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Why do purifiers not wear terminator armor?


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In lore, the Purifiers theoretically have access to Terminator Armor, as the entirety of the Grey Knights Chapter does.


They don't have tabletop rules because... design space/reasons.


You could construct a theoretical framework for why:

- The Purifiers evidently have more of a support/occultic ritual/backline role within the Grey Knights, given their constant duties on Titan.

- Thus, Purifier deployments upon strike missions and incursions may reasonably be inferred as unusual circumstances, probably beyond "direct combat" duties that Terminator and Strike squads would be responsible for.

- These deployments may also reasonably be inferred to involve other Grey Knights elements: said Terminator and Strike squads, Paladins, Purgators, etc. It may be a matter of logistical expediency - commanders may well prefer that those force elements expected to see more intensive front line combat be wearing the heaviest armor.

- Furthermore, Purifiers are probably expected to be conducting tasks related to whatever circumstances dictated their involvement - eg., rituals, unusual warp/daemonic activity, etc. In such a situation, Terminator Armor might be seen as excessive, cumbersome, or otherwise a hindrance (ref. The Emperor's Gift and the GK strike force preparing to take on Angron).


- Finally, in lore the Purifier emphasis on the Cleansing Flame power isn't a neatly segmented "use on your turn" ability the way it must be represented within game rules. It's frequently described as almost an inherent trait - an aura that ignites foes that get close. It's possible some Purifiers see that as their primary "armor"; a shield of psychic flames, as it were.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like a better question is why don't purgation squads wear terminator armor... If it's available for every brother than wouldn't the special weapons specialist want armor specialized for special weapons... Sorry it's been a long week.


Something I've always wanted for GKs and I'd absolutely love and use.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel like a better question is why don't purgation squads wear terminator armor... If it's available for every brother than wouldn't the special weapons specialist want armor specialized for special weapons... Sorry it's been a long week.


I would say that because, outside of the codex unit list, I haven't seen mention of any specialist Heavy Weapon teams in any of the novels I've read or in the lore within the Codex.


I think they exist purely as a 3rd HS Codex unit to bulk out the units available for us to use.

Edited by casb1965
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