at them.

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Well... Hmmm... I think I get what you are suggesting...


I had in mind, that Void Rangers was very isolated in their "realm".


So why didn't they pool their resources? Why not turtle up instead?


What does extreme isolation do to a person? Remember this is 40k everything is dialed up to 11. 2020 saw mass loneliness, what would that be like in the 41st millennium?



I know it seems I am just poking holes in your concept (Every IA has holes so don't worry too much about that). It is not malicious at all. I am just trying to get you to think and develop more refined answers

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Well... Hmmm... I think I get what you are suggesting...


I had in mind, that Void Rangers was very isolated in their "realm".


So why didn't they pool their resources? Why not turtle up instead?


What does extreme isolation do to a person? Remember this is 40k everything is dialed up to 11. 2020 saw mass loneliness, what would that be like in the 41st millennium?



I know it seems I am just poking holes in your concept (Every IA has holes so don't worry too much about that). It is not malicious at all. I am just trying to get you to think and develop more refined answers


Well it is a fair point to make, and I will try to improve my concept as best I can :)


Hmmm... Well when facing a serious problem, pooling together all of your resources is like a protective armour. This can be an advantice. For example, when faceing superior numbers. However, in most cases the armour becomes a dead end for the creature. Take a turtle. It is well protective, it is safe and do not need to worry so much about the enviroment immediately around it. But it sacrifice safety for mobility, and in the end, the protective armour becomes a dead end.

The Void Rangers protect a large sparely populated region. Every strike force needs to be both mobile and selfsufficent because they cannot relie on other forces to help them in time. This is no different, than the IA companies. True, these companies are also a mostly selfsufficent force, and they have a greater mobility than the Void Rangers because of numbers (10 companies, vs. 6 great companies). But in regard to attrition against constant warfare .(they have several opponents they are faceing in this region, which I fankely have not phantomed what they are up against) and the distance between each strike force, they stand a better chance of wining in the long run, by having the whole area covered as much as possible. They are, after all made up of clans first and formost, and then Warhosts. At least that is what I phantomed...


Hmm.. They have an inability to connect to other Imperial forces I guess, and developed their own costumes and traditions... This would explain why they are "different" both in organization, doctrine and believes...

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Well... Hmmm... I think I get what you are suggesting...


I had in mind, that Void Rangers was very isolated in their "realm".


So why didn't they pool their resources? Why not turtle up instead?


What does extreme isolation do to a person? Remember this is 40k everything is dialed up to 11. 2020 saw mass loneliness, what would that be like in the 41st millennium?



I know it seems I am just poking holes in your concept (Every IA has holes so don't worry too much about that). It is not malicious at all. I am just trying to get you to think and develop more refined answers


Well it is a fair point to make, and I will try to improve my concept as best I can :smile.:


Hmmm... Well when facing a serious problem, pooling together all of your resources is like a protective armour. This can be an advantice. For example, when faceing superior numbers. However, in most cases the armour becomes a dead end for the creature. Take a turtle. It is well protective, it is safe and do not need to worry so much about the enviroment immediately around it. But it sacrifice safety for mobility, and in the end, the protective armour becomes a dead end.

The Void Rangers protect a large sparely populated region. Every strike force needs to be both mobile and selfsufficent because they cannot relie on other forces to help them in time. This is no different, than the IA companies. True, these companies are also a mostly selfsufficent force, and they have a greater mobility than the Void Rangers because of numbers (10 companies, vs. 6 great companies). But in regard to attrition against constant warfare .(they have several opponents they are faceing in this region, which I fankely have not phantomed what they are up against) and the distance between each strike force, they stand a better chance of wining in the long run, by having the whole area covered as much as possible. They are, after all made up of clans first and formost, and then Warhosts. At least that is what I phantomed...


Hmm.. They have an inability to connect to other Imperial forces I guess, and developed their own costumes and traditions... This would explain why they are "different" both in organization, doctrine and believes...


Okay now you are thinking. So sparsely populated is probably not the most apt description. It is indeed very large, with weeks/months between locations (hence why they need to be self sufficient) but there are hotspots of incredibly violent enemies (Xenos? An ineradicable Infestation? ). Obviously what I just wrote is not good fictional writing but that is something you should expand on. Maybe take a look at the Storm Sons, they are a kill team chapter but I think you could be inspired by a few things in it.

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Indeed, the Chapter has already several ongoing conflict with other Chapters as there has, as far as the Void Rangers concern, been distribute over recruitment rights. In these incidents other Chapters, seem to have proclaims the recruitment right to certain worlds.

Suggest mentioning some of those Chapters by name


of an unknown Founding The many

Suggest changing to "of an unknown Founding but the many"


Agents of The Adeptus Terra, however, point to the fact that they are not mentioned in any report before the 34th millennium and therefore suggest the Void Rangers to be of a later founding which were blessed with several "gifts" by their founding Chapter

Suggest changing to something like "But the lack of any mention of them before the 34th millennium suggest that the Void Rangers are of a later founding and were gifted with several artefacts their founding Chapter"


Still other describe them as a merger of several understrength Chapters of the same lineage who, after their Founding Chapter were destroyed in a disastrous campaign, united to form a new Chapter so their Founding’s lineage would not die out

this don't seems to ad anything, suggest removing it. Or you should ad why this theory exists among people



You seems to like all the alternativ/possible origins for the Chapter (since you are giving it so much space) but what do Chapter itself believe is their origin? Would it not be better to describe that and then mention that this doesn't fit with some of the information others have.





More comments later.

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seems to follow many of their tenders.

Think you mean "tenets" here

I had in mind, that Void Rangers was very isolated in their "realm".

If this is your idea you don't really show that of with what you already have written, since they have angered multiply chapters and have made good friends of the Black Templars.


If you want to lean more into the isolated part I suggest having less Chapters bearing a grudge toward them (or mentioning that protests sent by some highly honourable chapters have made other chapters unwilling to work with them and maybe also have made them a low priority when it comes to requests/resupplying), make their "good friend" Chapter somebodie not as big as the BT, and back in the problems with being issolated in their lore*


* things like:

+ undersupplied. Which can lead to:

- much of their equipment are notably repaired, cobbled together and jury-rigged. It’s possible that orthodox members of the Adeptus Mechanicus consider what they have done tech-heresy.

- have to scavenge for astaret pattern equipment.

- have to use modified non-astaret equipment

- when they can get away with it, scavenge the arms, armour and other equipment of fallen allied Space Marines for their own use. Maybe they even scavenge from fallen Renegade/Chaos Space Marines if their equipment doesn’t have any notable taint.

+ ignore tenets of the codex regarding auxilla, leading non-SM forces, and/or what voidships they use.

+ not carrying about the Imperium outside of their little area of it

+ highly territorial and not liking that other Chapters appear in their area.

+ so used to being their own masters that they dislike at being given orders and don't work well with others, unless they are the commanders

+ very wellcoming toward anyone that offers them help




Also here are some samurai inspiered concepts:

1. Very chivalric and noble.

2. Are the feudal high-lords of their homeworld, with each company having an area as their protectorate.

3. Allied to a Knight House.

7. Are seen as high nobility on their homeworld and are treated as such by the population, and the Marines themselves live as high nobility when not waging war, with all that entails of duties, rights and luxuries. What it means with duties, rights and luxuries may be a bit different for the Chapter’s homeworld compared to some other Imperial planets.

8. As a group the Chapter’s Marines are refined in demeanour and lofty in ideal, educated not just in war, but in culture, philosophy, rhetoric and similar pursuits.

9. The Chapter espouse chivalry and virtue, but their sense of honour is tainted with cruelty, and sometimes even sadism.

10. Highly honourable, most of them would rather lose a war than win it using dishonourable means. What they consider honourable and dishonourable may be a bit different from others' ideas of those concepts.

15. A Chapter that don’t use Combat Shields or Boarding Shields.

16. Has a strong duelling tradition, sometimes to settle a point of honour but more often to test themselves and their swordsmanship.

17. The Chapter prefers close combat over ranged warfare. Face-to-face with his enemy a battle-brother seeks to earn glory and respect and be sure that his foe is truly vanquished, fighting with righteous fury and the noblest ideals of honour.

19. Each battle-brother’s armour is equipped with a back-banner where the Marine’s personal heraldry is proudly shown.

20. A Chapter that favours the sword as the epitome of a warrior’s arsenal and the incarnate focus of his honour.

21. The Chapter is highly proud of its colours and would never paint them over no matter the need of stealth or duty (like the Deathwatch), maybe they are willing to cover them in cloth but never to overpaint. It’s likely that the Chapter also considers it dishonourable to their colours to keep them dirty for any longer amount of time.

22. The Chapter’s Marines live for the honour of battle, and it is almost certain that the younger battle-brothers will abandon a standard tactical structure in favour of simply rushing headlong at the enemy.

23. They have an overriding sense of duty and honour, and are driven ever onwards by a strong desire to right the many wrongs that have befallen the Imperium of Man since the Emperor walked the stars. It’s possible that their idea of duty, honour and/or what’s wrong with the Imperium is notably different from others.

24. Highly honourable and believe that no slight to one’s honour can go unanswered. Often, as is the case with unintentional slights or insults, a simple apology or retraction is enough to satisfy the individual whose honour was impugned, but occasionally the insult is perceived as so grave or an accusation so unanswerable that the parties involved can only satisfy their honour through a duel.

25. Each squad leader is equipped with a nobori back-banner. Possibly is the company master marked by having two nobori and the Chapter-master by having three.

26. All full battle-brother are trained in tea-ceremony

27. Dress in kimonos when not in armour.

28. While they use Scouts the Chapter don’t use them for guerrilla warfare, since that would be dishonourable.

29. Noble and honourable, but theirs is a nobility tarnished by arrogance and honourability tarnished by an inability to let go of even the smallest of perceived insults.

30. A Chapter that believes that the “soul” of an Astartes is in the Gene-seed, and view themselves as the reincarnation of the previous owner of the Seed within them.

31. Have linage system based on the gene-seed implants, with the implants that have had the most bearers being seen as the most noble. Likely have each gene-seed implant a surname and/or title that is given to the Marine it has been implanted in.

32. Believes that Mankind is weak and susceptible to corruption, and therefore needs constant (and maybe harsh) guidance and leadership.

33. The Chapter expects its battle-brothers not to just master the arts of war but also learn at least the basics of rhetoric, poetry, and calligraphy.

34. A Chapter with rigorous adherence to honour and burning hunger for glory, the latter can likely lead a battle-brother to make reckless decisions to uphold the name of his Chapter and earn himself renown among his peers. It’s possible that their pride does not let them refuse a challenge or the chance for glory, and their sense of honour may prevent them from fighting enemies with other weapons than the ones used by the opponent.

35. A Chapter that’s more interesting in engaging the enemy in ways that bring them glory than what’s strategical best.

36. Cleanliness is highly important for the Chapter, both real and symbolic. Bathing is likely done at least daily, when possible, and battle-brothers’ armour and weapon is likely cleaned as often. There are purification rituals when facing unclean enemies, both before and after. Battle-brother’s will possibly not touch things they consider unclean. There are likely lots of purification rituals to make “unclean”-but-useful things be perceived as clean-ish to the Chapter. What the Chapter consider clean and unclean maybe be different from other Imperial cultures, and there is possible that they have specialised chapter-serfs that take care of unclean tasks.

Edited by Gamiel
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I had in mind, that Void Rangers was very isolated in their "realm".

If this is your idea you don't really show that of with what you already have written, since they have angered multiply chapters and have made good friends of the Black Templars.


If you want to lean more into the isolated part I suggest having less Chapters bearing a grudge toward them (or mentioning that protests sent by some highly honourable chapters have made other chapters unwilling to work with them and maybe also have made them a low priority when it comes to requests/resupplying), make their "good friend" Chapter somebodie not as big as the BT, and back in the problems with being issolated in their lore*


* things like:

+ undersupplied. Which can lead to:

- much of their equipment are notably repaired, cobbled together and jury-rigged. It’s possible that orthodox members of the Adeptus Mechanicus consider what they have done tech-heresy.

- have to scavenge for astaret pattern equipment.

- have to use modified non-astaret equipment

- when they can get away with it, scavenge the arms, armour and other equipment of fallen allied Space Marines for their own use. Maybe they even scavenge from fallen Renegade/Chaos Space Marines if their equipment doesn’t have any notable taint.

+ ignore tenets of the codex regarding auxilla, leading non-SM forces, and/or what voidships they use.

+ not carrying about the Imperium outside of their little area of it

+ highly territorial and not liking that other Chapters appear in their area.

+ so used to being their own masters that they dislike at being given orders and don't work well with others, unless they are the commanders

+ very wellcoming toward anyone that offers them help




Also here are some samurai inspiered concepts:

1. Very chivalric and noble.

2. Are the feudal high-lords of their homeworld, with each company having an area as their protectorate.

3. Allied to a Knight House.

7. Are seen as high nobility on their homeworld and are treated as such by the population, and the Marines themselves live as high nobility when not waging war, with all that entails of duties, rights and luxuries. What it means with duties, rights and luxuries may be a bit different for the Chapter’s homeworld compared to some other Imperial planets.

8. As a group the Chapter’s Marines are refined in demeanour and lofty in ideal, educated not just in war, but in culture, philosophy, rhetoric and similar pursuits.

9. The Chapter espouse chivalry and virtue, but their sense of honour is tainted with cruelty, and sometimes even sadism.

10. Highly honourable, most of them would rather lose a war than win it using dishonourable means. What they consider honourable and dishonourable may be a bit different from others' ideas of those concepts.

15. A Chapter that don’t use Combat Shields or Boarding Shields.

16. Has a strong duelling tradition, sometimes to settle a point of honour but more often to test themselves and their swordsmanship.

17. The Chapter prefers close combat over ranged warfare. Face-to-face with his enemy a battle-brother seeks to earn glory and respect and be sure that his foe is truly vanquished, fighting with righteous fury and the noblest ideals of honour.

19. Each battle-brother’s armour is equipped with a back-banner where the Marine’s personal heraldry is proudly shown.

20. A Chapter that favours the sword as the epitome of a warrior’s arsenal and the incarnate focus of his honour.

21. The Chapter is highly proud of its colours and would never paint them over no matter the need of stealth or duty (like the Deathwatch), maybe they are willing to cover them in cloth but never to overpaint. It’s likely that the Chapter also considers it dishonourable to their colours to keep them dirty for any longer amount of time.

22. The Chapter’s Marines live for the honour of battle, and it is almost certain that the younger battle-brothers will abandon a standard tactical structure in favour of simply rushing headlong at the enemy.

23. They have an overriding sense of duty and honour, and are driven ever onwards by a strong desire to right the many wrongs that have befallen the Imperium of Man since the Emperor walked the stars. It’s possible that their idea of duty, honour and/or what’s wrong with the Imperium is notably different from others.

24. Highly honourable and believe that no slight to one’s honour can go unanswered. Often, as is the case with unintentional slights or insults, a simple apology or retraction is enough to satisfy the individual whose honour was impugned, but occasionally the insult is perceived as so grave or an accusation so unanswerable that the parties involved can only satisfy their honour through a duel.

25. Each squad leader is equipped with a nobori back-banner. Possibly is the company master marked by having two nobori and the Chapter-master by having three.

26. All full battle-brother are trained in tea-ceremony

27. Dress in kimonos when not in armour.

28. While they use Scouts the Chapter don’t use them for guerrilla warfare, since that would be dishonourable.

29. Noble and honourable, but theirs is a nobility tarnished by arrogance and honourability tarnished by an inability to let go of even the smallest of perceived insults.

30. A Chapter that believes that the “soul” of an Astartes is in the Gene-seed, and view themselves as the reincarnation of the previous owner of the Seed within them.

31. Have linage system based on the gene-seed implants, with the implants that have had the most bearers being seen as the most noble. Likely have each gene-seed implant a surname and/or title that is given to the Marine it has been implanted in.

32. Believes that Mankind is weak and susceptible to corruption, and therefore needs constant (and maybe harsh) guidance and leadership.

33. The Chapter expects its battle-brothers not to just master the arts of war but also learn at least the basics of rhetoric, poetry, and calligraphy.

34. A Chapter with rigorous adherence to honour and burning hunger for glory, the latter can likely lead a battle-brother to make reckless decisions to uphold the name of his Chapter and earn himself renown among his peers. It’s possible that their pride does not let them refuse a challenge or the chance for glory, and their sense of honour may prevent them from fighting enemies with other weapons than the ones used by the opponent.

35. A Chapter that’s more interesting in engaging the enemy in ways that bring them glory than what’s strategical best.

36. Cleanliness is highly important for the Chapter, both real and symbolic. Bathing is likely done at least daily, when possible, and battle-brothers’ armour and weapon is likely cleaned as often. There are purification rituals when facing unclean enemies, both before and after. Battle-brother’s will possibly not touch things they consider unclean. There are likely lots of purification rituals to make “unclean”-but-useful things be perceived as clean-ish to the Chapter. What the Chapter consider clean and unclean maybe be different from other Imperial cultures, and there is possible that they have specialised chapter-serfs that take care of unclean tasks.



Hmmm... Maybe, you are miss understanding what I am trying to say, or I am not explaining it very good. I do not imagine The Void Rangers, to be best friends with the BT, nor to be enemies with a bunch of chapters from the Dark Angels.

In Codex space marine (9th edition) is they write on Fleet-Based Chapters (page 12): "Every fleet-based Chapter recruits in different ways, depending on circumstance. The Imperial Fists maintain a number of recruiting worlds to which they periodically return to claim fresh aspirants. Other appear to have no regimen of any description,, simply taking recruits wherever they find them; they are unheeding of all but the most vigorous of protests, and often only if these are made by fellow Space Marine Chapters." This would mean, that it is rare and rude, but not unheard of for a Chapter to recruit from a world, which "belong" to another Chapter. Damn provocative, but that was what I imagine the Chapter had done in retaliation for the Dark Angels, or on or two of their successors, abandening them in an confict without an explaination (the reason being hunting the fallen). Recruit from a world which they too recruit from. This would caues fiction between these Chapters. Also I did not imaginate them, to be more than protests...

In the end, I do not want them so remind of the White Scars. Having won glory and victories for the Imperium, but being neglected by their fellow Chapters and Imperial historian. Properly missunderstood as a little backwatered or little known Chapter.


I imagine that, the Void Rangers:


- Live in a system without operating from a single Chapter Plant/home world. Only on a single Dead world, do they have lordship over. It is on this Dead world, that they house their forges and spaceport, and keep rearming and traning for further conflict.

- They recruit from a varity of backwater/feudal worlds in the sector where, on each world, the feudal magnates are at war with each other constantly for supremacy. The magnates wants to unite the warring states, but the confict is kept alive by The Void Rangers who recruit from these war-like people.

Also they ARE undersupplied, much of their equipment are repaired, cobbled together and jury-rigged. They are isolist, so members of the Adeptus Mechanicus consider what they have done tech-heresy.



I agree with the idears that they:

  • Are perhaps close allie to a Knight House in the sector.
  • Are refined in demeanour and lofty in ideal, educated not just in war, but in culture, philosophy, rhetoric and similar pursuits.
  • Espouses chivalry and virtue, and try to live with this sense of code, but not all of the brothers share this sense of honour, and some are tainted with cruelty.
  • Are highly honourable and courtly maners are expected and learn from early recruits.
  • That the would rather lose a war than win bring dishonourable to themself.
  • What they consider honourable and dishonourable maybe a bit different from others' ideas of those concepts.
  • The Chapter prefers close combat over ranged warfare. Face-to-face with his enemy a battle-brother seeks to earn glory and respect and be sure that his foe is truly vanquished, fighting with righteous fury and the noblest ideals of honour.
  • The Chapter’s Marines live for the honour of battle, and it is almost certain that the younger battle-brothers will abandon a standard tactical structure in favour of simply rushing headlong at the enemy.
  • They have an overriding sense of duty and honour, and are driven ever onwards by a strong desire to right the many wrongs that have befallen the Imperium of Man since the Emperor walked the stars. It’s possible that their idea of duty, honour and/or what’s wrong with the Imperium is notably different from others.
  • Highly honourable and believe that no slight to one’s honour can go unanswered. Often, as is the case with unintentional slights or insults, a simple apology or retraction is enough to satisfy the individual whose honour was impugned, but occasionally the insult is perceived as so grave or an accusation so unanswerable that the parties involved can only satisfy their honour through a duel.
  • All their battle-brother are trained in tea-ceremony, and dresses in kimonos when not in armour.
  • While they use Scouts the Chapter don’t use them for guerrilla warfare, and they do not carry a name (just a number or pseudo-name). Instead their main task is to gathering intelligence, as no battle-brother may do underhand or unworthy deeds. The Vanguard squads the expection, but are also shunned, and those that joins its ranks must leave their name and honours behind. They forsake their "old" name, rank and idendity, take up both a new combat role, as well as ritual tittles as a symbol of their role as the poisioned knife in dark. They also cover their heads, but when leaving the Vanguard squads, they return for their original role and removed the cover. This is so that they may distant themself with the shame of during uncontroversial warfare.
  • They believes that the “soul” of an Astartes is in the Gene-seed, and view themselves as the reincarnation of the previous owner of the Seed within them. The Chapter's librarian are assisent the Apothercarium with right Gene-seed for the right candidate.
  • That Mankind is weak and susceptible to corruption in the eyes of the Void Rangers, and therefore needs constant (and maybe harsh) guidance and leadership.
  • - The Chapter expects its battle-brothers not to just master the arts of war but also learn at least the basics of rhetoric, poetry, and calligraphy. It is expected by a battle-brother that he write a "death poem" before going into battle, so that he may have cleaned his soul/gene-seed before death takes him.
  • They have a Clan (Clan Maito) whose duties it is the take care of unclean matters. This Clan's members are at loan from other Clans as a punishment for breach of honour or acts or dishonour. Also the unstable members and those who are considered outcast are sent here. Clan Maito answer directly to the Chapter Master and only when the utter annihilation of the enemy is need, are they deployed. Also have some certain ritualistic roles during campaigns were large forces of the Chapter are present.
  • Cleanliness is highly important for the Chapter, both real and symbolic. Bathing is likely done at least daily, when possible, and battle-brothers’ armour and weapon is likely cleaned as often. There are purification rituals when facing unclean enemies, both before and after.
  • They have specialised chapter-serfs that take care of unclean tasks, like burials.


Expecially true about what I had in mind, is that they have a strong duelling tradition, sometimes to settle a point of honour but more often to test themselves and their swordsmanship. The Chapter that favours the (chain)sword as the epitome of a warrior’s arsenal and the incarnate focus of his honour. Because of their shortness material, they have to reuse their weapons, and this is seen as a great honour for a new aspirint to be given a (chain)sword, as this is the most prized weapons amoung the Chapter...

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Also they ARE undersupplied, much of their equipment are repaired, cobbled together and jury-rigged. They are isolist, so members of the Adeptus Mechanicus consider what they have done tech-heresy.


is heavily at odds conceptually with this (particularly those I have highlighted):




  • Are perhaps close allie to a Knight House in the sector.
  • Are refined in demeanour and lofty in ideal, educated not just in war, but in culture, philosophy, rhetoric and similar pursuits.
  • Espouses chivalry and virtue, and try to live with this sense of code, but not all of the brothers share this sense of honour, and some are tainted with cruelty.
  • Are highly honourable and courtly maners are expected and learn from early recruits.
  • That the would rather lose a war than win bring dishonourable to themself.
  • What they consider honourable and dishonourable maybe a bit different from others' ideas of those concepts.
  • The Chapter prefers close combat over ranged warfare. Face-to-face with his enemy a battle-brother seeks to earn glory and respect and be sure that his foe is truly vanquished, fighting with righteous fury and the noblest ideals of honour.
  • The Chapter’s Marines live for the honour of battle, and it is almost certain that the younger battle-brothers will abandon a standard tactical structure in favour of simply rushing headlong at the enemy.
  • They have an overriding sense of duty and honour, and are driven ever onwards by a strong desire to right the many wrongs that have befallen the Imperium of Man since the Emperor walked the stars. It’s possible that their idea of duty, honour and/or what’s wrong with the Imperium is notably different from others.
  • Highly honourable and believe that no slight to one’s honour can go unanswered. Often, as is the case with unintentional slights or insults, a simple apology or retraction is enough to satisfy the individual whose honour was impugned, but occasionally the insult is perceived as so grave or an accusation so unanswerable that the parties involved can only satisfy their honour through a duel.
  • All their battle-brother are trained in tea-ceremony, and dresses in kimonos when not in armour.
  • While they use Scouts the Chapter don’t use them for guerrilla warfare, and they do not carry a name (just a number or pseudo-name). Instead their main task is to gathering intelligence, as no battle-brother may do underhand or unworthy deeds. The Vanguard squads the expection, but are also shunned, and those that joins its ranks must leave their name and honours behind. They forsake their "old" name, rank and idendity, take up both a new combat role, as well as ritual tittles as a symbol of their role as the poisioned knife in dark. They also cover their heads, but when leaving the Vanguard squads, they return for their original role and removed the cover. This is so that they may distant themself with the shame of during uncontroversial warfare.
  • They believes that the “soul” of an Astartes is in the Gene-seed, and view themselves as the reincarnation of the previous owner of the Seed within them. The Chapter's librarian are assisent the Apothercarium with right Gene-seed for the right candidate.
  • That Mankind is weak and susceptible to corruption in the eyes of the Void Rangers, and therefore needs constant (and maybe harsh) guidance and leadership.
  • - The Chapter expects its battle-brothers not to just master the arts of war but also learn at least the basics of rhetoric, poetry, and calligraphy. It is expected by a battle-brother that he write a "death poem" before going into battle, so that he may have cleaned his soul/gene-seed before death takes him.
  • They have a Clan (Clan Maito) whose duties it is the take care of unclean matters. This Clan's members are at loan from other Clans as a punishment for breach of honour or acts or dishonour. Also the unstable members and those who are considered outcast are sent here. Clan Maito answer directly to the Chapter Master and only when the utter annihilation of the enemy is need, are they deployed. Also have some certain ritualistic roles during campaigns were large forces of the Chapter are present.
  • Cleanliness is highly important for the Chapter, both real and symbolic. Bathing is likely done at least daily, when possible, and battle-brothers’ armour and weapon is likely cleaned as often. There are purification rituals when facing unclean enemies, both before and after.
  • They have specialised chapter-serfs that take care of unclean tasks, like burials.

I also think it is really important to look at these and ask yourself what is Space marine worded differently, and what is unique to them.


Now in our PMs it is clear you don't want to compromise these sort of things (My suggestion for Ronin) ^ so I will ask why do you want this:



Also they ARE undersupplied, much of their equipment are repaired, cobbled together and jury-rigged. They are isolist, so members of the Adeptus Mechanicus consider what they have done tech-heresy.

Perhaps if we know why we can find a way of finding a compromise

Think of all these facets you want your Chapter to have. In a Venn Diagram where is/are the overlap(s)? Find that (Ideally a singular overlap) and then focus solely on that until it draws everything out

Edited by Minigiant
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In Codex space marine (9th edition) is they write on Fleet-Based Chapters (page 12): "Every fleet-based Chapter recruits in different ways, depending on circumstance. The Imperial Fists maintain a number of recruiting worlds to which they periodically return to claim fresh aspirants. Other appear to have no regimen of any description,, simply taking recruits wherever they find them; they are unheeding of all but the most vigorous of protests, and often only if these are made by fellow Space Marine Chapters." This would mean, that it is rare and rude, but not unheard of for a Chapter to recruit from a world, which "belong" to another Chapter. Damn provocative, but that was what I imagine the Chapter had done in retaliation for the Dark Angels, or on or two of their successors, abandening them in an confict without an explaination (the reason being hunting the fallen). Recruit from a world which they too recruit from. This would caues fiction between these Chapters. Also I did not imaginate them, to be more than protests...

If your idea was that the Rangers recruited from the Dark Angels', or on or two of their successors', recruitment worlds as retaliation, do that don't fit with that you earlier wrote - "Theses one-way grudges, however, seems not to bother the Void Rangers as the approve of the honor duels sometime demanded and view the competition with these chapters as a way of proving their skills at arms" - since that imply that the Rangers think nothing of it and don't see the problem, instead of fully knowing what they were doing and doing it out of a grudge.


 - Live in a system without operating from a single Chapter Plant/home world. Only on a single Dead world, do they have lordship over. It is on this Dead world, that they house their forges and spaceport, and keep rearming and traning for further conflict.

Since they are fleet based and their Chapter World is a dead world could they be really good at fighting underground, and inside ships/buildings, possibly at a cost of their ability in other areas. They may also have developed traditions/culture that is similar to (or even adopted from) void born ones.

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Hmmm... Okay I get your points.


Now I am throwing something out:



Culture and belief:


  • Live by set of moral codes which govern their attitude, behaviour and lifestyle.
  • Are highly honourable and courtly in maners and valuers.
  • Have an insular nature about them
  •  ill at ease towards Imperial dogma and culture
  • Refine in demeanour and are lofty in ideal
  • Are shunned by- and shun the other imperial insitutes outside of Hasisk Path.
  • Focus on a form of meditative traning about awarness and equanimity.
  • Practise "noble arts and pursuits" like poetry, philosophy, calligraphy, tea-ceremony and telling of ancient tales or sagas. They also take an interest in the culture of their protectorates,
  • Cleanliness (both real and symbolic) is highly important for the Chapter
  • Believe that the "spiritual soul" of an Astartes is the Gene-seed. The Chapter's librarians assist/spiritual guide the Apothercarium in choosing the right Gene-seed for the right candidate.
  • Believe that the "material soul" of an Astartes is the weapon in his hand.
  • Only when an Astartes has mastered the "soul" in a material and spiritual way can he be complete and "commune" with the Eternal Emperor.
  • Believe Mankind is failing in their duty to the Eternal Emperor and are subtilie to weakness and corruption. Mankind therefore needs constant guidance and leadership.

Battlefield doctrine:

  • Close-quater operations and void warfare specialists.
  • Boarding actions, tunnel- and tepeportation assaults as well as void warfare specialists. in short close-quater operations are their "thing"
  • Have a strong duelling tradition. sometimes to settle a point of honour but most often to test themselves and their swordsmanship.
  • Maintain a sizeable amount of armoured vehicles, but as a whole pefer infantry-based strategies.
  • Does lightning assaults presaged by reconnaissance by small scouting forces if avaiable.
  • Prefer decapitating strikes at key areas, before either taking the enemy apart piecemeal or eroading them slowly.




  • Are mostly organised into units either of foot-slogging- or fast moving infantry, rather than mechanised squads.
  •  Well-equipped and trained in almost any kind of atmosphere, and place little emphasis on maintain specialised units. Instead, there is a diversity in skills spread out amount the clans. Exceptions are highly skilled/specialised individuals like techmarines, apothercaries, and Chaplains, as well as others rare specialisations.
  • Demi-company sized unit formation are choise of unit due to the Chapter have a larger area to protect, and small elite forces are of better used. However, larger than normal company units exists, but are rarely not static. Instead, they are formed, reformed and ordered as needed and as the given strategic/tactical situation requires.
  • Do have a grudge against the Doom Warriors Chapter (since most do not like it being the Dark Angels or their successors) for what the Void Ranger saw as unneccessary Cleansing campaigns against some Void Rangers liberated planets.
  • Do have an uneasy relationsship with the Red Talons due to their aggression and volatile behavior.
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The Cultrue Part sound ok.


The Doctrine have tow points which in my eyes are contradict your under supplied and insular nature.


Teleportain Technolgy is highly advanced and not easy to maintain, you would need good connections to the AM for it


sizeable vehicle pool - how do they maintain them?


Are they in resoltuion of the points not undersupllied and have build themselves a strong local industial foundation?

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The Cultrue Part sound ok.


The Doctrine have tow points which in my eyes are contradict your under supplied and insular nature.


Teleportain Technolgy is highly advanced and not easy to maintain, you would need good connections to the AM for it


sizeable vehicle pool - how do they maintain them?


Are they in resoltuion of the points not undersupllied and have build themselves a strong local industial foundation?

I had in mind, that they were mainly Fleet based. They do have a base, but this base is more of a production facility which produces weapons and equipment for the Chapter, athough monstly only infantry arms. Perhaps, I was thinking, due to their isolism and a great distance to the nearest Forge World(s) they have their own industrial foundation on this base and are doing their best to be selfsupplying. As they are looking and scavenging ships and space hulks, they sometime trade what they find with the AM, in return recieve aid in form of new weapons, equipment and refitting of their ships (scavenged and commissioned) and arms.

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  • Live by set of moral codes which govern their attitude, behaviour and lifestyle.
  • Are highly honourable and courtly in maners and valuers.

Suggest writing down what their honour system/moral code involves, since not all honour systems/moral codes are alike.




  • Believe Mankind is failing in their duty to the Eternal Emperor and are subtilie to weakness and corruption. Mankind therefore needs constant guidance and leadership.

How do this take form?

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