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Interrogator-Chaplain Ezra

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About Interrogator-Chaplain Ezra

  • Birthday 04/02/1984

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Interrogator-Chaplain Ezra's Achievements

  1. Today in AT, I lost a game. Something like 50 to 30 points. 1k game, Fureans (2 Reavers, 2 Warhound in a Ferrox) vs Mordaxis (1 Reaver and 3 Warhounds in a Venator). When the dust settled (we ended up playing the full 6 turns), only my Princeps Senioris (in a compromised Reaver) and a Mordaxis Warhound (both with zero voids) were left standing. Highlights include losing a Reaver to a reactor meltdown that ended up putting down the Mordaxis Reaver via a Silenced critical, my undamaged Princeps Senioris almost getting his Reaver head-capped by a falling Warhound he'd just torn to pieces, and the previously Silenced Mordaxis Reaver getting damaged (it was part of a not-so-wise ploy on my part) and falling over one of my Warhounds and destroying it. Reactors ran hot, shields were collapsing everywhere, and only the first game turn went by without something going hilariously wrong for one or the other. I had taken the War of Fate stratagem, and it wound up utterly wrecking an entire turn for my opponent (mostly by turning his sixes to ones in the combat phase). Luck swung wildly both ways, and much fun was had. I note that aside from bad luck on the dice, my Fureans Reaver Banzai is proving to be both fun and oddly effective. We made some mistakes regarding rules, learnt a lot, and came away wiser.
  2. I'm toying with the idea of banestrikes, 2 heavy flamers, and some mauls. They'll bully PA squads off objectives and clean away chaff. 2 units in Rhinos to make up my mandatories in a PotL list. As an alternative to banestrikes, combi-grenades.
  3. Maybe it's the angle, but the Kratos looks slightly bent to me, the front track sections look like they aren't on a straight line.
  4. So the engineers of the Leagues are called brokkrs brokhyrs. And their weapons sound like they might be somewhat broken. This could be fun.
  5. Had thought I'd end up with AL (and even bought some paint). Now I'm seriously considering WS.
  6. You haven't seen British tank designs from before 1944, I see Yeah youll notice they immediately dropped side sponson guns from everything when they were expected to drive over anything but a shelled flat wasteland, because they are a liability with basically no advantages. And moved them into silly little extra turrets that had no place on any tank whatsoever while keeping all the shot traps and even inventing new ones. When they weren't trying to kill the drivers or work the poor sods in the turret to death.
  7. You haven't seen British tank designs from before 1944, I see :P
  8. They look like runes. Middle is straight-up the Rune ᚻ Haglaz (meaning "hail", as in the precipitation), specifically the variant hægil (or hægl) from the Futhorc (Anglo-Saxon runes), but reversed. The first one looks like it could be either a modified ᛉ (Algiz) or ᛏ (Tiwaz). In warhammer fantasy the Dwarves did have their runic alphabet in one of their army books (and maybe a WD), could be worth seeing if the Squat runes mean anything in 'GW' runes. Doesn't look like it fits, sadly.
  9. I can always convert a Goliath for a biker, but where will I find a suitable twink to ride shotgun?
  10. I look forward to getting my Mad Max on. "I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war. Look at what remains of your gallant scouts."
  11. Is it just me, or are both the carapace guns Draining? This is a Warhound after all. Hardly the stoutest reactor track around.
  12. I have an idea for a gang based on Kiss of all things. So merely wondering what others where planning. Should have been more clear. Mea culpa.
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