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Honda last won the day on January 7 2019

Honda had the most liked content!

About Honda

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  • Location
    Katy, Republic of Texas
  • Faction
    Black Templars

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  • Armies played
    Black Templars, Elysians



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  1. Love the character you've imbued your team with. It looks ragtag and full of story.
  2. Thank you for the feedback brothers, I will strive to get better pictures of them for the completed status. I'd be very happy to. Let me get somebody built and I'll go through the process step by step. I think you'll find it pretty straightforward. Cheers,
  3. Apparently all of them. The rest of his brethren are a little miffed right now.
  4. It's been awhile since I've had much to post about. There's been a lot of Real Life going on, mostly related to work, and that hasn't allowed for much hobby time. I don't think I've ever taken this long to paint 11 guys. It's a weird kind of feeling. But...when I've found little cracks of time here and there, I've continued to make progress on my Genesis squad. I still have little details (e.g. eyes, basing) to do and then look for clean up items, but they are getting close. Some of the individuals... To tie this group together with my Imperial Fists, VIIth Legion, Roma Division, I have added a few spots of yellow (VMC Yellow Ochre) as a nod to my "Brotherhood of Dorn" concept for the Primaris attached to my crusade. So, still alive and kicking, even while being kicked. Cheers,
  5. You had me with the Templars, but closed the deal with everyone else. Nice and gritty, just the way I like them. Bravo sir!
  6. No worries, I thought it might have been from some of your Stormcast Eternal figs, but you answered the question. Cheers,
  7. Much like ZEAL, there is no such thing as too much faith. Brilliant work brother. Is the flaming censer head on the Chaplain's crozius, one of your SE bits?
  8. You have been gone too long brother, brilliant work. Thank you for sharing.
  9. I regret that I have but one "like" to give to this dread. Just outstanding brother. More importantly, you have shown what Primaris should look like with the correct livery. Cheers,
  10. <stands and vigorously applauds> Well played, brother, well played.
  11. <hat tip to Reinhard for returning the ship to its original course>
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