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About Martok

  • Birthday 01/26/1987

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  • Location
    Bracknell, England
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  • Armies played
    Tau, Marines, Chaos Marines, Necrons, Tyranids, Wolves

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  1. Loving it! Haven't seen your plog in awhile.. open it up and more bipedal madness to put a smile on my face.
  2. Martok

    The Fallen

    Fallen Dark Angels using Chaos Space Marines
  3. Crossed scythes represents personal honours from Mortarion right? That could be cool for background if your inclined. Sounds spot on!
  4. Some great inspiration here. I have been wondering how I could make some cool shoulder pads for my own Word Bearers and I also have a bunch of spare blood letter bits kicking around so i shall have to give that a try!
  5. Been away for a week and come back to this! Given the vibe of the model I would say a blank blade makes sense. Great work.
  6. Cracking progress! Really looking forward to seeing how he ends up as the balance of making him stand out as a character but still keep the Death Guard aesthetic will be difficult but I am happy to see that you seem to be dealing with it incredibly well!
  7. You worked through that lot quickly!! Nicely done. The Contemptor looks really imposing! Really looking forward to see what you can do with your new stuff.
  8. Man they are really coming together now. Have you seen this sneak of the Forge World Contemptor as reference: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?um=1&hl...x=107&ty=84 The extra armour you have added is very cool. Is that on piece of plasticard with two placed on top right? - Martok
  9. Yeah I have a water filter that needs to be broken open. I had been using plastic rod for rivets as for infantry it is smaller. I can see how you could get confused Jelly Babies are very good B)
  10. That is really cool. Personally I think the band at the top of his head looks fine although if your trying to make it fit with M2/3 armor then it makes sense to lose it. As Death Guard go he looks just right as is, maybe with more he might look a bit too fancy but studs should add to the brutal look! Awesome update on previous page! <
  11. Ha you nija'd your update before I posted. That Gold is really popping against the armour now nicely done.
  12. That guy is beautiful although, as mentioned above the Gold does get a little lost against the armour maybe darkening the Gold and then highlighting so it is a little starker?
  13. This guide here isn't too shabby: http://www.elementgames.co.uk/forums/how-t...434427356601b70 I don't think I have posted here before but I have used a lot of your thread as inspiration for my new Minotaurs. Your cinematic model composition is inspiring at the least so thanks man! Good luck with the Emperor's Children! Loving the first guy but can see what you mean about the gold it looks too 1d maybe build from a darker color as it all looks like shining gold right? Saying that it does look like gold leaf at the moment which I would say is about right for Emperor's Children. - Martok
  14. Arik my Bjorn counts as: http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh52/happydiasex/Bjorn.jpg And his buddies: http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh52/happydiasex/Dread21.jpg http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh52/happydiasex/Dread22.jpg - Martok
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