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Angels of Death Review Thread

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This was another great episode. Don't want to wait another week for the next one.


I have enjoyed the slow build up over the first episode and a half, it has been a pleasant surprise for this to have not jumped straight into the action in the first instance. The opening space shots in the second episode were fantastic!


I think my only quibble with this series so far is the sound mixing seems to be a bit all over the place, especially in the action scenes, but so far it hasn't been enough to completely detract from the viewing experience luckily.

Edited by Ldorte
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The scene with the Chaplain has made the whole service worthwhile imho. 

though i thought there were 11 of them and they are using the old 5 man drop pods? (Could just be my dodgy memory ofc) 

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The eleventh is the techmarine, Hadrael:




As the squad’s Techmarine and a devoted adherent to both the Blood Angels creed and the teachings of Mars, Hadrael harbours a burning reverence for machine and Space Marine alike. He is loyal and efficient, much like the machine spirits he entreats with, and when push comes to shove he’s a fearsome warrior in his own right. Unbeknownst to many, he was an adept poet with a distinct artistic flourish before his journey to Mars for his Techmarine training.




When disaster strikes, Hadrael is the only Blood Angel aboard the Sword of Baal. Faced with a ruinous insurrection that threatens to disrupt critical repairs to the dropship needed to retrieve his battle-brothers, Hadrael is forced to turn to an ancient ally for aid…


During the writing process, Hadrael quickly became one of John French’s favourite characters. “I have always had a soft spot for Hadrael because he emerged from the story as we were building it,” he says. “Originally there was not a Techmarine as part of the principal cast, but we realised we needed someone who was responsible for the functioning of the ship and the wargear. So we created Hadrael, and he just came alive.


“He is interesting because he is both a Space Marine and a member of the Cult of Mars, devoted to his brothers and the machines he maintains. That is one of the things that makes him intriguing; he actually cares. He is not just a function or a creature of logic, but a builder and maintainer.”



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It was amazing! Absolutely loved it. When the HH box with beakies comes out, I now must invest in a Blood Angels army. Red armor looks really great in this. Nothing but positively from me on this one. So damn good.


Side note, I’m really enjoying that Vault, specifically Thraka and Red Waaagh series. Surprisingly long with the lore stuff. Approximately 75 pages with photos and models to match narrative.

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Overall, this has been very enjoyable and I'm looking forward to the episodes to come.


There's some animation that's a bit rough around the edges. Astartes definitely captures the lethality and speed of Marines in combat much better. There's some plot holes and story writing that I hope we get more explanation to as this unfolds. I'm still curious about Orfeo. Is he the lone survivor of the first team sent to investigate the planet, or did he go down to the surface as a one man army? What's with the lack of basic security protocol/procedure onboard an Astartes vessel? Shouldn't be THAT easy to board a chapter's ship lol.


Also, thanks to Cretacianborn I'm overly aware of the subpar sound effects now. Definitely an area of improvement for future productions.

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Someone does mention Orfeo went down with a retinue, (Presumably the company Ancient too?) though that might have been serfs or something, its a bit vague really, like why has he even gone down at all? I suspect the crew is somewhat under strength given the Astartes contingent has taken (at least*) 90% casualties so they lacked the manpower to watch who they assumed were friendlies closely enough.

I had been remembering eleven as those gathered on the bridge (and then going down in the pods) but he does say "remain alive" which would include Hadriel but not the dreadnought which is what lead me to think they werent including them i suspect.

*A strike cruiser can transport "A company" but marine companies rarely deploy without support from other companies or the chapter forge/specialists which probably adds up to another couple of dozen marines at least, from that we have 11 members of their original company, a techmarine and a returning deathwatch marine, so roughly the right ratios still lol.

On a side note, the scene with the Geneseed is great for explaining why we have such a limited cast, which is probably just for practical reasons without just havign a dozen marines for no apparent reason *cough* ultramarines movie *cough*

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I'm really enjoying this so far, and my ONLY real criticism at this point, is the Chainsword just sounding like a chainsaw. In just about every other piece of 40k, chainsword's have that real, meaty roar, and the weediness of their sound in this episode really pulled me out of it
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I'm really enjoying this so far, and my ONLY real criticism at this point, is the Chainsword just sounding like a chainsaw. In just about every other piece of 40k, chainsword's have that real, meaty roar, and the weediness of their sound in this episode really pulled me out of it

I find the weapon audio is my main complaint as well. The bolters miss some of the oomph from say dawn of war 2 or space marine or astartes; the autoguns sound unfortunately similar.

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The umbilicus is so vital to the ship getting away that ripping it off will cause serious damage to the strike cruiser. Yet it is barely defended and when the blast doors go down shooting the console reverses the process. Kind of ruined the immersion for me when the rest was spotless.

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Enjoying it so far. I just wish they had a military expert on call to advise on a few things but I suspect I'm being picky.


Hell I and I guess many others would quite hapily advise for free if asked.


The episode itself was entertaining and I like where the story is going. Some of the animation is janky at times but I am guessing this will improve with practice. All in all thoroughly enjoying it so far and hope for more in the future. If this is where the bar is set initially for Warhammer + then I am very happy with my purchase.


One thing that it does really make me want to see is a propper, big budget live action 40k tv series or movie. One day.....heck I never thought a web series would be possible when I collected in the 90s so the progress is unfathomable to me.

Edited by Subtleknife
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Yeah I really like the show and the visuals and art style - but my word the actual fighting is kind of disappointing.


These Blood Angels fight slow - like untrained gymrat meatheads who rely on their armor to overcome their lethargic style of standing around in the middle of the open and shooting.



  • love the controlled fire - single shots usually
  • visual effects look great



  •  Astartes just kind of standing around - the astartes are not supposed to be lumbering lunks, they are meant to isntill the "transhuman dread" by moving with such speed and precision that people don't believe they should be able to with all that bulk - otherwise, they are just easy-to-hit targets for anti-tank weaponry (especially something like a lascannon which is just point-and-click)  - but if they were just slamming into the enemy and tearing them apart, man that would be effective and show the fear-inducing side of the Astartes.
  • cultists totally unprepared - they know that more Blood Angels are coming if they've already fought and overcome the Terminators - and they know how ineffective the lasguns are - you would think they'd be rolling out a ton of heavy weapons, especially given how slow/lackadaisical the Astartes seem to fight
  • holy cow the inaccurate fire - laser guns should be super simple to aim - very little recoil (if any), no bullet trajectory, just a straight line - these should be really realy accurate 
  • there should be a split-second delay between two explosions for every shot - one when the bolt is fired, and another when it explodes on the target (like a quick "badum" at these ranges)
  • more of a pet peeve - still no realistic amounts of ammunition
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I'm still going to watch each episode, BUT, I'm becoming more .... disinterested? I guess with each episode. The real issue I think for me, is the sound of the weapons is so far from what has been built before it in games etc. Bolters are always described as "booming", and even the HEAVY BOLTER didn't rise to what I'd expect from the normal bolters. It breaks the immersion for me, and pulls me out.

I'd be super curious to hear a version of the episodes with DOW or Space Marine (the game) sound effects dubbed into the correct places.

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I guess one issue is these are fictional guns - so we really have no idea how they would sound. Space magic and all that, one might say rather facetiously. 


But more seriously, I just don't care for fight scenes in general (and this had a fair amount) after last week - I'd rather it had dispensed much more quickly. More discussion & analysis from these red armoured braniacs, more talk, less shooty-shooty (I was so glad they skipped the walk to the main structure).


The space battle was a bit confusing too - it's definitely a moment where the monochromatic presentation felt like it let down the visual clarity of the battle - but the naval scenes have (unfortunately) been for me weaker than the planet moments (and I'm not sure I've enjoyed the planet scenes since they've been so shooty-choppy). I'm not sure why, I just find the bridge crew to be ... bland (in the way bridge crews are in BL books, beyond one or two characters usually [usually the weary captain and the rogue-ish first officer?]). But so far we know so little about the ship mistress, much less than we do with Anzaeus or Kazarion, and that's not good since she seems to be - visually - the main character. The bridge crew member saying 'abomination' was nice, however - that's some allusive world-building, in that we as viewers know how xenophobic (and phobic in general) the imperium, and especially the serfs of a chapter, are. But more please! 


But I do like very much how the chaplain, Rafael, is an advisor & inspirational figure, but not the combat leader - that Ancaeus is the leader, more visibly than Kazarion. That's nice. I also like how Coro has a cog on his shoulder pad - as with the two sergeants, the personal heraldry and its meanings about these faceless marines' histories is nice, as well as giving us visually distinguishing marks to better identify them. Still when they start dying, I guess I won't really care - they are still too anonymous.


I also really hope we do get cult perspectives, not as prisoners, but the story told, perhaps Rashomon-like, 'from the other side'.  There was a shot in the trailer of a magus caring for a purestrain or hybrid that was so good - I had maybe misunderstood how little attention the series was going to give to its antagonists in this regard. 

I also really hope we do get cult perspectives, not as prisoners, but the story told, perhaps Rashomon-like, 'from the other side'.  

Edited by Petitioner's City
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Love the story. It's well crafted, evocative of the Blood Angels core themes, and the narrative fits tidily into the lore surrounding Baal and the Red Scar. Narrative, 10/10. Great job.


The animation is garbage. The sound effects are trash. The facial rigging is sloppy, the animations look rushed, and the textures of everything not encased in power armour are half done. The black and white against the red should come off as artistic and evoke the mood of the setting. To me, it just looks like a vain attempt at hiding what they didn't bother to finish. 1/10.


After waiting for this for years, it's super disappointing to see the finished product.

Edited by Malphas
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Yea I mentioned earlier, but the SFX really are unfortunate. It's not like it's our first time hearing 40k sounds; we have 3 dawn of wars, space marine, mechanicus, ultramarine, deathwing, Horus heresy legions, space Hulk(s) and probably a million other shovel ware titles. It's odd they didn't sample anything from them and pick the best style.
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Enjoyed the third episode, would agree the space scenes were kinda confusing at times. 


The biggest issue this episode for me (closely followed by the sound design once again), was the absolutely insane amount of shaky-cam during any of the action scenes. Made it hard to follow and tbh quite unpleasant to watch at points. I get what they were going for and that sort of effect can certainly be used well but it definitely wasn't here.


Still interested in seeing where the story goes next though.

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