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Brother Cambrius

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About Brother Cambrius

  • Birthday February 17

Profile Information

  • Location
    The Liber Heraldry Department
  • Interests
    Warhammer 40K, Destiny, Formula 1, Geography, Volcanology, Transformers, Halo, Paintballing.
  • Faction
    Sons Of Doom,Vanquishers

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  • Armies played
    Space Marines



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  1. Man this is superb! Excellent find. Having seen the process of creating your own Coat of Arms when my family did it 25 years ago at the College of Arms in London, this looks great! Fun thing is that the escutcheon (the crest/shield) is only a part of a whole Coat of Arms. There's a lot more involved with banners, sigils etc and more! There's also some interesting rules for making Coats of Arms as well, with certain colours forbidden as they're solely reserved for royalty in the UK. Cambrius
  2. 5th Edition was where I played the most games and I really did enjoy the rulesets, even with some of the gaping flaws of Codex Creep etc. 4th isn't far behind, where I started my 40K journey 17 years ago (Eek! ) alongside 6th Edition. But 6th's introduction of Flyers certainly presented a very unfun arms race of 'you must have flyers or you're gonna have a bad time'. The later editions I've only played sparingly, but 8th was pretty decent as was 9th. 7th I was far too intimidated on the complexity from what I was familiar with. Cambrius
  3. Hah yeah I created it long before I discovered what The Legend of Zelda and the Triforce was. It's yours to adjust as you see fit! Cambrius
  4. Ohhh these glorious models of legend! Large McHuge is still a nickname I use for tall and bulky individuals in games I play thanks to your Company Champion and lest we forget Brother Toiletbrush. Cambrius
  5. Here it be, was on old scheme I put together waaay back when I first got into the hobby. Cambrius
  6. I'd happily read about these guys. I have a Delta Warriors colour scheme somewhere if you wish to inherit it. Cambrius
  7. Always a sucker for Celtic marines, given my heritage and add in some druidic fun with BA influences? Sold. Could introduce the 'Cauldronborn' as a name for a unit or those who have ascended to Astatrtes-hood. Looking forwards to seeing what comes out of this, well done all in getting this going. Cambrius
  8. Well alas my Brotherhood of a Thousand tale was also rejected yesterday. Oh well, hurts but I'll get through it. Cambrius
  9. I could see that happening, you really do not mess with Leopard Seals in their territory either. Would be a great spin on that too with hunting in their deemed territory and are recalcitrant towards any who seek to encroach upon their 'hunting grounds' and steal their Emperor-given prey. Cambrius
  10. V2 looks vastly better to V1 imho due to the blotchy-ness on the armour of the other. I've been painting a midnight blue colour for a very very long time now and I can definitely recommend the Kantor Blue base as the start. Give it a blue or black wash and then highlight with Alaitoc Blue via light drybrushing or edge highlighting. As Firedrake Cordova advises, I'd certainly recommend a lighter shoulder-pad trim if possible, again this could just be done via highlighting through a paler edge highlight or faint drybrush just to help pick out the edges more. If you're looking for a good muted contrast with the aquila, try a deep bronze using Warplock Bronze and highlighting with Balthasar Gold. It's the main colours for my DIY Sons of Doom army and can look really good for muted yet distinctive colouration. Cambrius
  11. There would be a wonderful air of irony if it was one of the Canon chapters with a name and colour scheme only called the 'Celebrants'... Cambrius
  12. That's understandable. In terms of reasons as to why, you have a whole variety of options. Be it tactical location to the area that the Chapter is tasked to protect (ie middle of the area, or has the most systems to protect in a specific radius of distance), a sanctified reason (e.g. a sacred world of renown in History due to major moments in the Imperium's 10000 year history), or could simply have been fate, decided by the Emperor's Tarot etc, thus His will decreed the new Chapter set their base of operations upon a world of Amethyst and thus, the Chapter took it upon themselves to embody the world they protect by becoming the Amethyst Templars? Cambrius
  13. Interesting name for these Templars! Does the amethyst bear any significance to their symbology etc or their origin? Perhaps the heraldry of their Founder, or linked to their homeworld's culture? Well to be fair the Painter's over a Decade old and was created when those paints existed waaaay back in 5th/6th ed. It's a relic of its age but still has its purpose. The colour scheme itself looks good, you've got a nice nod to their forefathers with the golden fist, do veterans mirror the Crimson Fists and paint the opposite one gold too? BT bits can certainly work well and can provide some fun flavour. But on that subject, what are the Amethyst Templars all about? Where to they prosecute their Crusades and what are their strengths and weaknesses? Who have they succeeded against, or suffered shame from in their past? Looking forwards to more here. Cambrius
  14. Some great ideas and discussion going on! One thing that I oft consider with 21st Founding Chapters is the effect on specific implants that help define or direct how a Cursed Chsoter function. I touched on one with my Death Casters that could lead to a fall or certainly lower numbers with a curse, focusing on the Black Carapace: The carapace fuses with the armour of the Astartes, letting them feel the pain of armour impacts from combat as if it were their own skin, but allowing greatly superior motion and strength at this cost. With things like the Betcher's Gland, it could be we have a chapter where it is overactive, causing thrm to have bionic mouths/grilles as the acid beaks through their jaws, or fight helmetless akin to the Space Wolves. Cambrius
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