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If I was going to make any critiques (and it's tough, cause it's a really nice piece) I'd say you need a little more range in your grey for the top of the silver. Also, be careful with your tones on the blue, right now it looks a little too much like a blue/grey split scheme than silver.
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Looks good. Some tips: add a bit of dark brown tothe darkest blue and use that at the border to increase contrast and don't highlight the lower area to pure white. Re-glaze that with some light blues to remove the pure white at the bottom. The gold looks ok.


The skull is gold too, isn't it? add some pure white highlight in the sockets at the lowest part and stretch that specular highlight just a bit to the left and right. And the sockets look rather black for gold Probably adding some little 'highlights' at the lowerpart of the inner socket could help to show the bleed and reflection of the speculars mentioned at the start of this paragraph.


And the green looks flat in that picture (compared to the rest of the shield). Adding some shading that corresponds to the surrounding colours could improve that (just add the surrounding colour to the green or some darker green and use that).

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wee, thanks for the tips.. I will incorporate those into my other tries..


But what you mean with specular highlights?

Specular highlight are these 'white spots'. It's where the liht source gets reflected the most. The extra shiny part. All your golden cross parts have the specular highlights on the upper edge. They are visible on the edge where the horizontal plane meets the vertical plane of the golden embossed cross on the shield. the skull has it too on the upper edge and on the 'eyebrows' where a ridge is (or should be) sculpted. You need some speculars on the lower edge of the socket because that's where the light would be reflected as much as at any of the other places with specular highlights if the shield would be held like you painted it now (straight vertical).


And the specular on the lower socket would bleed over a bit and reflect in the lower socket (bad description of what actually happens). Just add some highlights in the lower part of the dark socket. Not much, just enough to show that the lower part of the dark area is a bit lighter than the rest.

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nice for a 1st try.. the gold looks awesome.. the gold looks great, but i gotta say the shield looks a little off. i dont know why but it looks different to the gold. havent done too much with nmm myself so i cant offer any tips. nice work though


still great for a 1st try though. keep us posted on how your non-trial works turn out.

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