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who will win?

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I just wanted to know who everyone thinks will win in the ongoing war between the ruinous powers


I'm throwing in with Tzeench because of all the gods he is the only one who does not need there to be  any living organisms to exist


Khorn draws power from violence and thus needs someone killing somone to be able to exist


Slaanesh thrives on seduction and other such trickeries and if everyones dead than guess what, no more slaanesh,


Nurgle relies on plague contagion and death and once everything is gone than so will be his diseases and power


Tzeench however draws his power from the existance of the warp itself and as long as thats still there he will still be around




I think there are some basic premises here being missed.


The problem is the gods are really reflections of sentients in the warp. These sentient thoughts (and the sentients themselves once they die) feed the warp.


The way the gods were created were they consumed the "like" warp entities. i.e. they were the whirlpools that drew others like themselves to themselves, and together they got bigger.


Thus the chaos gods are not black and white.


Khorne is the god of killing, in all its forms. Martial, diabolical, murder, and more. But Khorne is the "death".


Slaanesh is debasement, in all its forms. It is complicated in the ways that Slaanesh is debasement, but even the Keeper of Secrets is a major indication that Slaanesh has now bounds of debasement. The debasement of war, the debasement of souls, the bebasement of morals, all fee Slaanesh.


And so on.


Tzeentch is not the warp and he doesn't feed of it. He can't. The warp entities need living beings to power them (thus the corruption living creatures is the goal of all Chaos entities is the corruption of living beings.



Ok, back to the point.


All the chaos gods are composed of all the creatures/entities they have consumed. This is why Slaanesh has an Eldar feel to it. She consumed almost the whole Eldar race and was empowered by their psyches.


So if a Chaos god "died" it would be consumed by the "victor" and neither would exist after that, but a new entity would exist, and that would be the combonation of the two of them. A new third entity that consumed the psychic powers of the previous two.



So their can't be a winner, but there wouldn't be a loser. There would only be a new world.

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I can truthfully say that I had never thought of many of the aforementioned posts(sorry i cant quote the specific ones there are quite a few) I had merely brought up the topic because it was something I have debated with one of my friends and two way arguments tend to be, ....unchanging... however I heard from someone that there used to be a fifth chaos god (in 2nd edition)and that said god was kind of like an opposite to the other gods ( no I dont mean hes all smiles and hugs) Also as many people have said the Chaos gods draw poweer from MORTAL entities correct me if I'm wrong but neither gods nor daemons are what I'd call mortal as such I believe it completely possible for one god to come out on top in a war
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I can truthfully say that I had never thought of many of the aforementioned posts(sorry i cant quote the specific ones there are quite a few) I had merely brought up the topic because it was something I have debated with one of my friends and two way arguments tend to be, ....unchanging... however I heard from someone  that there used to be a fifth chaos god (in 2nd edition)and that said god was kind of like an opposite to the other gods ( no I dont mean hes all smiles and hugs) Also as many people have said the Chaos gods draw poweer from MORTAL entities correct me if I'm wrong but neither gods nor daemons are what I'd call mortal as such I believe it completely possible for one god to come out on top in a war


5th god is here:



There are many other "gods". Some are powerful enough to be seperate entities, others are just portions of the big 4.


Here are two things I wrote, while not 100% about what you stated, and not "terribly" well written, they were older posts of mine on my perception of the nature of chaos and its interactions with mortals. This is based on the older books in 40k.




I'd call mortal as such I believe it completely possible for one god to come out on top in a war
The problem is you have to go deeper into the fluff to see what the Chaos Gods are.

They are not "individuals" or even arguably sentitent.




Here is something I wrote awhile ago:

Each of the four powers is an expression of an idiosyncratic emotion created by sentient minds. They are the representation of extreme aspects of the traits shown by the living as emotions are created, and souls empowered with their energy, so is the warp affected by the emotions. Ripples of energy are stirred in the warp with each emotion, the more extreme the emotion, the larger the effect. Death severs the psychic link of the material body, releasing the stored energies, the soul, into the warp, where much of the energy is freed into the warp, but many of the extreme traits maintain cohesion, and are drawn to like traits. This cause eddies and currents within the warp and pools of like traits. The largest of these pools are the Chaos powers.


My opinion is that each Power/or lack there of expresses one baser emotions. Something that drove the living beings during their life, enough that the emotions and motivations continued to exist even after the living had died. The Chaos Powers absorbed this energy and it has given them purpose through the ages. It is these baser emotions that give power through the Warp.


Chaos it self can not be considered a sentient being, a living thing composed of warp energy, but as with most living beings, it uses power in its existence, creating daemons to do its bidding, maintaining its cohesion in the warp, but this is out of the "memory" of the spirit/soul energy that crated it. So it must have a method of gaining power to maintain its existence. So while daemons and warp creatures may seem to be favored of all by the chaos power, it is the mortal creatures that create and ultimately add to the chaos power who are its main source of psychic food. The chaos powers do this by promoting character traits it embodies among mortals, and feeding on the underlying psychic emanations of all living things. An example is that all beings who kill, no matter what their conscious feelings, are contributing at least a little of themselves to the body of Khorne. If the being is devoted to Khorne, then more is contributed, if they are dedicated then the whole of the beings energies feed Khorne. In this way we see why mortals are given domain of daemons, for it is the mortals who empower Chaos.


But becoming favored or a champion of a power really requires the mortal to focus their being to the aims of the Chaos power, or more correctly, one whose actions promote the emotions which feed the chaos power. As the psyche aligns with the traits of the warp power, it may then feed energy into the mortal being to empower them. This empowering will usually be rewarded back to the Chaos power many times over as those around the "champion" see the favor they may gain, and renew their efforts. The initial motives for aligning with a power are usually as varied as the normal motivations of mortal beings, hate, revenge, personal ambition, but in the end, they are all feeding the chaos powers.


When a mortal becomes a champion, they will usually attempt to strike a bargain with the chaos power. This bargain really isn't a bargain as mortals understand it. What happens is the chaos power consumes the mortal's shadow self, or the part of the mortal which lives in the warp. The warp power and the mortal are not united, with the warp power directly feeding off the mortal's psychic energies. In this way the chaos power gains an initial burst of energy when it consumes the mortal's shadow self, and gains the ability to harvest the emotions directly from the host instead of waiting for the energies to filter through the warp. The mortal will see an increase the ability to tap the warp, initially gaining power. But over time the mortal will see that it takes more emotion to bring themselves enjoyment then it use to, as the warp power consumes much of the direct emotion. So a Slaanesh Champion may find that they are driven to deeper and darker experiences to bring pleasure to themselves, as the Slaanesh is consuming most of their experiences.


And with the bonding of the chaos power to the individual and the consumption of the shadow self; the mortal may never free themselves from the warp power. As with their death, they are wholly the warp powers, to do with as they will. In addition, if the mortal champion falters in their belief, the feedback from the chaos power will turn them into a spawn, a creature that only lives to feed the warp entity.


The ultimate reward the mortal seek is immortality, one of the main reasons for starting down the path of Chaos. The achievement of this is usually when the mortal champion has attuned themselves with the chaos power to the point where the chaos power has free reign from the warp to the mortal. The warp power may then expend an amount of energy to invest the mortal with an immortal shell. This process is usually referred to as obtaining daemon prince status. As the mortal elevates to daemon prince status, they may still generate energy for their patron warp power. It is this reason why daemon princes are favored over Greater Daemons, the Daemon Prince is contributing energy to the warp power, while the Greater Daemons are expending it.


Daemons of the warp are another aspect of the warp power. Some are stand alone daemons, smaller "quasy" powers who have gained some sentience and enough power to manifest in the physical world. Others are aspects of a greater power, independent minions of a warp power. And the last groups are daemons who were once mortals. The quasy powers seek to obtain more power for themselves to prolong their lives, and grow. The aspect daemons, seek to acquire power for their master so that the master power will continue their existence. The mortal daemons are the eternal slaves of the chaos power, but they have an advantage over the others. They create power through their existence, so are usually favored amongst a powers minion. Champions, who did not reach the lofty position of daemon prince, may be "kept" as minor daemons. Their souls having enough power to be worthy of not being consumed, and having the chaos power invest energy to preserve them.  With the chaos power assuming that they will be rewarded with more energy from their new minion. Some lesser mortal daemons rise through the ranks of daemon hood as they find additional mortals to sponsor their warp power. A once mortal Plague Bearer of Nurgle may infest a city with a terrible disease bringing Nurgle many converts, and Nurgle rewards them with more freedom, and possibly daemon prince status, though the limited freedom given to mortal daemons will usually assure that none gain the freedom to achieve this.


So we see the link between chaos and mortals, and the driving force for Chaos' active recruitment of mortals.


and something else I wrote:


After Reading the Slaanesh Liber Chaotic, I had some thoughts (and no radio in my car so I had time to think).


We know that Slaanesh/Khorne/Nurgle/Tzeentch were created by the impact on the Warp that sentient minds have. We know that over time the "energy" of those minds transformed the warp from a stable calm place into the wildly crazy place it is now in the 41 Millennium.


So for this discussion lets say the warp is a colorless plane, and all the emotions are colors (for simplicity). Lets say that each act/thought is a color, and when done, this color is reflected in the Warp, tinting the Warp/real space where the act happens. So when a large number of people have the same color experiences, the warp/real space in that area weakens, and we have Chaos incursions. Also let say that each thought/act colors the person's soul.


This can also be helped along by areas where specific acts of that color are happening. So if a huge plague outbreaks, and the people thoughts turn to those of Nurgle, then the barrier can weaken, and Nurgle has access to the people in the area (to either bless or harvest).



Ok, now lets say you take a real devotee of Chaos. This person is only a single person. But they have spent a huge amount of time building up the Favor of Chaos. But perhaps they didn't. Perhaps what it is, is they are slowly coloring their soul. We know that (in 40k) souls go back to the Warp, and are "recycled". Souls that are powerful enough (it would have to be real powerful) can be reborn into the physical world.


So back to our person. Perhaps they perform acts that reflect on the Warp. But they are also coloring their souls. So lets say that the soul is a mini-warp battery. If you die, your soul is consumed by the power that it most mimics (matches colors). If your soul is pretty color less, it disolves. If you are powerful enough, you can maintain the "cohesiveness of the soul" and be reborn. But perhaps, if during a lifetime, your soul becomes colored enough that it starts attracting more of the color? Such as a Chaos Lord. And now your soul starts creating an attraction to that color. So your soul actually starts weaking the warp/real space barrier.


Now at some point, if you have enough warp energy, or you have thinned the barrier, the Warp Energy flows through the thinned barrier, and into the person. Now if the person is a good match for the color that comes through a New Daemon prince is born. If they were not ready for the color, or they had other colors "tainting" their soul, they are warped by the incoming colors, and a Chaos Spawn is born.



So on the other side of this, the most beneficial souls to the Chaos Gods would be those of their own followers. But before the follower can open the barrier and become a prince or spawn. So in the case of Khorne, a bloodthirsty warrior would be more "tasty" then a non-warrior. Though the "death" of the soul would taint it to be a small taste. For Slaanesh, the acts performed on a victim would color both the person committing the act, and the person the act is committed upon. This would also explain why Nurgle waxes and wanes, it depends on the Plagues to open people to Nurgle.


But this also explains the biggest problem Chaos has. To gain favor (color your soul) you need to "sacrifice"/Battle other champions of your own color. Their souls would be worth more, as they are a purer color.


Ok, a bit of fluff to support my idea.


There were these guys. The Shamans. They were immortal. But not in the sense they lived forever, but that even when they died, they were reborn. They could live for ever.


But this was before the spread of humanity. Back in the times when humanity was limited to one planet.


And of all the races, humans have the largest impact on the Warp. So during the time the Shamans lived, and helped mankind, the warp was calm. So "lesser" spirits could be reborn, as the warp had (from the example above) no color.


But as humanity spread and their passions/thoughts colored the Warp, one by one the Shamans were dissolved into the Warp. Absorbed by the warp, as they could not maintain themselves in the more turbulent warp.


So the Shaman decided they needed to take the next step, and protect humanity from this turbulent Warp. They committed ritual suicide together, and merged their warp presence, and were reborn as the Emperor. (This is the real old fluff).


In addition, the Slaan use to teach the Eldar, that a "perfect" mind could survive death, and be reborn into a mortal body. So the Slaan had perfected this, and even death wasn't a fear to them, as they would be reborn.


But Again, along comes humanity and we stir up the Warp. Now in the Necron Codex it is suggested that the Necrons "seeded" humanity. This had two major effects.

1) Some humans are born Warp Blind. In that they do not reflect in the warp, and they are not touchable from the Warp. The humans use these as assassins (cullex?) and the Necrons harvest them to be Pariahs.


2) The average human creates a larger then average effect on the Warp. The helps the Necrons by preventing Warp Entities from being reborn, and all but eliminated the Ancient Slaan. But the back fire of this, is that the energies of those souls coalesced and created the Chaos Powers. Much more powerful then the Slaan, but very fragmented.


So where does this leave us?


Well the average soul upon death is "absorbed" back into the Warp, feeding the Warp powers (contributing to their energy). It's power isn't enough to maintain itself, and the "predators" of the warp tear it apart for the "colors" inside of it. But what of those of significant color? Their souls are drawn to the larger colors. Feeding and empowering them. Now this doesn't' mean that only the 4 major powers get this energy, there could be hundreds of smaller "shades" that draw off this power, but are infact autonomous portions of the larger. (think Khaine and Khorne).


So an example could be the astronomicon. The Emperor is a Warp Power, he is fed souls of psykers, untainted by Chaos, purged of their colors. But his body is left in the Material world, binding his mind to the sole purpose of the Astronomicon. The fear being his death, or perhaps the fact that he hasn't died, has prevented the new Warp Power from being unleased.


Or perhaps think of Warp Storms as "undigested" soul energy. When the Eldar were becoming decadent, they created a lot of this energy that wasn't being eaten/absorbed. Then Slaanesh started sucking up all this power, and the warp storms abated, or were consumed along with real space.


Or perhaps when warp storms precede Chaos incursions, it is chaos that comes to feed upon this energy, much as the C'Tan feed upon the "real" world energy of stars. So Cultist activities, create a fertile feeding ground for the Chaos Gods, and they send their Havesters (CSM) to free the souls and energy from the material world.



Alright, but back to the problem, with the birth of the Chaos Warp Gods, what happens to souls now. Is immortality sealed off?


No, it has changed. The new advantage is that those who "perfect" the mind, now gain true immortality.


Oh wait you say, I don't understand.




The Slaan taught that by perfecting the mind, your death allowed your "soul" to go to the warp, to be reborn in a new form in the material world.


But now we see that Daemon Prince status is the new immortality. You are merging your Warp Presence with your Material presence. If you die in the Material World, your warp presence survives, and you can return to the material world at a later time. If your warp presence is destroyed, your material presence still exists and you can reform your warp presence. Only when your "material" form is in the warp, can you be truly destroyed.


Now the assumption is there are 4 Chaos powers (The four most basic of things). But we know that non-aligned people become Daemon Princes also. So that means that there are alot more then 4 colors to the Warp. And you do not have to ascribe to one of those 4 to gain the "perfection".


No, that all said and done, perhaps Daemon Prince status is the "perfection" of mind that the Slaan were talking about. When your mind is "perfect" there is a permanent conduit between the Warp and you. This conduit isn't one of the Psycker, where you draw power for spells and sorcery, but one of Raw power.


So if we assume that the pure energy of thought and souls are what created the Chaos Gods, and the Shamans were pure tought and souls (they transcended death), then the Emperor would be a "WARP" God. Just as the Chaos Gods are "warp" gods. But they are reflections of thoughts, while the Emperor is the "uncolored" thoughts.


So there could be lots of "good" daemon princes. Persons who found "perfection" of color and obtained Daemon Prince status, but are not affiliated or bound with one of the 4 major Chaos powers. Perhaps even portions of the Emperor's Power (sensei are the children of the Emperor, psychic blanks, or self contained, immortal warp creatures). Perhaps that when one isn't associated with colors, but is "perfect" they loose the connection to the Warp, becoming a blank.


Also, while it would be harder for persons now to obtain "perfection" as they only have a few lives before their soul energy is absorbed, how does anyone make it to be a Daemon Prince? Well, the quick way is Chaos. Simple and quite well defined. The major human emotions are easy to tap, and awate the proper person to draw on their power.


But perhaps there are other ways. Perhaps the "soul" can be a reflection of need, or a sum of parts that came before it. Perhaps when a group of humans are of the same type (despare, hope, faithful, decadent), the warp in their area of real space is "colored" by their experiences. And this warp energy that isn't absorbed by larger warp entities is used in forming new souls is pre-colored, or pre-shaped (in the case of uncolored souls) to allow persons to reach Daemon Prince status. So on a really pious Imperial World, there might be born "god" like humans, that are favored by "gods", when in reality it is the warp energy of those who came before them, spawned back into human form. Kind of like how an hero is born to meet a challenge. The impression of the mind on the warp, would encourage the warp to provide a stronger soul to one birth to absorb this "energy" and rise to meet the challenge.


The connection between humans and the Warp would explain why only humans become daemon princes.


Eldar are to binary. They follow paths and such. The original eldar gods (warp gods?) are long gone, and quite weak when compared to the human created gods. Khaine is not nearly as powerful as Khorne, and the Eldar Decadence wasn't really into full swing until humanity too to the stars and provided the raw material for the Eldar's decadence to shape into Slaanesh.


Orks have Gork and Mork, and perhaps those two gods are so closely tied to the Orks that the ork Souls are absorbed by them without the chance of returning.


Dark Eldar are tied to Slaanesh. Pre-colored if I could say by Slaanesh. Their souls forfeit to Slaanesh at birth.


Tau have almost no warp signature. The only species to grow into space without the interference of the C'Tan or the Slaan?


The Tyranids have a massive warp "GOD" or presence. The Hive mind. Perhaps it is "free" thought that creates the warp energy, and the Hive mind is the only free thought, and thus the huge "shadow" it creates in the Warp. It blocks out all that it touches, overshadowing it.

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That was really deep. It made a lot of sense. One thing I dislike about the fluff is that only humans and a little eldar interact with chaos. When you said that only humans can become daemon princes it rubbed me the wrong way. You are probably right, but there have to be instances where non-humans have been corrupted by Chaos enough to become a daemon prince. Like the eldar, wouldn't the Crone World Eldar, the ones in the Eye of Terror who are really decadent and devoted to Slaanesh (I think), have daemon princes of Slaanesh. I mean the must be as degraded as it gets.

I hope that made some sort of sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Khorn have one uper hand. He likes everyone that slays ( you dont alwas have to know that it is in his namn you kill som sorry IG tropper.


It will come to a epic battle Khorn agaienst Tzeentch.

Khorn does not like magic and Tzeenth is a bit weeker in Hand to hand kombat thatn Tzeentch. So it is draw.


But Tzeentch still have the brain. he knows that he cant beat Khorn in a fair figth. So he will not figth Khorn Fair. The nex problem is that Khorn likes to kill his own to see ho have the right strength. Could bee a problem if your figth your brothers instead of the enemy.


I have to go with Tzeentch: He know the warp best of al the darkgods. He will change the outcome of the battle to come and he will first play out Nurgle and Slaanesh towards Khorn first before he attack.


But than agin: Ork or Tyranids will finaly rule the galaxy. They are to many of them. iven fore the warp.

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But than agin: Ork or Tyranids will finaly rule the galaxy. They are to many of them. iven fore the warp.


Nurgle coulld easily wipe out the 'Nids or Orks: super-plauge. However, he doesn't do this because that would radically change the established order and we all know that Nurgle hates change.


But on a probably more relevant note, Khorne is said to be the god of death. If someone was killed by a disease/died of natural causes, wouldn't that feed Nurgal?

Prehaps the chaos gods draw strength if someone expires in a way that matches them: If someone is killed, Khonre; Gets sick and dies, Nurgle; Perishes trying a new depravity, Slaanesh; being Tzeentch-y, Tzeentch.

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That was really deep.  It made a lot of sense.  One thing I dislike about the fluff is that only humans and a little eldar interact with chaos.  When you said that only humans can become daemon princes it rubbed me the wrong way.  You are probably right, but there have to be instances where non-humans have been corrupted by Chaos enough to become a daemon prince.  Like the eldar, wouldn't the Crone World Eldar, the ones in the Eye of Terror who are really decadent and devoted to Slaanesh (I think), have daemon princes of Slaanesh.  I mean the must be as degraded as it gets.

I hope that made some sort of sense.

The problem with non-humans is their warp signature.


We know the Eldar had Gods (i.e. Khaine and more) who were probably their manifestation of Daemon Princedom. I.e. they became an Avatar (later they are avatars) of their "god".


But I think it is the perception of the individual on what the power does to them.


Orks get bigger, with a war Boss being an Avatar of Gork and Mork (for lack of a better description), but orks don't have a Warp Signature perse.


Now we can establish orks did follow Chaos before, and can be possessed (witch hunters and daemon hunters book), but we don't have instances of an Ork Daemon Prince.


Not that there couldn't be any. Just nothing in the fluff to support the idea there are daemons. Though the fluff is decidely human in content.

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Khorne would win a War between the Gods. Comon, whos going to beat a War God in a War? :devil:


And as for Orks becoming Daemon Princes, it could happen I suppose. When you compare them to Khorne Bezerkers (who's only form of worship is to slay) it could happen.


Maybe Orks would be reluctant to follow a Daemon Prince. Even with their 'da biggest ork is da boss', they might not think the same when (if ever) they realise their Warboss no longer has the power of the Waaagh or isnt even an ork anymore at all.


Aww its all speculation...

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Khorne would win a War between the Gods. Comon, whos going to beat a War God in a War? :P


Hmm....yet I seem to remember a certain Eldar War God getting his has handed to, out of all the chaos gods, the god of pleasure and debasement. :blink:

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Well i think teeznetch . Why because of how he's been subtly sneaking into whats left of the mind of the emperor. I gues if a major war did break out i mean teeznetch has a lot of magic he might even be able to give the emp. the spark of life he would need to trounce the others
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How will anyone ever wipe Nurgle off the face of existance. There will be no end as long as himanity lives, but I can't see anyone actually beating nurgle.  :cuss



Your right, but Nurgle is the cool guy that every one likes, even I like him ;).

He will slap Tzeetch around if needed but manly he's to lazy to destroy gods.


Khorne will rule and Nurgle will be his neighbour friend.

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In the cosmic scale the gods know they need eachother and wouldnt challenge eachother directly, but that dosent mean they tell their minions not to engage at their own will. That's why they dont punish their minions for allying with eachother during a black crusade. Its when the warmaster is killed or the crusade is halted when their rivalries re-emerge and they resume the cival war.


If or when chaos takes all, the most powerful one (the one that may end up with the most in the end) will take down the rest, but that dosent mean they will ally and take down the most powerful 3v1. In this type of melee it is hard to see, but I have my money on slaanesh.


Slaanesh is the most able to corrupt even the hardiest of warriors. Sure rage helps Khorne, nurgle works on your despair and fear of death to serve him, and tzeentch can offer power. but what power strikes out and lures you to chaos when you're not thinking about it? Slaanesh. He already has one race nearly seduced and takes their souls when the stone is smashed. He takes plenty of human followers freely, perfection for battle an ork would readily give in to even if he dosent know pleasure like a twin-gendered race would. Kroot are seeking perfection eating whatever they deep appropriate for their evoloution (also a Tzeentch trait, cant figure whitch they would turn to) Space marines that were loyal, not turned by disease or rage, or powerlust, but by desire. That is pretty strong stuff to turn someones beliefs into mush for a desireable future.


In the end if not sooner, Slaanesh may come out on top, it was in his birth after all that the EoT ripped open. Being a khorne fan cant help but see all the gods die anyways in one final struggle, since the bugs will consume everything anyways, then necrons will unleash their legions numbering beyond the grains of sand upon earth.


But that will never come, GW wouldnt have 40k anymore to profit from!


edit: forgot to mention, slaanesh is the most able to be accepted by anyone thinking they will do something right, what chaos power would aid them best in their quest or agenda. a vigilante seeking perfection for his cause would submit unknowing of the concequences freely to a deity that offers pleasure.

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Very off-topic


* I would really like to see Nurgle farting in Tzeetch face, how is that for a change ;) *


Other than that I also believe that Khorne would really like to kill any gods, because I don't think the gods have skulls and all..

In secret they all like each other and even need each other so wouldn't let each other killed.


See it like Ying and Yang sjit. :cuss

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I personally think Khorne would win, and heres why.


Everyone remeber that guy at a party you went to... yeah you know, the one with that crazy "dont look at me, ill pee on your mother, and eat your pet bunny rabbit" look. He was sitting there drinking coyly from his red cup. Who knows what it contained? Gasoline, human blood, or maybe nothing at all. Anyways, to me,

To me, Khorne is that guy, only with horns, spikes, and lots of death. I really hope that helped clairify what Khorne is to me for everyone.


Also i definitly find Khorne to be the "baddest" of the Chaos Gods. Heres what would probably happen in a fight


Tzenetch (or however you spell it): sure hes got loads of cool "witchy" powers, and can probably do lots of cool magic tricks, but does that really matter when you have a large axe buried into your head? Nope... nope it does not.


Nurgle: Now to me, Nurgle is just to cool to get messed up in all of this "lets all have a big fight to the death" buisness, plus he seems pretty easy going and what not. Nurgle would be sitting on the bleachers, talking to the slanesh cheerleaders while holding a sign that says "Khorne im having your baby", while smoking a cigarette... cause hes just that cool.


Slanesh: Now this one would be a close, close call, as slanesh seems like the kind of guy... or girl... or shim who doesnt enjoy the wearing of pants, or any kind of crotch covering, and seriously, who wants to fight that? It would probably start off with Slanesh waving his.... well... um... "tentacles" at Khorne, but it would be followed by lots of stabbing on Khorne's part, and then some dying on Slanesh's part.


Malal: He's kind of an enigma, all revengy and such... hates chaos, but he is chaos, and we all know what happens to those kinds of people dont we. They die.


So anyways, thats the way that a big battle in The Warp between dietys would happen, and im sure people will become enraged at this post, and go and worship Malal so they can have revenge, and then hunt me down. Anyways, Chaos gods, you know i love you.



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I also still think khorne will win and Gimpro idea isn't that bad. I mean come on you will not pis a dude of is he's allready pissed-off would you...

I also have a theory about people about this, but that theory doesn't make sence if you are not as crazy like me.


So I say go Khorne, wile smoking a joint, I mean sigarets are bad for your healt you know.



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