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Smoke Frog

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Smoke Frog last won the day on September 8 2020

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    Deathwatch, Black Templars

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  1. Wow, high praise! I have been mostly painting Infinity this year, but I am looking forward to (eventually) assembling and painting up a squad of terminators.
  2. Hey thanks! I couldn't find any canon information on Sentinel IX on the internet anywhere. One of the members of Kill Team Cassius (the Iron Hands guy) apparently was from the watch fortress at some point, but that's all the info I have ever seen. My inspiration for my take on Sentinel IX actually came from one of my favorite Star Trek series (Deep Space Nine). Hence why it's a space station that was originally built by the Cardassians/Eldar until ownership was transferred peacefully/conquered by the Federation/Imperim.
  3. Nice work on your watch master! Cool choice for his chapter of origin too. Looking forward to seeing more of your work!
  4. Wow there is a lot of cool stuff here. It reminds me a bit of the Enlightened Sons fanmade chapter (apparently also written by the Enlightend Sons ). They are a chapter with strong ties to their parent chapter the Imperial Fists and the Deathwatch, and seem to be also deeply involved with the Ordos Xenos of the Inqisition and with some Xenarite heretics of the Adeptus Mechanicus (the ones who really love alien tech). They live on an ice planet with a necron-tomb world underneath, and regularily use their tech to both fight them and their other enemies. How they haven't been censured yet is a problem I dont think the author has thought through yet. That being said, I love the take on the Iron Talons being completely ignorant of the fact they are not only sitting atop a dormant tomb-world, but are regularly using technology gained from it believing it is ancient Human tech. And the techno-barbarians with a Conan vibe would also be really cool; I can imagine them fighting for survival in the wastelands against monstrous beasts as well as zombie-robot skeletons with equal abandon. The ignorance behind what they are doing feels very Imperium to me; and unless they came across a true expert noone would be around to tell them that they are not simply fighting the remains of some ancient Human tech, but actually some vile heretical xenos tech. Which makes me think: if an Iron Talon was sent to the Deathwatch, would that be a huge crisis of faith for the marine in question? If they were indoctrinated from birth as a techno-barbarian and later a neophyte believing the tools they have been using much of their lives were ancient Human heirlooms, an arrival at the Deathwatch would be a rude awakening when they discovered the truth. Could they even bring this information back to their parent chapter? Would they be exiled, or seek out self-exile to cope with their belief structure being completely shattered?
  5. Thanks! The lore blurb is actually from two sources, one canon and the other fan-made. The part about questions about stability of the gene seed is from Algrim Whitefang's homebrew article on the Iron Talons in an alternate 40K timeline. Really cool stuff, but I haven't read too deeply into the timeline lore itself, not sure if it is a "fill the gap" piece or more divergent from the canon. I actually read this article first by mistake before I realized it wasn't the official lore, but I enjoyed the article so much I kept a bit of it in my own lore blurb (apologies for the heresy!!! ). But the skin draped over their power armor and their "barbarous appearance" are on both the wiki and the lexicanum articles on the chapter (sources from the Dark Creed novel by Anthony Reynolds apparently). That's how I found out they were not only members of the Astartes Praeses but also successors of the White Scars, not the Iron Hands like I originally assumed Kind of like the Crimson Talons, Red Talons, and the Brazen Claws since all their heraldry looked similar. But I was proven wrong, and that worked out because it gave me a good excuse to use the old Space Wolf head. Good point on the kruelboyz kits; I didn't have the energy to graft any skin onto this dudes armor this time around. The name inspiration is a rather silly source... its how my 3-year-old says "seven" and that is what she called the marine while I was painting him. By coincidence, in real life apparently it also means either "why" or "reason" in Turkish. I didn't notice the "guttural" language before, using some old Hebrew names would have been a really good idea!
  6. The biggest thing I was looking at in the new Deathwatch Index was what kinds of marines would make up each kill team. Using the old names to the best of my memory: Proteus Kill Team 5-10 Deathwatch Veterans 0-4 Jump Packs (Vanguard Veterans) 0-2 Veteran Bikers 0-4 Terminators Fortis Kill Team 5-10 Intercessors 0-4 Hellblasters 0-4 Assault Intercessors 0-2 Outriders (primaris bike dudes) Indomitor Kill Team 5-10 Heavy Intercessors 0-2 Aggressors 0-2 Eradicators 0-2 Inceptors (jump pack dudes) Spectrus Kill Team 5-10 Infiltrators 0-2 Eradicators 0-2 Suppressors 0-4 Incursors 0-4 Reivers Weapon option errors notwithstanding, I like that the Suppressors got added somewhere that is a cool addition. Why no Infernus marines or the guys with the nerf guns (desolators?) Surprised they didn't make the cut, it would have been neat to see them added to the Fortis Kill Team roster. I am less surprised the Bladeguard didn't make an appearance but that would have been cool too. I also think its hilarious from a business-standpoint how by giving 0-2 limits on many of the cool toys that kill teams could play with in the past, that now its a way to encourage buying more marines! Not something I am necessarily happy with either of course, because I can't field an Indomitor Kill Team above 7 minis right now. I always found the 5-man teams of Eliminators pretty cool too, or the idea of a 4-man Eliminator plus one Incursor/Infilitrator a cool option but looks like that is a no-go now too.
  7. The third member of the squad is Brother Harrath of the White Consuls. What makes a hero is not only his actions on the battlefield. A Space Marine is judged by his battle-brothers and by the Emperor Himself, both for the strength of his arm and the strength of his purpose. –Brother Captain Longinus of the White Consuls Marine Name: Brother Harrath Duty Position: Phobos Infiltrator armed with marksmen bolt carbine Chapter Name: White Consuls (Astartes Praeses) Successor of: Ultramarines (2nd Founding) Homeworld: Sabatine (conquered by the Lords of Silence Heretic Astartes) Very straightforward marine to do, but I am decently happy with how the heraldry transfer applied. I should probably buy some microset. I think its hilarious that the Black Consuls have a white bird and the White Consults have a blue bird as their heraldic symbol of choice. Fourth and final phobos marine is Brother Astroval of the Angels Eradicant. In late M41 the Angels Eradicant executed the cleansing of the Revenant Rex, a supermassive space-hulk infested with Orks at Theta Reticuli. The chapter suffered a high number of casualties during the engagement, though after the conclusion several of their most accomplished veterans were seconded to the Deathwatch to bring their xenos-fighting abilities to bear upon battlefields across the wider galaxy. Marine Name: Brother Astroval Duty Position: Phobos Infiltrator armed with marksmen bolt carbine Chapter Name: Angels Eradicant (Astartes Praeses) Successor of: Dark Angels Homeworld: Unknown I enjoyed painting this marine; tied with the Subjugator for my favorite infiltrator of this batch. My notes said to paint a "red cross" on his knee, but after I went back to check my reference photo I realized the cross was supposed to be more of a saltire (an "x"). Oops, but it looks good so too late to change it now! Here are the four new infiltrators along with their medic and communications support specialists: Heraldry right to left: Subjugators, Iron Talons, White Consuls, Angels Eradicant, Excoriators, and the Crimson Scythes
  8. My last four Infiltrators are finally complete: This means I have finally finished both my extra box of infiltrators, but also that infiltrator starting box. Basically all the phobos marines are done save for my Phobos Librarian. Sergeant Fabian of the Subjugators: Known for their zealotry that rivals their genetic cousins, the Black Templars, the Subjugators are infamous for their extreme and unsubtle methods of warfare. There are numerous documented occasions where the Subjugators have liberated a conquered Imperial world at the cost of its entire population. Despite this, while the Subjugators methods may be costly, they are also spectacularly effective. Marine Name: Sergeant Fabian Duty Position: Phobos Infiltrator Sergeant armed with marksmen bolt carbine Chapter Name: Subjugators (Astartes Praeses) Successor of: Imperial Fists (23rd or 24th Founding) Homeworld: Xenax Since this Spectrus Kill Team was designed with the intent of each member hailing from one of the Astartes Praeses chapters, this marine is a member of the Subjugators. The Astartes Prases are stationed around and assigned to protect from incursions out of the Eye of Terror, numbering some 20 chapters of which only 14 are actually named in the wiki. The idea for this organization originated from Leman Russ, who after the Second Founding hoped to ring the Eye of Terror with chapters born from his legion. When his successor experiment the Wolf Brothers failed spectacularly this dream fell apart, until centuries later when the Astartes Praeses order was enacted. I enjoyed painting this mini; I know he is the bog-standard one right out of the box but I think he has a lot of character. Enjoyed working a Imperial Fist transfer and turning it into a Subjugator too. The second infiltrator of the squad is Brother Seben of the Iron Talons. This fearsome chapter is noted for appearing barbarous-looking, as its battle-brothers have a morbid tendency to drape their enemies’ flayed skin on their battle-plate. They share their forefather’s battle lust and aggressive style of warfare, but questions have begun to surface regarding the stability of their gene-seed and the rumors of the sheer savagery of their conduct in battle. Marine Name: Brother Seben Duty Position: Phobos Infiltrator armed with marksmen bolt carbine Chapter Name: Iron Talons (Astartes Praeses) Successor of: believed to be White Scars, possibly 3rd Founding Homeworld: Unknown, presumed to be located near the Eye of Terror This marine uses one of my last Storm Claws heads I have had sitting in my bits box for ages. I think he captures the barbaric feel in the little lore that does exist about this chapter. I also enjoyed an article I found written by Algrim Whitefang for an alternate history of this chapter.
  9. I love your style of painting the Lamentors! Your heraldry is fantastic. I am really impressed by that tiny missile launcher array... are those toothpicks shoved into plastic rods?!
  10. Wow your Abaddon looks amazing! He looks truly vicious with that facemask on! He is giving off great Bane vibes.
  11. Yesterday I finished five Incursors that had languished in an assembled-but-not-painted state for some time. These marines are all part of my kill team made up of marines from the Astartes Praeses, the marine chapters tasked to guard the outskirts of the Eye of Terror and who (failed to) protect Cadia from the incursions of Abaddon and his Black Crusades. From left to right: Black Consuls, Marines Exemplar, Brothers Penitent, Night Watch, and the Sons of Malice. Starting with the squad leader we have Sergeant Davok from the Black Consuls: The Black Consuls are the least compromising of the Primogenitor Chapters, brooking no deviation from the tenets laid down in the sacred Codex Astartes. Members of the chapter, whose history is rich with battles won, are stern and uncompromising, with a history of xenophobia and unusually brutal combat tactics for an Ultramarines successor. The Black Consuls were recorded as completely annihilated at the Siege of Goddeth Hive in 455.M41 by elements of the Word Bearers and the Iron Warriors, however other records point to surviving forces of the Consuls active in the Jericho Reach at the time. This is due in part to the preference of the chapter to deploy kill-team and squad-sized operating forces throughout the galaxy, to include sending battle-brothers to tours of duty in the Deathwatch. It is known the chapter was finally brought back up to full strength upon the conclusion of the Indomitus Crusade. Marine Name: Sergeant Davok Duty Position: Phobos Incursor Sergeant armed with occulus bolt carbine and paired combat blades Chapter Name: Black Consuls (Astartes Praeses) Successor of: Ultramarines (2nd Founding) Homeworld: Cyclopia (formerly on the now-destroyed Noctis Obscurum Star Fortress) Sergeant Davok was a pretty straightforward addition, used one of the transfers I had on hand along with another Statuesque Miniatures head with some incursor-head bits cropped and added to give her the Incursor visor. And of course once I added the visor she immediately reminded me of Geordi Laforge . Second in the squad is Brother Gordwin of the Marines Exemplar. During the 13th Black Crusade, the Marines Exemplar fully deployed nine companies of marines to the war effort. Tragically their chapter master Maxim Absolon was struck down and presumed dead when his thunderhawk was shot down on a jungle moon being overrun by Abaddon’s forces. The chapter master is listed as MIA (missing-in-action), and its members still hold out hope that he survived and is active behind enemy lines as they continue to engage the Despoiler’s forces across multiple warzones. Marine Name: Brother Gordwin Duty Position: Phobos Incursor armed with occulus bolt carbine and paired combat blades, haywire mine Chapter Name: Marines Exemplar (Astartes Praeses) Successor of: Unknown Homeworld: Necris Brother Gordwin is one of two marines with magnetized arms in this squad, able to swap out for a combat knife after they deploy their haywire mine. His chapter heraldry is my best attempt to add detail to an existing space marine transfer, as the one I printed didn't turn out so good. I think it looks better at a distance... Next in the lineup is Brother Crastus of the Brothers Penitent chapter. The Brothers Penitent were formed around a disgraced core of Ultramarines who only partially redeemed themselves for their sin of [RECORDS EXPUNGED], but as punishment were forbidden from ever again donning Ultramar Blue or display the proud symbol of the Ultramarines. Therefore they still wear the inverted Ultramar “U”, to remind them of their previous transgression, and to always drive their perpetual thirst to regain their honor. Marine Name: Brother Crastus Duty Position: Phobos Incursor armed with occulus bolt carbine and paired combat blades Chapter Name: Brothers Penitent Successor of: presumed Ultramarines Homeworld: Unknown, located near the Cadian Gate and the Eye of Terror The info for this chapter is inspired by Brushcommando's thread over on Dakka Dakka, where he fleshed out his take on the color scheme and heraldry of this blank-slate chapter. Brother Crastus started out as a Relictor, however I saw I was going to have a hard time fitting the Relictors transfer on his shoulderpad while I was painting him. After a quick google search I came across the Brothers Penitent, who had no chapter symbol… and after another google search I came across Brushcommando’s blog. His scheme was simple- red armor, black shoudlerpads, inverted Ultramarines symbol. Now that I think about it I wish I had worked more red into this model aside from just the grenades. The fourth incursor of the squad is Brother Norrad of the Night Watch. Posit: It is presumptive the Night Watch are of Ultramarines stock, due to their willingness to work alongside the marines of Macragge on campaign. Several contingents of marines were present during the successful assault and liberation of Augura in the Zeist Campaign of 999.M41. There they served under command of an Ultramrines Second Company task force led by Captain Cato Sicarius to hold back the expansion of the Tau Empire. Counterpoint: Despite the evidence of the Zeist Campaign, they are known to have simultaneously fielded 11 full companies against the forces of the Despoiler during the 13th Black Crusade (also 999.M41). This would potentially put the Night Watch in direct violation of the Codex Astartes imposed 1000-marine limit; and open them up to censure should ever they come under the Inquisition’s gaze. Marine Name: Brother Norrad Duty Position: Phobos Incursor armed with occulus bolt carbine and paired combat blades, haywire mine. Chapter Name: Night Watch (Astartes Praeses) Successor of: Unknown, evidence may point to Ultramarine lineage Homeworld: Silence I am very happy with how this guys chapter symbol came out, I think it is the best heraldry of the squad. Very little is written about this chapter aside from some basic info, and that bit of non-codex compliance in the form of over the 10-company limit of marines. Certainly some codex heresy going on. I know the little lore of this chapter was made long before Game of Thrones blew up on TV, but does anyone know if the name of this chapter was inspired by Martin's books after they were published? Its probably a coincidence in my opinion. That being said I like the idea of their lore being based on the members of the Nights Watch from the book: stalwartly defending their icy fortress world alongside the chaotic wilderness of the Eye of Terror and the cold-depths of space. I think another interesting slant could be that their fortress-worlds are themselves nearly entirely deserted save for chapter serfs and menials, and they recruit from a host of far-off worlds that see the tax of recruits for the chapter as either a burden and/or a means to get rid of the scum and criminals of their worlds, with the pretenses and vague vestiges of this being an honorable duty or vocation having abandoned long ago for stark realism and the existential dread of guarding against an ultimately-impossible-to-defend-against foe. I could see plenty of avenues for corruption to be occuring too, or perhaps the marines of the chapter are taking a Lord Huron route to bolstering their defenses at the expense of Imperial Law, in which their excessive liberties in bending the Codex Astartes has only just recently drew the gaze of the Inquisition. ...and in speaking of corruption, lets talk about marine #5 of the squad, Brother Lector of the Sons of Malice! Cannibalism, while abhorrent to most citizens of the Imperium, is not an uncommon occurrence within the ranks of the Adeptus Astartes. Indeed thanks to the Omophagea implants, a marine may literally “learn by eating” the flesh and brain matter of a foe, to gain some measure of genetic information or memory of an enemy. Chapters borne from the Blood Angels were rumored to frequently partake in these whispered, barbaric practices, and the former marines who later became the Sons of Malice were no exception. But when Inquisitor Solomon Pietas, a member of the Ordos Hereticus accompanied the chapter to Cilix 225, he was horrified by the behavior of the marines and believed they had already succumbed to a chaotic taint. Immediately rebuking their chapter master, Solomon sent word of the chapter’s transgressions to holy Terra to censure the chapter. Ironically it was this very act and the harrowing accusations of heresy that followed that eventually forced the chapter’s hand. By the time the incoming extermination fleets arrived it was already too late. Their homeworld of Scelus was set ablaze and the chapter was routed; the survivors were driven into the Eye of Terror, the injustice of their treatment by the Imperium driving them into the arms of the enemy for whom they had been created to defend against. Marine Name: Brother Lector Duty Position: Phobos Incursor armed with occulus bolt carbine and paired combat blades Chapter Name: Sons of Malice (Astartes Praeses, declared Excommunicate Tratoris. Original chapter name is unknown) Successor of: Unknown, possibly Blood Angels but this claim is unsubstantiated Homeworld: formerly Scelus (destroyed), currently the space hulk Labyrinth believed to be adrift in the Eye of Terror Brother Lector has the face only a mother could love. Also I really wanted to use this helmet ever since I built my Techmarine ages ago. I do wish I had picked some larger skulls to use for his heraldry, but it was enough of a pain to get the transfers to this state so I am not changing them. Lore wise this is one of the chapters of the Astartes Praesus guarding the Eye of Terror that went traitor. According to the wiki this chapter had its original name erased and have fully turned to chaos, so potentially this marine had joined the deathwatch prior to his parent chapter's fall. I could have made him another blackshield but I wanted to maintain the motif of a half-black and half-white skull. Cool fact about the chapter is that they fight in utter silence. Considering Brother Lector looks like he has had most of his face replaced with cybernetic parts he may have had his vocal cords removed too, and now during the few times he actually does speak his voice is nothing but a cold, metallic robot voice. And of course since his parent chapter fell to chaos after cannibalism made them go crazy, I decided to name him after a rather famous cannibal from modern cinema. Thats all for now, I have four more infiltrators to complete before this kill team is entirely finished. Here are all six incursors I have finished, along with Brother Bedovard of the Knights Unyielding that I already had painted:
  12. My last five Eliminators are complete, all Greyshield veterans of the Indomitus Crusade seconded directly to the ranks of the Deathwatch. Painting my eliminators has been another great experience for me attempting darker skin tones. Here are two of my recently painted minis along with a Sons of Medusa marine I painted with sculpted dreads some time ago:
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